I was assigned to Coach Michael for two and a half years. He was really good to me. I've written about that here before.
He took the fall for the Kerry Jackson mess, but I am virtually certain that he took the fall for the team. There is no way that he made the unilateral decision offer Kerry Jackson knowing that his transcript had been changed. If he knew, somebody else on the staff did. And if he didn't, then the staff took the hit understanding that the NCAA was out to get them for stuff they couldn't prove, so they threw the book at us for stuff the could.
Almost exactly five years ago, I made Facebook friends with Gene Hochevar who was the second OLine coach when all that happened, and who was a good guy. One of our first conversations was about Coach Michael, who was in poor health and in a facility in Denton, which is less than 40 miles from me. I asked if it would be okay if I could run up and see him, and he told me he'd check and get back to me. Two weeks later, Gene died suddenly of a heart attack and I never found out if Coach Michael survived or not and where he was afterward if he did.
If you know how he might be doing, I'd be grateful to know.