Trump today had an open meeting about how to stop school violence.What is your solution?


Sooner signee
May 29, 2001
There were families who lost children to violence and school principals and teachers and kids who were present when violence and murders happened.

What is your recommendations and solutions to stop violence and murder in schools?
Allow teachers/staff at schools to conceal carry if they choose. Have teachers go through active shooter training during the summer between school years. May think of more later but those are the first two that come to mind.
Employ highly trained police or national guard armed with A-15 rifles and in full body armor stationed at our schools. The big 6A might require three. I have a daughter who teaches in a 5A school in the Dallas Metroplex. They have Barney Fife on campus to protect them. The security there is an absolute fu$&ing joke. Anyone could walk into that school through the back door to cafeteria (never locked). We have sick society that needs a mental health cure. Until we find that cure we need to aggressively treat the symptom (school shootings). Any of you have kids or grandkids in school? Yes I would be all for arming teachers, office personnel, administrators.
I find it disgusting and utterly ridiculous that we have to have this conversation and feel it is a sad commentary on the current state of affairs in the U.S. But to answer your question on how to stop school violence, I'd say we need more resource officers, more and better control over access to school grounds, metal detectors and on-site mental health counselor(s). I completely disagee with arming teachers as I feel that more guns is not the solution. However, if that were to pass, and teachers could choose to conceal carry, then I would require each to undergo annual weapon training, register with their school and local authorities so that there is a comprehensive list of who has been approved to have a weapon on school property, an annual mental evaluation and liability insurance.
I find it disgusting and utterly ridiculous that we have to have this conversation and feel it is a sad commentary on the current state of affairs in the U.S. But to answer your question on how to stop school violence, I'd say we need more resource officers, more and better control over access to school grounds, metal detectors and on-site mental health counselor(s). I completely disagee with arming teachers as I feel that more guns is not the solution. However, if that were to pass, and teachers could choose to conceal carry, then I would require each to undergo annual weapon training, register with their school and local authorities so that there is a comprehensive list of who has been approved to have a weapon on school property, an annual mental evaluation and liability insurance.
And I completely disagree with you that more guns are not the solution. Fight fire with fire. Do you believe that more campus resource officers with their six shooters will be able to defend our schools against the guys with the A-15 rifles. I want my teacher daughter to be armed so she can protect her self and her students. Of course that is assuming we can’t get the armed security I talked about in my first post.
Employ highly trained police or national guard armed with A-15 rifles and in full body armor stationed at our schools. The big 6A might require three. I have a daughter who teaches in a 5A school in the Dallas Metroplex. They have Barney Fife on campus to protect them. The security there is an absolute fu$&ing joke. Anyone could walk into that school through the back door to cafeteria (never locked). We have sick society that needs a mental health cure. Until we find that cure we need to aggressively treat the symptom (school shootings). Any of you have kids or grandkids in school? Yes I would be all for arming teachers, office personnel, administrators.
I have read that most schools only have one security officer at a time. From what I understand that was the case in the Florida school shooting the other day as well. There is no way one or two officers can cover some of the larger school campuses.
I think once you start talking about utilizing more training police and guard/military personnel then you are looking at increased costs as well. I like the idea of allowing staff already employed at the school to carry weapons to bolster security and defense. They are already on campus in high numbers working. May as well let them be part of the solution as well. But I think of the story about the coach in Florida who lost his life shielding kids from the bullets with his body. He should have had the ability to defend himself.
Change the culture of trivializing life and glamorizing violence and cruelty through movies, video games and rap music.
Make prison as unpleasant as possible for those who commit premeditated murder....solitary confinement, no books, no TV. Make life a living hell.
Have carefully screened security guards at schools. Let teachers teach.
Develop technology that detects guns being brought onto school property.
Tighten up the scrutiny of mental fitness. Too much is slipping through the cracks.
Steel doors for classrooms that can be remotely locked.
Change the culture of trivializing life and glamorizing violence and cruelty through movies, video games and rap music.
CT, growing up I remember hearing this from the parents and such. I remember thinking it was absurd that video games and movies would make people do things like this. But nowadays, I'm starting to see what the elders were saying back in the day. Games and movies these days make killing such a trivial thing. Any action movie these days it's ridiculous how many people are blown away like it's nothing. For the majority of people who think normally it's not a problem. But to someone who mentally processes things a little differently may find it difficult to separate games/movies from real life. Or the very least, finding enjoyment in killing in games and movies it gets to the point they see it as a solution to their real life issues.

It feels odd thinking this way now, since it's a total 180 from how I use to think about what you said.
Change the culture of trivializing life and glamorizing violence and cruelty through movies, video games and rap music.
Make prison as unpleasant as possible for those who commit premeditated murder....solitary confinement, no books, no TV. Make life a living hell.
Have carefully screened security guards at schools. Let teachers teach.
Develop technology that detects guns being brought onto school property.
Tighten up the scrutiny of mental fitness. Too much is slipping through the cracks.
Steel doors for classrooms that can be remotely locked.

I like your recommendations.
I would add enhanced thorough background checks.
Have all front doors and every door into the school locked with cameras & speakers
Definitely Metal detectors that detect guns. (Schools in Washington DC have this)
Each school have a mental counselor who all of the students have access to.
Change the age from 19 to 21 to buy a assault rifle.
This can no longer be a Republican vs Democrat or liberal vs conservative tug-a-war, and Trump has a golden opportunity to enact measures to remove or greatly diminish the acts of slaughter by assault rifles. Some logical and fair measures must be found and must be taken asap, without bipartisan politics, or a polarized news media chirping in, or whoring to the NRA.
This can no longer be a Republican vs Democrat or liberal vs conservative tug-a-war, and Trump has a golden opportunity to enact measures to remove or greatly diminish the acts of slaughter by assault rifles. Some logical and fair measures must be found and must be taken asap, without bipartisan politics, or a polarized news media chirping in, or whoring to the NRA.

Again CTOkie I 100% agree with you. WELL SAID!

I also think its scary and ridiculous for teachers to have guns. They have so many responsibilities teaching consulting and advising students. A father who lost his 6 year old son at Sandy Hook was at Donald Trump's meeting this afternoon. His wife is a teacher. Trump asked him a question about his wife in the future having a gun. He said absolutely no that teachers have many other responsibilities not having her being the adult to confront a mass murderer with an assault rifle.
Also many teachers who have never had a gun even after gun classes to learn guns has no chance with her gun vs. a murderer's assault rifle....None
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Again CTOkie I 100% agree with you. WELL SAID!

I also think its scary and ridiculous for teachers to have guns. They have so many responsibilities teaching consulting and advising students. A father who lost his 6 year old son at Sandy Hook was at Donald Trump's meeting this afternoon. His wife is a teacher. Trump asked him a question about his wife in the future having a gun. He said absolutely no that teachers have many other responsibilities not having her being the adult to confront a mass murderer with an assault rifle.
Also many teachers who have never had a gun even after gun classes to learn guns has no chance with her gun vs. a murderer's assault rifle....None
Look, I know teachers have a full plate. But let's not buy into the idea they have such a full plate they have zero time available to dedicate to being proficient with a firearm.

And let's be honest, no doubt some teachers prolly have zero business handling a firearm. But I have no doubt every school has teachers and staff that do plenty of shooting on their own time.

And quite frankly, the husband of that teacher you mention is a perfect example of the mindset that they don't want to do anything themselves and just put the blame and burden on the government to do something. I have ZERO respect for that kind of mentality. Sorry, but if my wife were working in a school these days, I waould make it a priority to make sure she is proficient with a firearm and is able to protect herself in the need every arose.
When a shooter walks into a place and starts killing, you can either be part of a solution or sit there and die. Are you going to do something about it to try and save your own life?? Or are you going to just cower in the corner waiting for someone better to come rescue you??
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1. make all semi automatic guns illegal just as machine guns are. 2. institute a national background check that cross references all necessary state and local agencies. 3. Institute a national waiting period for the purchase of all guns. 4. Put in place a national training program that teaches those responsible for monitoring behavior how to recognize possible perpetrators.5. Raise the age to purchase any gin to 21. Notice...all national. This cannot be dealt with in a piece meal state by state manner. Combine national, state, and local funding for securing the physical school grounds and buildings. And by the way...this is not a problem unique to schools...Las Vegas, Ft. Hood, Gabby GIFFORD, Naval Yard, Orlando night club. etc.
1. make all semi automatic guns illegal just as machine guns are. 2. institute a national background check that cross references all necessary state and local agencies. 3. Institute a national waiting period for the purchase of all guns. 4. Put in place a national training program that teaches those responsible for monitoring behavior how to recognize possible perpetrators.5. Raise the age to purchase any gin to 21. Notice...all national. This cannot be dealt with in a piece meal state by state manner. Combine national, state, and local funding for securing the physical school grounds and buildings. And by the way...this is not a problem unique to schools...Las Vegas, Ft. Hood, Gabby GIFFORD, Naval Yard, Orlando night club. etc.

I absolutely agree with your #1. semi automatic guns should be illegal. Even the largest Police Organization in America which is the Federation of Police Chiefs want a ban on assault rifles and large capacity magazines..
But........I am a realist knowing the GOP congress backed by the NRA will never let this happen. That is why I did not mention that in my list.

Your ideas are excellent owenfieldreams. This violence especially in schools troubles the majority of Americans. The kids at this Broward County school who had 17 people murdered do have the answer,
Vote out those both Democrats & GOP in Congress who the NRA finances who vote on gun issues as the NRA tells them to.
That is what their new movement is trying to do.

I read an interesting stat in the Wall Street Journal the other day. America has about 4% of the worlds population and about 50% of the guns..

Hey I don't even have a gun but I have a killer 9 Iron golf club for protection.
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Create a national data base that links mental health, domestic violence, social disturbance issues and other related incidents that absolutely eliminates them from purchasing a firearm. There have been several attempts to link mental health records but in most cases the ACLU steps in with their Orwellian Big Brother theories. So many of these school shootings could have been prevented or thwarted had their health records been available to law enforcement. I strongly support much tougher background checks. I bought 3 handguns when I moved back to the USA in 2012. In each case I was asked to come back within 4 hours to allow my background check. It doesn't take long if a lack of information is available to the process.
This is not the old
Allow teachers/staff at schools to conceal carry if they choose. Have teachers go through active shooter training during the summer between school years. May think of more later but those are the first two that come to mind.
west . Taught for 40 years and that only compounds the problem . More guns are not the answer
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This is not the old

west . Taught for 40 years and that only compounds the problem . More guns are not the answer
You're right, this isn't the old west. What does the old West have to do with the current issue? So you still think keeping schools "gun free" is still the answer? Why would you prevent school staff from carrying concealed so they can at least defend themselves? You prefer them to remain defenseless?
I said guns meaning Rifles. Owenfieldreams said "guns" & I am assuming he meant Rifles
The Chief of Police Organization want the Assault Rifles banned.
"Guns" covers a wide spectrum. "Semi Automatic Guns" covers more than just rifles. Just making sure we are speaking ofthe same thing here. And yes you have mentioned the Police Organization thing on here like 50 times over the last handful of months.
I meant all guns in terms of background checks and waiting periods. I am not a "gun" person so my categorization of weapons may not be precise but limiting the size of magazines and making the purchase of weapons that are normally considered war tools...semi or automatic, is a must from my point of view. Scottsdale's description of a comprehensive data base is spot on. The ACLU is no different than the N.R.A. in the sense that the far right and far left need to cut the test of us some slack. Here's an analogy I lived an executive in the beer industry I was very fearful of what would happen to our business when Texas enacted it's "open container" law in Sept. of 2001. Turns out, business was not affected but auto deaths declined dramatically. The N.R.A. is just like every political org. They will fight even the most insignificant legislation for fear that it will open the flood gates. But the safety of the citizenry should take precedence over any political stance.
I don't think any new laws are going to magically change what is going on right now in this country. The morals in this country right now are horrible. Just because we make something illegal in this country doesn't mean that people won't be able to get their hands on those things that are illegal.
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I had to go to Walmart yesterday for the wife (a task I never relish). Was walking around looking for some light bulbs and was lost by the 'outdoor gear' aisle. They have a full array of machetes, huge knives and throwing axes available for $25 or less that are 'must gets' for the impending doom...

I don't mean to sound uncaring for such an important topic but be sure these issues are treated much differently at your local madrassa
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I don't think any new laws are going to magically change what is going on right now in this country. The morals in this country right now are horrible. Just because we make something illegal in this country doesn't mean that people won't be able to get their hands on those things that are illegal.

bingo. Try enforcing the laws that are on the books first and get the FBI or any other such agency to stop dropping the ball when they are warned repeatedly
There were families who lost children to violence and school principals and teachers and kids who were present when violence and murders happened.

What is your recommendations and solutions to stop violence and murder in schools?
To bad he was not listening. What a joke for the president. #NOT MY PRES
I like your recommendations.
I would add enhanced thorough background checks.
Have all front doors and every door into the school locked with cameras & speakers
Definitely Metal detectors that detect guns. (Schools in Washington DC have this)
Each school have a mental counselor who all of the students have access to.
Change the age from 19 to 21 to buy a assault rifle.
The military & police r the only ones who need assault rifles.
The federal government can make assault rifles illegal, but it won't stop people from getting their hands on them. Years ago state governments made it more difficult for people to purchase over the counter drugs that contained pseudoephedrine in order to stop or at least slow down the manufacturing of meth. All that law did for me is to make it more difficult for me to buy cold medicine. Same thing will probably happen with guns. Criminals will still be able to get their hands on the guns, but law abiding citizens won't be able to purchase guns.
Typical from a cat with a Big mouth logo; the former joke jumped into the fray today apologizing (of course) that he didn't do more damage in the last 8 years when he was relevant
yep typical response from a trumpanzee, blame frumps ignorance on last admin. And I guess Putin is fake as well :D
Just for context, we lose 11 teens a day that crash while texting. Raise the age to own a smartphone to 21 ?
Let's make it illegal to text and drive...oh wait!!! LOL

Since that didn't work, let's just ban smartphones!!! LOL

The entire outrage against "assault weapons" is curious to me. The numbers of people killed yearly by these specific weapons are minuscule compared to other things that kill in this country. Yet if you go by watching the media, you would think mass shootings is the most dire emergency this nation has ever faced. Mass shootings with "assault weapons" kill hundreds a year. Many other things kill thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands a year. It has to be the most ass backwards response to something in the history of this country.