Yea, another rant from a cheapskate! I just received an e-mail from OU about the opportunity to change seats. And I was directed to the new donation schedule (below).
First, I'm not cheap. And I'm not a "poor" (perhaps an "old"). I just think this is lunacy. Especially if you're talking about
crappy Big XII games, often at 11am! If I want to go to a game, I'll just "scalp" and let some poor schmuck pay the sunk-in seating fees. This will be my last year buying season tickets (was already paid for before my awesome seat was removed with the construction).
Anyway, I am curious to hear from the board. Is this new paradigm viable? Is there enough "corporate demand". Those that just "write it off"? I want OU to make money. I want us to WIN. So, this is sad for me, but it may be "all for the best"?? If so, that's fine.