Trump today had an open meeting about how to stop school violence.What is your solution?

My wife has been both a elementary teacher and principal for 40+ years. She has a carry permit. She says if an intruder enters a school with any gun, your life as well as the students could be near its end. She wants a fighting chance and an opportunity to defend her students. If your child is standing there in the hall beside her and the intruder's gun is aimed at him or her, do you want her to shoot him or should she run back to the office to call 911? Put on your big boy britches libs and learn to defend yourselves. Depend on yourself rather than than cowards like Barney Fife in Broward Co. I believe teachers will react as they are already in the fight.
Much respect to you both. That's exactly the mentality needed to defend our schools.

Labeling them gun free zones and not taking necessary steps to physically secure our schools because it looks scary isn't solving any problems. Neither is the usual screeching about ASSAULT WEAPONS! Political feel good won't get it done.

Just a question to those who know more about guns than myself.

I went to Academy Sports to buy golf balls. I then went to the gun department and I asked the salesman to show me their assault rifles. After I asked he said if I bought one I could take it home today.

I just went to google to get pictures of their assault rifles that I looked at.

Are these similar to AR 15s? and if not how?

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Just a question to those who know more about guns than myself.

I went to Academy Sports to buy golf balls. I then went to the gun department and I asked the salesman to show me their assault rifles. After I asked he said if I bought one I could take it home today.

I just went to google to get pictures of what I looked at.

Are these similar to AR 15s? and if not how?

Academy doesn't sell assault rifles, unless they also sell assault golf clubs, balls, shoes, baseball equipment, softball equipment, ping pong...

You're full of shit. Nobody in Academy would show you their "assault rifles" since they don't sell "assault rifles." This story reeks of bullSHIT.
Academy doesn't sell assault rifles, unless they also sell assault golf clubs, balls, shoes, baseball equipment, softball equipment, ping pong...

You're full of shit. Nobody in Academy would show you their "assault rifles" since they don't sell "assault rifles." This story reeks of bullSHIT.

They must of just stopped They sure as hell did sell Assault Rifles I was there two Saturdays ago. and that's NO BULLSHIT. The salesman did not lie to me. He told me if I ordered one I could get it the same day. He showed me pictures but not the actual rifles.

They still sell Assault rifles but they don't display them.

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They must of just stopped They sure as hell did sell Assault Rifles I was there two Saturdays ago. and that's NO BULLSHIT. The salesman did not lie to me. He told me if I ordered one I could get it the same day

They still sell Assault rifles but they don't display them.


What is BULLSHIT is the term "assault rifle." A rifle doesn't assault anyone or anything. People do.

Which part do you fail to comprehend?
Bull! What does it matter what stores sell an ar if the background check is done before the gun is handed over. I wish my grocer would start selling them. I don't see a real problem with upping the legal age to 21 however. The ar was designed to kill your enemy most likely. But sportsmen use them for hunting and home defense. This country is stonger with all gun owners. They serve as a deterrent to those who might want to overtake the country (reference the events that have occurred over the last few years).
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Does anyone think they can get teachers in Oklahoma to take extra time for getting a
concealed weapon permit? How much time would they have to put in get to where they'd
feel comfortable carrying a gun to class? Is the state gonna pay these teachers extra for
putting in these extra hours to get this permit? How much more will they pay? A whole
bunch of other questions we could all come up with and I bet no one here could actually
answer any of them. We're talking about Oklahoma where teachers aren't even paid
1/2 their worth. It would make more sense to hire a 1/2 dozen security guards than
arming teachers. But here again where's the money coming from to pay them?
Remember this is Oklahoma where education has always been on the backburner.
Does anyone think they can get teachers in Oklahoma to take extra time for getting a
concealed weapon permit? How much time would they have to put in get to where they'd
feel comfortable carrying a gun to class? Is the state gonna pay these teachers extra for
putting in these extra hours to get this permit? How much more will they pay? A whole
bunch of other questions we could all come up with and I bet no one here could actually
answer any of them. We're talking about Oklahoma where teachers aren't even paid
1/2 their worth. It would make more sense to hire a 1/2 dozen security guards than
arming teachers. But here again where's the money coming from to pay them?
Remember this is Oklahoma where education has always been on the backburner.
I would love if the state could find "incentive" money to pay teachers who are willing to conceal carry. But you're right, that's prolly not realistic considering the strained budgets of some states.

But, how about just giving teachers the option to conceal carry if they so choose? Why does it automatically have to fall upon the state or government to pay? Each teacher and his/her family need to decide how much is their life worth. There is a definite threat out there that appears to be getting worse. If you are a teacher, are you going to just sit and complain the state won't pay for you to carry? Or is your life (and lives of your students) worth it to get a firearm and invest in the time and money to give you the ability to save your own life?
This verse from Texas singer/songwriter James McMurtry's recent release, " State of the Union" pretty much sums up my view of the current state of affairs..." My brother is a Racist, lives in Palacios, fishes the pier every night. He holsters his GLOCK in a double retention, he smokes while he waits on a bite. He don't like the Muslims, he don't like the Jews, he don't like the blacks, and he don't trust the news. He hates the Hispanics and alternate views, he'll tell you it's tough to be white." The Republican party left me. It's not true conservatism anymore, it's "Trumpism" and it's tearing this country apart
I should have mentioned, even though it's pretty obvious, the lyrics are social satire nevertheless they say a lot about the "State of the Union." McMurtry is the son of Archer City Tx. native Larry McMurtry, Pulitzer prize winning author of Terms of Endearment and Lonesome Dove
Does anyone think they can get teachers in Oklahoma to take extra time for getting a
concealed weapon permit? How much time would they have to put in get to where they'd
feel comfortable carrying a gun to class? Is the state gonna pay these teachers extra for
putting in these extra hours to get this permit? How much more will they pay? A whole
bunch of other questions we could all come up with and I bet no one here could actually
answer any of them. We're talking about Oklahoma where teachers aren't even paid
1/2 their worth. It would make more sense to hire a 1/2 dozen security guards than
arming teachers. But here again where's the money coming from to pay them?
Remember this is Oklahoma where education has always been on the backburner.

I teach in a small Catholic school in northeast Nebraska. Our salaries are about $15,000 to $20,000 less a year than the public school teachers in this state. If my principal would ask me if I'd take the time to get a conceal carry permit, I would do it without hesitation. All I would ask from the school is for them to pay for me to get the permit. I would not ask for extra compensation. It would be worth it to me to know that I can help keep my students safe.
The division this country is experiencing began long before Trump decided to run for office. And Trumpism isn't the cause. Currently Trumpism is the convenient excuse to blame the division or your current level of unhappiness on.
Very true, but in the new age of political correctness, the division is as high as it has been since the Civil War. The cause as I see it is Hillary's well deserved failure to win the election in the wake of Obama's reign. The liberal outrage we are mired in, as a result, is silly and excessive.
Let's make it illegal to text and drive...oh wait!!! LOL

Since that didn't work, let's just ban smartphones!!! LOL

The entire outrage against "assault weapons" is curious to me. The numbers of people killed yearly by these specific weapons are minuscule compared to other things that kill in this country. Yet if you go by watching the media, you would think mass shootings is the most dire emergency this nation has ever faced. Mass shootings with "assault weapons" kill hundreds a year. Many other things kill thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands a year. It has to be the most ass backwards response to something in the history of this country.

Well said, the need is not to keep guns from law abiding people, but to clean up the TV and Movies that glorify killings and such terrible actions. But all this was fore told by our Lord Jesus Christ, many centuries ago. We are living during the times of great tribulation just before the Second Coming of Christ.
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The liberal outrage we are mired in, as a result, is silly and excessive.
The Democratic Party isn't liberal any longer. They jumped in the deep end of Obama's pool of Alinsky progressivism.

Pile as many people as you can into victim classes and then point the blame for their "circumstances" at the only people left standing, the straight masculine white male. Demonize the straight masculine white male on behalf of all of the victims to get those voters to vote against any straight white masculine male, who are most often conservatives, and you can vote conservative ideology out of power.

For added power, shaming and ridicule have been heavily utilized to scare as many people as possible into a victim class out of fear of being lumped in with the demonized straight white masculine male.

I used to be a proud liberal Democrat. Now I'm a liberal Republican because the Obama Democrats alienated me from the party. Refusal to believe that criticism of Obama's policies made someone a racist got me labeled a racist. Weird that an anti-discimination, pro gay marriage, pro marijuana legalization, pro transgender rights, anti-Wall Street atheist no longer fits in the Democratic Party.
The Democratic Party isn't liberal any longer. They jumped in the deep end of Obama's pool of Alinsky progressivism.

Pile as many people as you can into victim classes and then point the blame for their "circumstances" at the only people left standing, the straight masculine white male. Demonize the straight masculine white male on behalf of all of the victims to get those voters to vote against any straight white masculine male, who are most often conservatives, and you can vote conservative ideology out of power.

For added power, shaming and ridicule have been heavily utilized to scare as many people as possible into a victim class out of fear of being lumped in with the demonized straight white masculine male.

I used to be a proud liberal Democrat. Now I'm a liberal Republican because the Obama Democrats alienated me from the party. Refusal to believe that criticism of Obama's policies made someone a racist got me labeled a racist. Weird that an anti-discimination, pro gay marriage, pro marijuana legalization, pro transgender rights, anti-Wall Street atheist no longer fits in the Democratic Party.
I was a Republican. Now I'm apolitical following Bush 43's disastrous 8 year term which ended the original "conservative" orientation of the GOP for limited government and non-intervention in the affairs of other countries. I voted both in 2000 and 2004 for Bush not realizing his incompetence and his allowing himself to be sold a bill of goods by the neocons who wanted nation building under the guise of "fighting for our freedoms". I drank his Kool-Aid.
No more Kool-Aid for me.....from either party.
As George Carlin once said "If you vote, you have no right to complain".
Oh they're still all in on most of that last sentence, Sean...
I know, but now you have to add pro illegal immigrant, anti-Trump, pro antifa, anti white male, pro Muslim, anti 2nd Amendment, anti-police, bathroom confusion...

My point is that the required list has grown well outside what I will support and thus I'm all of the bad words now.
Very true, but in the new age of political correctness, the division is as high as it has been since the Civil War. The cause as I see it is Hillary's well deserved failure to win the election in the wake of Obama's reign. The liberal outrage we are mired in, as a result, is silly and excessive.
It's also a holdover from VERY brutal election campaigns waged on both sides. Hillary more than shoulders her part of the blame for resorting to playing the race card and labeling literally everything Trump said as hate speech. People are still holding onto those things as gospel.
Getting back to the school shooting. Do we know much more than the kid lost his parents early and that the Sheriff's department had over 30 warnings and the FBI at least 2 about him that were not heeded in this case or that the school was told to "lay off persecution" to garner certain funding ?