No matter what your stripes, prayer must be made for some kind of peace

"Race baiting" & "hatemongering" are hallmarks of the Trump agenda. Did you know that immigration from south of the border is at an all time low? Did you know that over the past 10 years immigrants have contributed over $68 billion to our economy? Did you know that out of approximately 300,000 immigrants seeking entry from the south less than 1% are members of M13? Trump is fomenting racism and hatred on a grand scale and there's a clear historical reference to his actions. Let's just call it like it folks are scared. Scared of becoming a minority in your country. The problem is, its inevitable. You see mixed marriage families depicted in TV ads. You see more and more minorities in your daily life and you suddenly feel that you've lost your status in life. You feel threatened. You are going to lose this battle and once you come to grips with it we can all get on about the business of keeping America great.
Your data is very flawed. What is the reason for illegal immigration being at an all time low? A stand was taken based on the laws on the books. Where is the injustice here? Over the past 10 year legal immigrants contributed over $68 billion to our economy, not illegal immigrants. I'm scared? I'm married to a Russian and work in Africa! All of my partners are black. I've been exposed to mix marriages much longer than the TV ads you reference. I have been the minority for most of my working life and it's does not bother me in the least. I've worked in political hotspots for most of the last 30 years and you think I am scared of losing my status? What is my status exactly? What twist my knickers are people like you that think they have it all figure out by reading Time or Newsweek. Trump is doing nothing more than Obama or Bush but it's people like you that pick up on CNN and think this all started in January 2017. Get your facts straight then come back for a sensible discussion.
Jeepers, is that true?

Yessir. But sales penetration on dealer service contract (mechanical breakdown coverage) sales is still averaging about 30%. The average age of vehicles on the road is close to 12 model years the last time I looked. That means 2006 models. Pretty good compared to 25-30 years ago.
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Not sure where you got the idea that I think the racism in this country or maybe the reintroduction of racism started with Trump. Racism has been a part of our history since the first black slaves walked off a Dutch boat in 1619. I think it went Sub Rosa after LBJ's great society and the progressive movements through the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's but the election of Obama brought it to the surface and Trump has played to its base constituency like a 5 piece band. Not all Trump supporters are racist. Not all are evangelical. Not all are only high school educated. Not all are white. Not all are older. But as a block of voters these threads of opinion run through his entire constituency. To use a football analogy, Obama over shot his gap assignment and Trump ran through the subsequent hole in the D untouched.
An AP article quotes a just released analysis by the OBM that says the recent tax cuts will take our current debt to GDP ratio from 78% to 152% in the next 10 years. The only sure way of stopping this out of control freight train is to go after entitlements. No one in Congress has the nerve to do this. I think S.S. is an easy fix. Frankly, I don't think it's an entitlement. We have all got skin in the S S. game. Medicare is a whole different animal. I think our medical system needs a complete overhaul and I'm in favor of a 3-legged stool approach....individual, employer, and federal govt. The recent efforts by Berkshire-Hathaway, Chase, and Microsoft have real potential.
For what it's worth, the primary upset in the Queens/Bronx election last night on the Dem. side scares the hell out of me. The young lady who took out Joe Crowley is an avowed socialist...not good and a problematic result of the current state of affairs.
What I love about Trump? He kept another plantation cracker out of the white house. Black American unemployment is lowest on record. My long dead black American paternal school teacher aunt would say "I told you so!" When I was a pre-teen, my auntie told me a Trump was coming.
I think it went Sub Rosa after LBJ's great society and the progressive movements through the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's but the election of Obama brought it to the surface and Trump has played to its base constituency like a 5 piece band.
Nice revisionist history here. Hate to break it to ya, but the "rise of racism" you elude to here was the result of the Dems and left yelling racism every time someone disagreed with Obama's policies. When it fact, those disagreements had NOTHING to do with racism. It was all about slapping that evil "racist" label on any and all opposition. And here we are continues to the be battle cry of Dems and Libs. It has each side entrenched and has effectively erased 50 years of race relations progress in this country. The lesson here for Dems and Libs, is people really don't appreciate being called racists when they in fact are NOT racists.
For what it's worth, the primary upset in the Queens/Bronx election last night on the Dem. side scares the hell out of me. The young lady who took out Joe Crowley is an avowed socialist...not good and a problematic result of the current state of affairs.
Man I agree with you here. This really is scary. Pockets of Dems these days have gone so far left they are embracing Socialist ideas.
For what it's worth, the primary upset in the Queens/Bronx election last night on the Dem. side scares the hell out of me. The young lady who took out Joe Crowley is an avowed socialist...not good and a problematic result of the current state of affairs.

It appears that you're the one scared now. Which is why many Dems voted for Trump. They felt their party left them.
Just read something very, very interesting that I would love to share but haven’t a clue how. It was a Facebook post from someone I don’t even know. It was taken from “The Ozarks Sentinel: Editorial” so anyone with any sense (that leaves me out) can probably find it and share. Basically, the the article claims that there are no illegal immigrants in the state of Missouri because of place a constitutional amendment designating English as the official language of Missouri which was passed by 90%. No individual has a right to demand government services in a language other than English. In Missouri, illegal immigrants do not have access to taxpayer benefits such as food stamps or health care through the Missouri Health Net. No higher education benefits or financial aid is available to illegal immigrants in Missouri. There’s more. Can this be true. If so, why is this not being touted by the White House. Fake News??

No way it's true. This assumes every illegal immigrant can't speak English and needs government assistance. That can't be further from the truth.
Well whatever your stripes, the Supreme Court's Ruling in favor of Trump's immigation Execution Order occurred because he appointed the latest Judge. If Hilary would have been able to steal the office of the President like she stole the Democratic nomination, she would have appointed someone differently. Elections do matter. Who you vote for has consequences. For all of Trump's rhetoric, his tweets, his in your face governing, he got my vote because of his appointing a conservative to the bench. Anything else we get like NoKo, tax cuts, and a better economy are just gravy & biscuits.
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I have no problem with any president appointing S.C.J. that fit their philosophy. What I do object to is Senate leadership blocking the ability of any president to fill a vacancy with his choice.
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BILLYRAY, it's obvious you are not a student of history so I'll try and make this as simple as possible ..slavery got us a civil war; jim crow was a work around to emancipation; Johnson lost the south; Lee Atwater invented Reagan Democrats, Obama brought them all out of the woodwork and they called themselves the tea party; Trump exploited these malcontents and convinced them through his racist rhetoric that he and only he could fix everything. By nature, this is a racist country. It was getting better until Trump came along.
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BILLYRAY, it's obvious you are not a student of history so I'll try and make this as simple as possible ..slavery got us a civil war; jim crow was a work around to emancipation; Johnson lost the south; Lee Atwater invented Reagan Democrats, Obama brought them all out of the woodwork and they called themselves the tea party; Trump exploited these malcontents and convinced them through his racist rhetoric that he and only he could fix everything. By nature, this is a racist country. It was getting better until Trump came along.
"History" does absolutely nothing to bolster your claim that the nature of this country is still racist and that Trump somehow derailed all the race relations progress made during the last 50 years. But if believing you are a "student of history" makes you feel better about believing that, then that's your right. Just don't expect me to believe it.
By nature, this is a racist country.

"By nature, this is a racist world." FTFY

In fact, human nature is and always will be to segregate differences. On one hand, we encourage and celebrate different cultures. On the other, we call any of this segregation racism/nationalism/sexism/etc etc etc.

I take offense when people try to paint America as the birthplace and cauldron of segregation.
Racism absolutely exists in America and it swings both ways. It’s not all a Republican or white issue. Maxine Waters, in my opinion, is a racist yet she would certainly deny being one. There are many Maxine Waters types on the left. Enough to match those on the right.
No way it's true. This assumes every illegal immigrant can't speak English and needs government assistance. That can't be further from the truth.

I doubt that it’s true either, but if it were English speaking illegals wouldn’t stay in Missouri given they would not be entitled to free services that are be available elsewhere. Fake News but interesting.
There's good and bad in all of us. I'm pretty good with picking out those among us who see a skin color as superior to another. I don't see it here. I've lived all my adult years with recognizing those among us who make baseless racist charges. I'm pretty good at it. When one criticizes Maxine Water's actions and policies does not make him or her a racist.
I have no expectation about anyone's beliefs on this forum and I respect everyone's opinions. I am surprised no one is mentioning Justice Kennedy's retirement.
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I have no expectation about anyone's beliefs on this forum and I respect everyone's opinions.
That sentiment isn't how you started your conversation in this thread, but I'm glad for you if that's how you actually feel.

I'm actually a lifelong Democrat who was left on the side of the road by the party. Obama brought "progressivism" into the mainstream and the Democratic leadership jumped on board his progressive bus. The leadership, Obama included, then decided that any disagreement with Obama's policy was due to racism and it's gone downhill to the point that a bonafide socialist was just elected in New York. I willingly jumped off that bus and won't get back on until the nonsense that has hijacked the Democratic party is flushed down the toilet.

Nancy Pelosi has her head in the sand and publically denies what's coming. I hope that everyone in the Democratic party doesn't bury their head like Nancy. This country needs two strong parties representing it. The current left is almost out of credibility and that's bad for all of us.
This week we have the possibility of a bloodless coup & regime change in Iran AND Syrian refugees moving to relative safety on the Israeli border to pray for...
And while we're at it, Mexico has a new President who seems anxious to work with Trump; go figure !
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Medic007...your situation as a Dem. mirrors mine as a Republican. When W took a budget surplus and blew it on a war we should have never started coupled with the hijacking of the party by a far, far right constituency, I became an independent. I truly believe as an independent I am a part of the majority in this country but the extremes on both ends of the political spectrum are destroying the country as we know it.
I appreciate your convictions, owenfieldreams. I also respect your civility in the discussion. You're a good dude... just a little misguided. :D

Civility appears to have become a moving standard of acceptance these days. While some could say that he's handled himself with civility while he called each person that believes in legal immigration a racist. And only after he called anyone that voted for Trump a racist. I don't see the civility. But I did see that it was done with ease and with a such flow of words that has allowed some to believe it is worthy of compliment.

The accustation of racism is something that I take personal and believe others should as well. This practice has now become the standard cry from the left and used as a tool to disagree politically with others. Specifically from the Left to accusing the Right. It's done in an effort to insult, belittle, and incriminate a large group of voters to continually divide our nation. But it's a false narrative. A message fillled with hate. Such as it is.
My accusations of racism were not directed at anyone on this forum. I don't know any of you well enough to make such a judgement call. My point has been and continues to be that Donald Trump's agenda when it comes to border security, Muslim bans, white supremacy, and any number of other specific incidents and comments tell me he is a racist and many in his constituency are as well.
My accusations of racism were not directed at anyone on this forum. I don't know any of you well enough to make such a judgement call. My point has been and continues to be that Donald Trump's agenda when it comes to border security, Muslim bans, white supremacy, and any number of other specific incidents and comments tell me he is a racist and many in his constituency are as well.

O but you did. You sir... did.

This thread is full of your quotes. None are worth re-typing. But they are all there. In fact, you even wish there was a political board to continue to spread your message of hate and division.

It is what it is and you are as you present yourself.
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Its a moot point as the Supremes have now upheld the travel ban that was written & tweaked several times to remove any 'racial undertones'

In a 5-4 decision.

What's going to be strange is watching the same people that are marching to and preaching the politcally charged rhetoric about 'Mother & Child reunion', then suddenly switch gears in less than 30 days to march & preach more politcally charged rhetoric in the form of 'Choice' or death of children in the form of abortion.

It will be an interesting dynamic to witness this play out as the next Justice is appointed. To be honest, I don't think Ginsburg will hang in there either. I look for her to retire after the 2020 election. Maybe earlier if her health fails her.
Well if the MSM and left is consistent, then they should be labeling the Supreme Court as having a white supremacist agenda as well.....
They will.
Count on it.
The left has to label anything and everything it disagrees with or won't accept as racist, fascist, Nazistic, misogynistic, homophobic.....while claiming their "outrage".
The tantrum continues.
G. W. ended affirmative action in our colleges. President Obama reintroduced institutional racism in our colleges. President Trump just steered us back to the Bush policy. And we call President Trump a racist. President Trump is not a racist. Black American and Hispanic unemployment is the lowest on record. President Trump wants success and security for all Americans, as do I.
My accusations of racism were not directed at anyone on this forum. I don't know any of you well enough to make such a judgement call.
Interesting you say this... ^^^^^^^

Donald Trump's agenda when it comes to border security, Muslim bans, white supremacy, and any number of other specific incidents and comments tell me he is a racist and many in his constituency are as well.
Followed by this in the exact same post.^^^^^^^^

I guess we're supposed to think that although you don't know any of us on this board well enough to say we're racists, you know many of Trump's constituents well enough to know they're racists. That makes as much sense as going to a cattle auction to buy dolphins.

Sorry, but :rolleyes:.