No matter what your stripes, prayer must be made for some kind of peace

Let's just call it like it folks are scared. Scared of becoming a minority in your country. The problem is, its inevitable. You see mixed marriage families depicted in TV ads. You see more and more minorities in your daily life and you suddenly feel that you've lost your status in life. You feel threatened. You are going to lose this battle and once you come to grips with it we can all get on about the business of keeping America great.
Well let's a white man who is married to a black woman let me be the first to say you have no fricken clue what you are talking about. You simply see that MSM throw crap like what you said out there and you have accepted it as fact. You make up these assumptions and stereotypes that you WANT to be true, then go all-in in assuming you are correct. And you claim with your mindset that you live in a perfect utopia that doesn't stereotype or judge people at all?? God almighty give me a break. Going by your posts in this thread, the "utopia" you claim to live in isn't even close to what you say it is. And you're gonna try and stand on a pedestal and claim others are race baiting and hate-mongering?? And you claim you investigate and research your beliefs?? LOLOL :D:D:D:D
"Race baiting" & "hatemongering" are hallmarks of the Trump agenda. Did you know that immigration from south of the border is at an all time low? Did you know that over the past 10 years immigrants have contributed over $68 billion to our economy? Did you know that out of approximately 300,000 immigrants seeking entry from the south less than 1% are members of M13? Trump is fomenting racism and hatred on a grand scale and there's a clear historical reference to his actions. Let's just call it like it folks are scared. Scared of becoming a minority in your country. The problem is, its inevitable. You see mixed marriage families depicted in TV ads. You see more and more minorities in your daily life and you suddenly feel that you've lost your status in life. You feel threatened. You are going to lose this battle and once you come to grips with it we can all get on about the business of keeping America great.
^^^^^He's "WOKE."^^^^^

"Race baiting" & "hatemongering" are hallmarks of the Trump agenda. Did you know that immigration from south of the border is at an all time low? Did you know that over the past 10 years immigrants have contributed over $68 billion to our economy? Did you know that out of approximately 300,000 immigrants seeking entry from the south less than 1% are members of M13? Trump is fomenting racism and hatred on a grand scale and there's a clear historical reference to his actions. Let's just call it like it folks are scared. Scared of becoming a minority in your country. The problem is, its inevitable. You see mixed marriage families depicted in TV ads. You see more and more minorities in your daily life and you suddenly feel that you've lost your status in life. You feel threatened. You are going to lose this battle and once you come to grips with it we can all get on about the business of keeping America great.
My first thought was to Email you my thoughts on this, ia...I then realized I didn't want to hide those behind the anonymity of a private message...

First of all, I see your original post as one of the Best you've written, in recent times, and it is my personal favorite! It speaks of Peace, and Prayer, and IMO, those are the Major Components that are missing in our world, today. I wasn't surprised that it was well received, and others shared their thoughts, and showed their love and support.

I also wasn't surprised when someone turned negative, and seemed to try to pick a fight. Like the world outside of OUr message board, there are always nay-sayers and dissenters. Fortunately, we have some 'Thinking People' on here who aren't bashful about countering such comments...

Feel GOOD about Your Post, and Yourself, ia...We have your back...

Sorry for the long interim to get you thanked Ma'am; I'm in a mostly tech-free zone still but working on it. You still owe me an e-mail too that I'm anxious to get...
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Comment #1...of course you don't want to read educated opinion of documented history. You spend your time watching the Pravda of American media. You should try expanding your provincial horizons. You just might learn something 2nd are whistling past the grave yard if you don't think racism is at the heart of the cult of Trump. He has hit a nerve with a minority who "want their country back." I live in a community that is the future of America...Ft. Bend County, Texas, the most culturally diverse county in America and right next to the most culturally diverse city in America ( Houston ). I see my grand children in class with a virtual United nations makeup. They see no color. They see no religious biases. They see no cultural differences. People my age want to go back to the 50's and Trump played on their fears.

I grew up in Fort Bend County. I'm still here. While it is very diverse, as is Houston, you Sir are either ignorant of fact or just babbling bullshit if you believe your words that has been hi-lighted in red. Race relations, religous biases, and cultural biases are indeed issues and they are alive and well in the form of Political Rant such as yours that was typed onto. a message board while being in Ft. Bend County. Your hatred is so loud, you can't hear it. God Bless your Grand Children.
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I think I agree that it resurfaced because of Obama. He was obviously a transformational president who probably was ahead of his time. Racism has been a thread of fact throughout the history of this country and Trump has captured it as a cornerstone of his presidency. Obama thought people were ready for a transparent dialogue. He was wrong. The irony of all of this is that Trump voters have been sold a bill of goods. He is a chronic and pathological liar who will simply tell his base anything and they believe him. He's plucking the chicken one feather at a time.

Well according to a USA Today poll, he's the worst chicken feather plucking President of the United States. I think what you and most other liberals believe is that because he is Black, whites didn't vote for him. The fact is, he would have never been the Prez if white people didn't vote for him. I didn't like his politics. Period. His skin color never factored into it. Millions are just like me and you and your liberal friends can't deal with it so you want to blame it on race. You're wrong. He would have lost, but I would have voted Ben Carson before Hillary. Not because he was black and she had a vagina, but because I did not believe in Hillary's politics. So preach your racism all you want. Sprinkle in your facism. It's weak. It's lame and it's piss poor excuse of your politics. In this forum, no one is posting and preaching on race but you. You're preaching hate against whites and it needs to stop now.
We are all products of our past, and most of us have had Experiences that are Difference Makers...One day, we should do a Story Telling Thread...
What would really be cool is all of us meeting up for a tailgate before an OU home game. Or maybe before OU/TX down here in the metroplex sometime. Would be nice to meet some of yall on here that's for sure.
OMG...that iconic American manufacturer, Harley Davidson, so highly praised in his early days as president, is moving a large % of its manufacturing out of the U.S. BMW, a company that manufactures cars in Alabama but ships a large % of these cars to Asia is having second thoughts about its business here. The long term success of our business is tied to global trade but Trump wants to make us an insular second tier player on the global stage. Chinese leadership is dancing in the streets.
What would really be cool is all of us meeting up for a tailgate before an OU home game. Or maybe before OU/TX down here in the metroplex sometime. Would be nice to meet some of yall on here that's for sure.
Yarn-Spinners live among us...Would be Fun to hear 'em, First Hand! :p
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OMG...that iconic American manufacturer, Harley Davidson, so highly praised in his early days as president, is moving a large % of its manufacturing out of the U.S. BMW, a company that manufactures cars in Alabama but ships a large % of these cars to Asia is having second thoughts about its business here. The long term success of our business is tied to global trade but Trump wants to make us an insular second tier player on the global stage. Chinese leadership is dancing in the streets.

OFD...Everything you post scratches another scab off of my sore...

For me, when you wrote 'You Folks...', that was finger-pointing of the worst kind, as though WE are Scum Bags. It was the line in the sand...You against the Rest of Us...

The circling of the wagons has begun, and there are plenty more making ready...
I don't think I ever used the word Utopia. I also recall that my reference to the 2nd amendment was the false interpretation of the right to bear arms and or a well armed militia had no basis for a literal translation in today's United States. And exactly what did I say about Ft. Bend County that isn't true? For God's sake man, Hillary carried the county in the 2016 election. As far as any specific folks on this forum who may bring living a multi-cultural life, my point is not meant to single anyone out. My point is to point out a disturbing under current of racism and hatred nationally.
I don't think I ever used the word Utopia. I also recall that my reference to the 2nd amendment was the false interpretation of the right to bear arms and or a well armed militia had no basis for a literal translation in today's United States. And exactly what did I say about Ft. Bend County that isn't true? For God's sake man, Hillary carried the county in the 2016 election. As far as any specific folks on this forum who may bring living a multi-cultural life, my point is not meant to single anyone out. My point is to point out a disturbing under current of racism and hatred nationally.

No need. We see it in your posts. You're just one of the millions of liberals that preach manufactored hate and racism. We notice that it ramps up, gets louder and more frequent when Trump experiences successes such as a negative IG report for the Dems and/or the positive news of the North Korean summit.

Speaking of the IG report, I believe that Justice Dept is involved in a major cover up of Obama and his administration.
I don't think I ever used the word Utopia. I also recall that my reference to the 2nd amendment was the false interpretation of the right to bear arms and or a well armed militia had no basis for a literal translation in today's United States. And exactly what did I say about Ft. Bend County that isn't true? For God's sake man, Hillary carried the county in the 2016 election. As far as any specific folks on this forum who may bring living a multi-cultural life, my point is not meant to single anyone out. My point is to point out a disturbing under current of racism and hatred nationally.
I will say this about the last few elections. Obama was NOT ahead of his time. You are only saying that in an attempt to bolster your racism claim. No, Obama was a perfect example that racism in this country is NOT what some want to claim it is. Does racism exist? Absolutely! And sadly it will never go away. Racism and hatred has been alive on this planet as long as humans have existed. But that doesn't mean every single cry of racism is racism. And I still don't see how not voting for a white woman is suddenly racist in this country? Obama wasn't running anymore. And I'm with WNAS, my first choice before Trump was Ben Carson.

Literally, "racism" is the modern day slang for "I don't agree with you". And it's overwhelmingly used by the left and it's not even close. And what is really tragic, is it's overused to the point that it takes the focus off LEGIT cases of racism. I guess the left and Dems never learned the story about crying wolf. They yell racism about anything and everything, and now it's to the point people are tone deaf to the word.

Hillary and the Dems hammered away at that racism card during the election, and they still lost. And let's be honest here, the ONLY reason you are on here pushing the racist card is it's a holdover from Hillary's election. They (and the MSM) took everything Trump said, and twisted it to fit a racist narrative they wanted to push and portray. They came up with every "phobia" they could think of, and threw it out there and many just soaked it up and believed it. And @owenfieldreams I'm truly sorry you blindly bought into that.

What's funny, is you claim all this racism in the election. But Obama got less of the black vote in 2012 compared to 2008. His popularity with black voters waned. Then Hillary got even less of the black vote. Then with Trump, he got more of the black vote than either McCain or Romney. And in some of those battleground states that were decided by less than 1% or 2%, those black votes were prolly the difference between Trump winning and losing. It's very encouraging that the data is proving blacks are starting to wake up and see the Dems really don't care about them. They only care about their votes.

One thing the 2016 election taught me, is a large part of his country is not brainwashed by the media. I was convinced Trump was going to get completely crushed that night. I didn't think there was any way he could overcome the massive MSM influence in this country. But he won! Now I have a great feeling about the people in this country being intelligent enough to see through the MSM trash and figure out the truth for themselves.
I know conversations like this can get heated, but I feel the same way as you do on this. Conversations like this keep the mind churning. :cool:;)
I feel that each of us has a right to his/her opinion. For the most part, I choose to ignore the comments with which I disagree, as others sometime present new points of view that give me food for thought. In some cases, such as this most recent one, I allowed it to go unanswered as long as I could...

IMO, this one seems to have has gone on well past its prime and it's probably time to move on. Nothing new to be seen here, Folks. The same thoughts are being rephrased, and repeated. It's a No Win Situation...A 5-Page Impasse...
I agree Gary.

Charles Kuralt once said that, "We conservatives, we think the left is philosophically misguided and many of the left think we're evil."

With that, I'm out.
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Is that it???!

Our GDP has averaged about 16 trillion each year over those 10 years. That's 160 trillion dollars total. $68B/$160T = 0.0425%
Sounds like they haven't done squat for us.

I may not be a physicist, but I know what's relative..... nailed it bro. Bro; am I culturally appropriating something here? :)
Don't let that sore fester. An infection can be dangerous. I'm just here to add a little reasonable counterbalance to this right wing forum. This is fun...bring it on!

Hey, man. Another opinion is typically more interesting. While I am definitely conservative, I am not a right winger and am more open to a liberal point of view if it is a reasonable argument. Heck, I don’t watch The Five because four Republicans beat up the lone Democrat. Fair and Balanced Fox. Right. That being said any reasonable person would have to see that every cable news network is totally biased to the point of being sickening. Fox is in bed with Trump and overlooks his faults, never challenges his lies, and fosters his claims of Fake News even when it’s Real News. CNN and MSNB never gives Trump credit for the good things he does. Both networks find fault in his success, and devote 99% of their air time promoting an anti-Trump agenda. Completely unfair broadcasting on all fronts. I personally feel it’s in their best interests to keep stirring the shit to boaster their ratings. The more they stir, the more foul the smell, and they love it. If another Republican had run and beaten Hillary, and I believe that would had happened, it would the same strategy for the networks. Divide the country, push their agenda, be outlandish. Trump just makes it so much easier for each channel. There are more people in the middle than to the right or left. The GOP and Democratic parties have stepped on their d**ks. Neither have any credibility now. Hopefully, an Independent Party will arise. I’m looking forward to football season. I enjoyed your Sooner posts.
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You just can't make this stuff up ..Our president is standing in front of an audience in Greenville, S C. at a political event blasting the E.U. in general and Germany specifically over tariff issues with automobiles. This while standing in front of people who live up and down the I-85 corridor who's lives have been dramatically improved by the presence of a BMW manufacturing plant. The entire south, where Trump's base is the strongest, has been the major benefactor in the location of various foreign auto plants from Honda, Mercedes, Volvo, VW, etc. It boggles the mind to understand why people continue to support a president who tells them he is on their side and then proceeds to cut them off at the legs, time and time again. By the way, I'd be all for a group tailgate in Norman. I gave up my season tickets when I moved to Houston 31 years ago but have recently renewed them.
You just can't make this stuff up ..Our president is standing in front of an audience in Greenville, S C. at a political event blasting the E.U. in general and Germany specifically over tariff issues with automobiles.

Why is it such a crime to even the playing field when the EU charges 10% tariffs on US automobiles and the US only charges 2.5% on EU automobiles?

I implore you to research EU opinion on trade agreements between the continents. Both sides want them to be eliminated. EU members aren't exactly thrilled with the disparaging tariffs on train-loads (14% for US goods, 1.7% for EU goods). And the US doesn't exactly like the staggering tariffs on chicken which pretty much eliminates American poultry sales in Europe.

We're keying in on a single industry that only exports 450,000 vehicles to the US market each year. That's only 2.5% of US vehicle sales.

Most of us will always feel for the loss of someone's job. Sure, this could affect a small community dramatically if they are solely dependent on a single industry, but that's most of America. Pick a spot on the map outside of the metropolitan areas, and you're going to find that place is reliant on a single industry. It's too easy to play the heartstrings anytime trade negotiations are attempted.
There is 1 Ford dealer in South Korea. There are 1500 Huyndai and Kia dealers in the U. S. Now let's brag about the unmitigated brilliance of our trade negotiators.

That may be a Ford decision. How many South Koreans want to buy a Ford? I spent my entire career in the automotive industry so I am definitely going to be on one side of this deal because I still have a stake in both domestic and import carmakers retail success.
Yep. The Big Three have wanted to be worldwide for decades. None have the product to make the impact they desire in terms of sales; however, Ford’s overseas profit margins have been an important element of their bottom line numbers since the auto market rebound began here in 2012. From a mechanical breakdown point, American vehicles continue to experience higher frequency of loss and severity than Asian vehicles, which plays into the disappointing sales numbers in those markets. But the gap is narrowing.
From a mechanical breakdown point, American vehicles continue to experience higher frequency of loss and severity than Asian vehicles, which plays into the disappointing sales numbers in those markets. But the gap is narrowing.

It's been a few years since I read it, but I was under the impression that the American car manufacturers had surpassed German car makers in reliability since the automotive bailout. They still trailed Japanese though.

At any rate, I think the overall failure rate of all automobiles has decreased so much that dissing any automaker is like splitting hairs.

Doesn't the Ford Ranger, though not available in America due to the excessive truck tariffs (25%), do quite well around the world?
It's been a few years since I read it, but I was under the impression that the American car manufacturers had surpassed German car makers in reliability since the automotive bailout. They still trailed Japanese though.

At any rate, I think the overall failure rate of all automobiles has decreased so much that dissing any automaker is like splitting hairs.

Doesn't the Ford Ranger, though not available in America due to the excessive truck tariffs (25%), do quite well around the world?

JCon, except for the mid-1980 models, American vehicles have out performed European vehicles in most mechanical breakdown stats including reliability and most certainly cost of repair......think labor rates and cost of parts when compared to domestic. You are exactly right. Today, and for the past several years, there is not a meaningful difference when you ask “what’s the best car”. I used to get asked that question and I had real answers because there were some manufacturers that just didn’t make a good vehicle. That’s no longer true. When I get that question now my answer is “buy what car you like, there’s really not a bad vehicle”. That may not be exactly true because with every new release comes the potential unknown fault, which is why I had a job. :cool: I think the Ranger has done well outside the USA, and it Is scheduled to re-enter the American market in 2019.
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Just read something very, very interesting that I would love to share but haven’t a clue how. It was a Facebook post from someone I don’t even know. It was taken from “The Ozarks Sentinel: Editorial” so anyone with any sense (that leaves me out) can probably find it and share. Basically, the the article claims that there are no illegal immigrants in the state of Missouri because of place a constitutional amendment designating English as the official language of Missouri which was passed by 90%. No individual has a right to demand government services in a language other than English. In Missouri, illegal immigrants do not have access to taxpayer benefits such as food stamps or health care through the Missouri Health Net. No higher education benefits or financial aid is available to illegal immigrants in Missouri. There’s more. Can this be true. If so, why is this not being touted by the White House. Fake News??
I'm a cost of ownership guy. As a "professional tourist" I did business with big fleet buyers in 47 states from 1991-May 2003. The last I checked, labor shop hour at Allen Samuels Dodge was $95, Bird-Kultgen Ford $97, and Jeff Hunter Toyota $148. New starter for Dodge Durango $125, Ford Expedition $242 and Toyota Land Cruiser $512. Think about the price of a heater core. Chances of any failing are remote but you get the idea. I don't think any of us here are going to sell a fleet of Tundras to Verizon or the International Beef Producers.
JCon, except for the mid-1980 models, American vehicles have out performed European vehicles in most mechanical breakdown stats including reliability and most certainly cost of repair......think labor rates and cost of parts when compared to domestic. You are exactly right. Today, and for the past several years, there is not a meaningful difference when you ask “what’s the best car”. I used to get asked that question and I had real answers because there were some manufacturers that just didn’t make a good vehicle. That’s no longer true. When I get that question now my answer is “buy what car you like, there’s really not a bad vehicle”. That may not be exactly true because with every new release comes the potential unknown fault, which is why I had a job. :cool: I think the Ranger has done well outside the USA, and it Is scheduled to re-enter the American market in 2019.

Jeepers, is that true?
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