The irony in it all is the left, SJW's, Black Lives Matter etc want tolerance but they don't respect anyone else's ideas or beliefs. They want to do the same thing to others that they say has been done to them for decades. Demanding change is one thing, going out and acting in a violent way pushing your agenda is just as bad as what they are fighting against. Racism is not something that was invented in America, it has been a World Wide issue for centuries and still is to this day. Go even deeper than that and there is a type of racism in the Social Classes and its been that way for centuries as well. For me having Native American blood running through my veins the Native Americans have the biggest right to gripe more than any other race here in America. What they endured was and is to this day a stain on our history in America as was Slavery. World history shows us that the conquering of nations and of people's, to the victor went the spoils and as bad as it was people were enslaved and land was taken. Its history and progress, its what humans have been doing since the beginning of time. America did not invent it but our Government is bowing down to these groups for fear of violence and quite possibly guilt. Neither one is acceptable as these groups do not represent the majority of the Country. To me they are nothing more than domestic terrorists and should be dealt with as such.