Leave it to Fitty to come up with the best thread since sockless included her first picture .
On the old board, don't remember for sure what my screen name was.
It was an F-3 that touched down in East Tulsa near the intersection of 21st St & 129th E. Ave. About a block from my house. I was playing in a Sophomore Bball game at Memorial HS when it hit, long before the interweb and cell phones. It basically formed right over that intersection.
We were told it hit that area with a lot of damage but all roads to my neighborhood were cut off and phone lines were down. I was forced to spend the night with a teammate who lived farther East. Spent the entire night not knowing if my family was OK and if my house was still there.
Thankfully, early the next AM I learned that there was no damage to our house and family was safe. I was able to get home that morning and was able to walk around what "used" to be a large apartment complex and Plaza 3 movie theater/strip mall. Was amazed no one was killed. The 1974 tornado hit about 2 miles away.
As a kid, we used to almost "wish" for the excitement of a tornado. The "theory" was Tulsa had never had one because we were in valley. Obviously, that has been proven to be false many times. And after the longest night of my short life on 12.5.75, I have had MORE than a healthy respect for tornadoes. Thanks to the expertise and knowledge of a close friend at the NWS in Tulsa, I've also learned a great deal about them and chased a few. Awe inspiring.