VPO filed...

Anderson has been accused of rape.

I saw it on the Fox 25 news but they haven't updated their website.Here's a link to the rape accusations

According to the victim's statement, she met Anderson while out drinking on Nov. 16. Her initial plan was to take an Uber home, but Anderson's friends were adamant he take her home, according to the statement.

The victim said the next day she remembered kissing him and vomiting, but the weekend of Dec. 2 she started remembering Anderson forcing himself on her and her attempts to get away from him and put clothes on.
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Wow. If this is true not only is he done for college but also for the NFL. Smh. What are people thinking??

Berry, if that's you in your profile pic, I'm gonna say you're old enough to know a LOT of people don't think.

I wander through life every day amazed at the sheer number of people that muster up a way to make a living off of zero redeeming qualities.
Anderson's attorney said the accusations were patently false.

There were some unusual things about her story
1. She said .the next day she remembered kissing him and vomiting that night
2. Two weeks later Dec 2, "she then remembered he forced himself on her."

So she remembered wanting an Uber driver to take her home on Nov 17 and then she remembered kissing him the next day but it was two weeks later she suddenly remembered "he forced himself on her".

Rodney's attorney said:
"Mr. Anderson first learned of (the) request for a civil protective order late yesterday evening," the statement reads. "Mr. Anderson is shocked and disturbed by (the woman's) claims. The allegations are patently false. Mr. Anderson did not, nor would he ever, force himself on any woman"
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You assume the team is built around this one player. I would suggest, even though he has been great, the team will adjust if need be and still perform at a high level.

No way. It was just a post aimed at humor. I'm not even concerned in the least about losing Rodney. I'd love him to play, but if he's a rapist, he can go blow his brains out for all I care. I'm not jumping to conclusions though, and not weighing judgement in his case.

I have no fear of missing a beat with Adams, Sermon and Sutton carrying the duties. Riley has a month to focus on getting the other guys ready and into the gameplan for their skills.
The thing that worries me the most is blocking. Adams isn't that big and doesn't block as well and Serman doesn't know the offense as well as Anderson and Adams.
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This sounds like a non-story now. I agree with the attorney, sounds "fishy". Sounds like two drunk people messing around. I remember this EXACT situation happening to another OU football player recently and nothing happened. I can't remember his name, but I think he was a LB?

Btw, no way any of this stands in court. "I remember kissing and then vomiting", then weeks later she "remembers" unwanted advances? So we're supposed to listen to a drunk girl who can't remember? Good grief. She obviously wasn't raped.

Sounds like another "female" trying to ruin a man's life by screaming "sexual harassment".
What worries me the most is that in today's world accusations like this make Rodney guilty in the court of public opinion. It's almost like he has to prove his innocence.
This sounds like a non-story now. I agree with the attorney, sounds "fishy". Sounds like two drunk people messing around. I remember this EXACT situation happening to another OU football player recently and nothing happened. I can't remember his name, but I think he was a LB?
In today's world, he's immediately guilty until proved innocent....HOWEVER, why would anybody wait TWO WEEKS to report a rape? I hope he is innocent, however, if he is guilty, let it be in a court!!! Not in the public opinion frenzy!!
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What worries me the most is that in today's world accusations like this make Rodney guilty in the court of public opinion. It's almost like he has to prove his innocence.

The thing is this.... So many people lately in Hollywood and politics are claiming they were sexually assaulted that it has become a watered down accusation that is getting harder and harder to believe, almost like "fake news" and using the "race card". Too many people have been crying wolf to the point that no one believes them.
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I have a strong opinion on the circumstances surrounding the incident which isn’t any of my business, but IF Anderson doesn’t play the only thing that’s important at this time is preparing to get the other backs ready to take over. I’m not going to let something out of my control to put a damper on OU having a shot at another NCAA title. I’m more concerned with our defensive strength against the other teams than our offense without Rodney Anderson. Will he be missed, absolutely; however, this isn’t a complete game changer. I think Riley will start Sermon and use Adams to his strengths. Sermon is a stud and Adams can be dangerous and capable of breaking one anytime he gets a opening. At this point, Anderson hasn’t been ruled out, and I have my fingers crossed that he can be proven innocent of these charges. But with what is going on today I’m not optimistic.
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Getting interesting

New statement from attorney for OU running back Rodney Anderson: "Anderson declined several social invitations from (alleged victim)" between Nov. 16 -- the date of the alleged incident -- and Monday, when she sought a protective order.

Yep, that's him. Awfully similar.

Pretty similar. I think the chick in his case was a little more lucid though, and she wasn't successfully raped. Frank relented pursuit after she put a bloody tampon in his face (allegedly).

This one is really odd. She didn't remember anything except kissing and vomiting for 20 minutes, but a couple of weeks later, she started remembering things.

I'm no psychology expert, but I did take an intro class at OU, and I'm pretty sure we didn't learn about how the memory gets BETTER with time.
Getting interesting

New statement from attorney for OU running back Rodney Anderson: "Anderson declined several social invitations from (alleged victim)" between Nov. 16 -- the date of the alleged incident -- and Monday, when she sought a protective order.

Yeah, the initial reaction is to assume this is a case of a scorned lover if that's true, but it leaves out the idea that she was attempting vigilante justice by luring him somewhere, and he knew better. If this statement is true, it doesn't point the finger either direction IMO.
This tweet came from a USA Today reporter so this factually came from Rodney Anderson's attorney

Attorney for Oklahoma RB Rodney Anderson, who is accused of sexual assault, tells @USATODAYSports Anderson "did not reciprocate a desire to pursue a relationship" and protective order came after "Anderson declined several social invitations."

This is a huge positive for Rodney if it is true.
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This pisses me off so much. If this is true, and in Anderson's case I hope it is, this woman is really hurting all of the women who have actually been raped by once again lying about it ever happening! I have two daughters and if this ever happens to them, it will continue to get more and more difficult to prove it.
These days, a mere accusation makes me dismiss said accusation. You can blame Gloria Allred and the liberals for that.

Do you liberals and feminists want rape accusers to be believed and not automatically dismissed ? Then get rid of Gloria Allred and feminism. Send those two antiquated McCarthyites back to the 60's and leave them there to rot.
Just to add some insight on the situation. When I was 23 I had 2 other roomates I shared an apartment with. I worked at a retail store a few months prior with this woman that was 22 and we would always flirt with each other at work, there was a mutual attraction for sure but we never went out on a date although she had been to my apartment before when my roomates and I had a little party one night. Anyway to make a long story short I was at home one night just watching tv with my roomates and around 10 pm I hear a knock on my door and its her, I let her in and I could immediately tell that she was very very drunk. We were sitting in the living room where my 2 roomates also were and she asked me if we could go to my room for privacy, I said ok.
Not too long after we went to my room she strips down to nothing and starts making advances to me saying she wants to have sex, I told her no because she has had too much to drink and I told her she needs to sober up some and go home. Well if you have ever dealt with a drunk you know how unbelievably mad they can become at the drop of a hat. Anyway she started getting out of hand so I made her leave. Never saw her again after that.
Fast forward about 1yr later, I was working at a retail store in the mall and I see her coming in. She sees me and comes over to talk. I thought she was going to apologize for her behavior the last time I saw her but what she said not only scared me but I was dumbfounded. She told me after she left that night when I made her leave for being an obnoxious drunk she went to her Dad's and told him that I tried to rape her, she then told me he grabbed his shotgun and told her he was going to go kill me but she was able to talk some sense into him and stop him. I was just standing there in shock, I didn't know what to say. I truly believe she made it all up about telling her Dad that but I don't know. I asked her to leave the store and I never saw her again thank God!
Now I don't know what happened in Anderson's case but after what happened to me I am more than willing to wait and hear his side of the story before I cast judgement.
This sounds like a non-story now. I agree with the attorney, sounds "fishy". Sounds like two drunk people messing around. I remember this EXACT situation happening to another OU football player recently and nothing happened. I can't remember his name, but I think he was a LB?

Btw, no way any of this stands in court. "I remember kissing and then vomiting", then weeks later she "remembers" unwanted advances? So we're supposed to listen to a drunk girl who can't remember? Good grief. She obviously wasn't raped.

Sounds like another "female" trying to ruin a man's life by screaming "sexual harassment".

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Here are two other what in the hell moments about this girl


1. The police report states that "after consensual kissing contact, she remembers waking without clothing."

I say what red blooded American male would not have done something

And the girl said that two weeks after the incident .....

2. "I was talking to a friend about the night and started recalling images..The woman further described her recollections, saying Anderson penetrated her with his fingers. ”
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I don't know Anderson or his life's history other than I have never read or heard of him having legal or disciplinary I can't believe he would have done such a thing given how hard he's worked to overcome two major injuries and to become the player he is now. I can't believe he would be stupid enough....or bad assault someone and end his playing career so abruptly.
I'll admit this is also wishful thing on my part, but this situation just doesn't add up. I cannot believe at this time that Anderson would be so reckless and stupid with all he has accomplished on a football scholarship.
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If OU didn't play Rodney, then - if the CFP committee was still in charge - the committee would explain that they had accounted for the loss of a key player, and since OU didn't lose by much, they moved OU and not GA into the final.

I'm speaking to deaf ears anyway. How could a nobody from flyover land possibly understand how important it is to hold a team's hand and soothe them whenever they lose to somebody they should have beaten? After the loss of a "key player", of course.
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Simple fact is, in cases of "remembered rape" where unfortunately there is no physical evidence, those cases are almost never prosecuted and even fewer convictions occur.

What differentiates the guilty from non-guilty in these cases is the testimony of the complainant, who has already admitted that she was intoxicated (probably very) at the time.

Guilty or not, an accuser of that age in college under those circumstances has just short of no chance that anyone is punished for the alleged crime, much less prosecuted.

There are simply far to many false accusations of rape from college-aged women, which is pretty sad considering that they are in one of the groups that is most at risk of being raped.
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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

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