Lots of hysterics! Just needs dragons!
Civilians can't own military grade weapons unless you've got tens of thousands of dollars and the background to pass a class 3 backgound check to buy weapons made prior to 1986. I'll bet your house that no mass shooter has used a pre 1986 weapon legally purchased to commit a crime. If you believe the military is using civilian Bushmaster AR15s, I've got beachfront property in Nebraska to sell you. No, really. It's beachfront.
Regarding a tyrannical government, I'd put money on 100 million vs 2 million, making a leap assumption that 2 million service members would turn their weapons on our civilian populace. That's not even a logical argument. The US military has had its ass kicked by primitive guerilla warfare for years. A few tens of millions of armed American citizens would make our military look silly. Just as our Founders intended.
A few tens of millions of armed Americans would make our military look silly. And these millions that you speak of would have access to tanks, artillery, weaponized drones, aircraft, missels, and trained soldiers/ not Cletus and Jeb. So that is your argument . No gun control so that our citizens can be ready to fight against a possible tyrannical government. Do you not understand the concept of making it as difficult as possible for the bad guys to get those type of weapons. How many more horrific massacres have to occur in churches, Malls, Clubs, schools, and other public places before we do something. Of course the problem is mental health. But while looking for the cure for that we need to aggressively treat the symptom, gun violence. That means regulation and control of who can own guns and what kind of guns civilians can own.