Mixon tape has been released

It's a non starter you moron. He was under no threat. Just spit out that you're a racist and that's your deal. I could live with you being a product of environment rather than a being willfully stupid.
"...rather than a being willfully stupid."
You write that by yourself?

I must be a racist for applying the law against a white female... it must be my Native American blood taking over my brain... there isn't enough of it to make me a non-Caucasian...

You scared to answer the simple question, still?
These under rock dwellers are just here to stir up trouble. Mixon made a bad decision and was punished for it, he was by no stretch of the imagination let off easy. In fact in todays world most of them would be whining that the penalty was too harsh if it were their kid. The kid made a mistake, was punished for it now move on as I am sure he is trying to do the same. What would you have done if you were Bob? Cut his hand off, five years in jail? Or if it were your kid no punishment at all. Go get a life you morons and stop worrying about OU. Nobody on this board had a say in what happened or what the punishment should have been so go away and take your rocks and throw them at your own glass houses. Merry Christmas!
"...rather than a being willfully stupid."
You write that by yourself?

I must be a racist for applying the law against a white female... it must be my Native American blood taking over my brain... there isn't enough of it to make me a non-Caucasian...

You scared to answer the simple question, still?

So not a racist, that only leaves the one option. I wouldn't get an argument from 99% of the population on that judgment either, hoss.
These under rock dwellers are just here to stir up trouble. Mixon made a bad decision and was punished for it, he was by no stretch of the imagination let off easy. In fact in todays world most of them would be whining that the penalty was too harsh if it were their kid. The kid made a mistake, was punished for it now move on as I am sure he is trying to do the same. What would you have done if you were Bob? Cut his hand off, five years in jail? Or if it were your kid no punishment at all. Go get a life you morons and stop worrying about OU. Nobody on this board had a say in what happened or what the punishment should have been so go away and take your rocks and throw them at your own glass houses. Merry Christmas!

The Winner! Excellent. Now let it go, guys. Merry Christmas Everyone.
Your brother is a sick and twisted man as are you for thinking this is okay! Maybe someone should dish a little out to you, you thug
I would love to meet you in a dark alley bubba
Give me your address and I will show you assault
My brother said he would defend you in court for free... You can still find me in Troy, Texas... What would you like engraved on your coffin? I'll build it free of charge for you, and I'll place your knocked out ass in it before I call the ambulance for you, bubba...
My brother said he would defend you in court for free... You can still find me in Troy, Texas... What would you like engraved on your coffin? I'll build it free of charge for you, and I'll place your knocked out ass in it before I call the ambulance for you, bubba...
I can assure you that no paramedic is going to take someone out of a coffin. That goes against all laws of humanity. You'll either need to not put him in it or go ahead and seal it up and skip the ambulance.
Did anybody see Booger McFarland on ESPN this morning?

Thought he was gonna take us to task but I think he had the most leveled opinion on this yet.
And unmercifully abusing and absolutely mauling a woman - especially one who is frail and reportedly intoxicated who posed NO real threat - defies all norms for decency.
I expect you'll be boycotting all Sooner sports until Mixon, Stoops, Castiglione and Boren are gone?
Now that I've seen the video and speculation has been nearly eliminated, I will lose at least temporarily a measure of respect for our present administration if Mixon is allowed to participate against Auburn. Where is their humanity and decency?

We all deserve second chances. Let his be in the NFL. He has left a mess at OU that will likely take years to mend. Like Mixon, our football program deserves second chances too.

Based on what is being reported about Stoops, Castiglione and Boren having viewed the video shortly after the incident, the penalty meted out to Mixon was an injustice to Molitor,imho.
where's your proof she used a racial slur? You are working way to hard to justify the brutal assault by a 220 lb football on a 100 lb coed.. I could never comprehend how OJ beat a murder rap. Thanks for helping me understand
Nope, not working hard at all. It is simple. You put your hands on another human being, don't be surprised what happens. You apparently don't comprehend the written English words I have used. I've seen brutal assaults. While this one isn't pretty, brutal it is not. Is that devastating to you?

As for O.J. and murder... Blame that on the LAPD... you don't take blood from a suspect at the jail and then transport it to the lead detective at the suspect's house, then answer, "we don't know where half a vial of blood evidence went." It is called reasonable doubt...
where's your proof she used a racial slur? You are working way to hard to justify the brutal assault by a 220 lb football on a 100 lb coed.. I could never comprehend how OJ beat a murder rap. Thanks for helping me understand
I wonder why he was only charged with a misdemeanor, hum maybe because she assaulted him first, good thing she wasn't packing a gun Mixon might be dead.
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Now that I've seen the video and speculation has been nearly eliminated, I will lose at least temporarily a measure of respect for our present administration if Mixon is allowed to participate against Auburn. Where is their humanity and decency?

We all deserve second chances. Let his be in the NFL. He has left a mess at OU that will likely take years to mend. Like Mixon, our football program deserves second chances too.

Based on what is being reported about Stoops, Castiglione and Boren having viewed the video shortly after the incident, the penalty meted out to Mixon was an injustice to Molitor,imho.

He has already served his punishment handed to him by the the law and the university. Why should he get suspended some more because the public has now seen the video?
I wonder why he was only charged with a misdemeanor, hum maybe because she assaulted him first, good thing she wasn't packing a gun Mixon might be dead.
If he had struck Molitor an inch away from the impact area, it might have actually been a deadly blow. Joe was the one with an actual deadly weapon in his possession.
I wonder why he was only charged with a misdemeanor, hum maybe because she assaulted him first, good thing she wasn't packing a gun Mixon might be dead.
Because he was charged in Norman, Oklahoma and he was a 5 Star recruit on the football team. It took two years and a state supreme court judge just to get the Norman Police department and Norman City Attorney to comply with the law and release the video. I'm surprised you guys didn't hunt Molitor down and lynch her.
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He has already served his punishment handed to him by the the law and the university. Why should he get suspended some more because the public has now seen the video?
Your comment regarding the action meted out to him is your opinion and I respect it even in disagreement. The court of public opinion just might deliver another penalty now that the video has been released. Is that potential fair? We'll soon see.

I feel he needs to be concerned though about potential juror reaction in the civil phase and Goodell's potential draft response. Either way, I hope he makes the best of his present and future opportunities.
If he had struck Molitor an inch away from the impact area, it might have actually been a deadly blow. Joe was the one with an actual deadly weapon in his possession.
WHAT If.....when she pushed him back he fell and hit his head....... trust me, she is an aggressive woman that is not the first time she has hit someone. I get mad at times, but I don't think of physically attacking a person that I am angry with.
Because he was charged in Norman, Oklahoma and he was a 5 Star recruit on the football team. It took two years and a state supreme court judge just to get the Norman Police department and Norman City Attorney to comply with the law and release the video. I'm surprised you guys didn't hunt Molitor down and lynch her.

Thank you for providing us with the fact that you are unaware of how the judicial system works.

Also, NPD does not shy away from arresting Sooner ball players.
Your comment regarding the action meted out to him is your opinion and I respect it even in disagreement. The court of public opinion just might deliver another penalty now that the video has been released. Is that potential fair? We'll soon see.

I feel he needs to be concerned though about potential juror reaction in the civil phase and Goodell's potential draft response. Either way, I hope he makes the best of his present and future opportunities.

It is not opinion that he "served his time", so to speak, regarding his punishment with both the university and the law.

You can argue your opinion that it was not a fair punishment, but that is all. The court of public opinion does not have the right to enforce punishment, though it can have persuasion. Do not expect Bob or anyone else that matters to back down and punish him again, as it will only make matters worse.
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Nope, not working hard at all. It is simple. You put your hands on another human being, don't be surprised what happens. You apparently don't comprehend the written English words I have used. I've seen brutal assaults. While this one isn't pretty, brutal it is not. Is that devastating to you?

As for O.J. and murder... Blame that on the LAPD... you don't take blood from a suspect at the jail and then transport it to the lead detective at the suspect's house, then answer, "we don't know where half a vial of blood evidence went." It is called reasonable doubt...
I could lunge at a 10 year old child and might get him to react with a shove or a slap. Doesn't justify me putting him in the hospital. As for OJ you are misstating the facts. No evidence was ever introduced to suggest the vial of blood was given to any detective. OJ's blood was discovered at the scene of the crime and his Bronco. Furthermore the blood of the victims was also found in the Bronco. But hey, who knows maybe his wife and Goldman used a racial slur or slapped him first, and he was a great football player so let's give him a pass, right?
Because he was charged in Norman, Oklahoma and he was a 5 Star recruit on the football team. It took two years and a state supreme court judge just to get the Norman Police department and Norman City Attorney to comply with the law and release the video. I'm surprised you guys didn't hunt Molitor down and lynch her.
You obviously didn't read the article. JOE MIXON AND HIS ATTORNEY HAD THE TAPE RELEASED.

University of Oklahoma running back Joe Mixon on Friday had his attorney make public the surveillance video that shows him punching another student, Amelia Molitor, in July 2014.

Mixon also had his attorney release a second surveillance video from the same night.

The second video shows other OU football players at Pickleman's Gourmet Cafe in Norman at the time of the incident.

"Mr. Mixon asked us to once again say he is sorry for the way he reacted that night. He has apologized publicly to Ms. Molitor, her friends, his family, teammates and the University," his attorney, Blake Johnson, wrote in a letter. "He hopes that his voluntary release of these recordings will help put this matter to rest."
Men should be taught to NEVER hit a woman.....under any circumstance. This is partly what is wrong with society. Being the father of 2 daughters, I cannot agree with your stance on this one......or even trying to defend it. Sad, sad situation on all accounts.

Do your daughters act like trailer-trash the way Amelia Molitor did?

One more time. JM started to walk away. Molitor went after him, shoving him and slapping his face. Mixon delivered one blow and walked away when she, the aggressor, was no longer a threat. Textbook self-defense. A cop would have had her chest down on the floor with a knee in the middle of her back.
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Well, I'm through with trying to understand your thinking. The whole incident disgusts me and I can't comprehend your moral compass. I just frustrate myself and you as well. I was raised in a different kind of family with different set of standards and we will never agree. So be it.
I could lunge at a 10 year old child and might get him to react with a shove or a slap. Doesn't justify me putting him in the hospital. As for OJ you are misstating the facts. No evidence was ever introduced to suggest the vial of blood was given to any detective. OJ's blood was discovered at the scene of the crime and his Bronco. Furthermore the blood of the victims was also found in the Bronco. But hey, who knows maybe his wife and Goldman used a racial slur or slapped him first, and he was a great football player so let's give him a pass, right?

"Although prosecutors had an overwhelming amount of DNA evidence against Simpson, including blood traces of the victims in his car and Nicole’s blood on a pair of his socks, the defense used technical mistakes by the forensics team to suggest contamination of the crime scene and cast doubt on the DNA evidence. Also, a video surfaced in which Mark Fuhrman, a cop who helped collect much of the physical evidence, made racist remarks and dropped the n-word multiple times. Fuhrman was later charged with perjury for claiming that he had not used the slur within 10 years of the trial."

What were the technical mistakes?

Throughout the investigation, there were issues with how evidence was secured. There was about 1.5 mL of O.J. Simpson’s blood assumed missing from a vial of evidence. The LAPD could not counter the idea of “lost blood” because there was no documentation of how much reference blood was taken from Simpson as evidence. The person who drew the blood could only guess he had taken 8 mL; only 6 mL could be accounted for by the LAPD.

To add to the problem, the blood was not immediately turned over as evidence but was carried around for a few hours before it was entered into the chain of custody, allowing for speculation of when and how the 1.5 mL of blood may have disappeared.

The security of LAPD storage and labs was also brought under scrutiny when it was found that evidence was altered or was accessed to by unauthorized personnel. Simpson’s Bronco was entered at least twice by unauthorized personnel while in the impound yard; Nicole Simpson’s mother’s glasses had a lens go missing while it was in the LAPD facility."

Want to argue the facts?
Public info: "....according to Oklahoma court records, the girl has been arrested several times, broke probation and has a current Bench Warrant out for her arrest. She was arrested in April 2013 for possession of and possible intent to sell drugs and possession of a controlled drug class III and possession of a false ID. She plead no contest and the sentence was 1 year deferred with a substance abuse eval and community service. Her Judge in that case was Judge Tupper. Then in December 2013, she was arrested again on 1 count of possession of a controlled drug, 1 count of possession of drug paraphernalia, 1 count of transporting an open container of alcohol, 1 count of minor in possession of intoxicating beverage. Those charges are still pending. Her judge assigned is Judge Balkman and he noted in her file on Jan. 20, 2014 "Don't Issue Bench Warrant". I find that interesting. Fast forward to July 1, 2014 and an application to accelarate her case for failure to pay her agreed monthly fees and for failure to complete the substance abuse evaluation was submitted to the court. July 10, 2014 - an order was approved for the Acceleration Hearing and warrant for arrest. July 24, 2014 Judge Tupper issued a Bench Warrant for Mia Molitor's arrest. That warrant is still outstanding."

This was current info on the date of the incident.
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Stuff like this...

Coming over from the Nebraska boards. I love OU and our history that goes back, I've snooped around here occasionally over the years. I'll say it though, to those outside Oklahoma/your fanbase, you guys look crazy for even attempting to defend Mixon. For some, they don't even know how you can defend Stoops. I hope he doesn't get canned!
Tell me where I'm going wrong. Did you not see JM initially try to walk away? Did you not see Amelia Molitor lay hands on him twice, once to the face? Did you not see JM separate himself from the incident once the agressor ceased to be a threat? Are f***ing blind?

Contamination of Evidence. In 1994, a police detective took a blood sample from Simpson, and then carried the vial of Simpson’s blood in his pocket, back to the crime scenes. At trial, the defense suggested that the blood was brought back to the crime scene for the purposes of planting that evidence at the scene. Today, police are not allowed to re-enter crime scenes while carrying evidence. The evidence is to be booked immediately so that it can be secured.
Well, I'm through with trying to understand your thinking. The whole incident disgusts me and I can't comprehend your moral compass. I just frustrate myself and you as well. I was raised in a different kind of family with different set of standards and we will never agree. So be it.
Apparently you were raised in a family where drunk women acting like trailer trash are considered princess material. Are you an osu fan perhaps?
Thank you for providing us with the fact that you are unaware of how the judicial system works.

Also, NPD does not shy away from arresting Sooner ball players.
Please inform me as to what I am unaware of. I'm willing to learn if you are amenable to teaching me. Seems like you are experienced in this area.

Why should the NPD arrest him? Clearly, they didn't.
Well, I'm through with trying to understand your thinking. The whole incident disgusts me and I can't comprehend your moral compass. I just frustrate myself and you as well. I was raised in a different kind of family with different set of standards and we will never agree. So be it.
What do you know of my moral compass? You are frustrated? Ok. I'm not in your boat. Talking about things on a message board don't frustrate me.

What are the standards that I was raised by? Do you know anything about me? Ask, I'm an open book.

Whether you like it or not, I don't really care. That is your decision. I don't condone anybody putting their hands on another person without consent. What part of that do you fail to understand? Are there exceptions? Yep. Was this one of those times? Nope.

I'll give you a taste of what frustrates me. When my chainsaw hits a rock or nail in a log. When the lid for a coffin doesn't fit correctly.
Please inform me as to what I am unaware of. I'm willing to learn if you are amenable to teaching me. Seems like you are experienced in this area.

Why should the NPD arrest him? Clearly, they didn't.

This reply wasn't directed at you but to the poster implying that there was essentially a Norman conspiracy to disappear these videos.

My remarks about NPD and their willingness to arrest Sooner athletes is along the same topic, and I've heard directly from a former NPD officer that, for some officers, they look forward to the possibility to arrest a Sooner. Like a celebrity catch, if you will.

Basically saying that, no, there is no cover up legally or judicially.
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If she hadn't struck Mixon, she wouldn't have been struck...
How do you know? He might have reacted the same from what he perceived as a verbal slight either to him or another. Look at how he aggressively reacts on the field from defenders verbal insinuations. The video had no audio and there is no footage as to what may have transpired outside the restaurant that may have potentially led to the inside altercation. How important will witness testimony be in this matter? Oh, and she virtually tapped him.

He could've continued walking away or attempted to restrain her wrists to preclude her from continuing to tap him. He could've also had a restaurant employee call the NPD while continuing such restraint. Instead, he went wayyyyyy over the top by caving in her face with a thuggish violent punch worthy of Mike Tyson in his prime.

If an elementary student did to me what Molitor did to Mixon, I might've been well within my legal rights to defend myself by attempting to restrain the child. That said, I would've been terminated by the school district for placing my hands on a student. In Molitor's alleged condition along with Mixon's superior physical size, his reaction would've been equal to me striking that child with a devastating blow. Legally, a court of law might've vindicated me but not the school district.

She was reportedly intoxicated, he wasn't if what I have read is true. Thus, he was probably more in control of his wits than her. Idk. I am not familiar with the personal effects of alcoholic/drug consumption.
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If he had struck Molitor an inch away from the impact area, it might have actually been a deadly blow. Joe was the one with an actual deadly weapon in his possession.
Oh please. Stick to school teacher bullshit. You're out of your less than amateur league on this gem. An inch away from what, Einstein? The magic death button? The code for brain self destruction?

Idiots like you are why a 3 year old story is hot news. Get a clue rookie.
Oh please. Stick to school teacher bullshit. You're out of your less than amateur league on this gem. An inch away from what, Einstein? The magic death button? The code for brain self destruction?

Idiots like you are why a 3 year old story is hot news. Get a clue rookie.
Perhaps you're right. After all, you are a medic.

Your response, however, is more harsh than your usual offerings. Are you OK?