The name of my two dogs at the time, Micco and Macey.
Micco was named for my hero when I was in high school, Micco Haney. He was a senior when I was a sophomore, and the son of former Senator and world-famous Native American painter Enoch Kelly Haney. He was an outstanding athlete, especially as a wrestler (my main sport). I dislocated my elbow in practice that year, so Micco dedicated the next match in my honor. Broke the school record for points scored in a match (30...prior to tech falls) against John Marshall.
Micco was killed in a car crash graduation night his senior year. He had already accepted a scholarship to wrestle for Oscar Rose Junior College, and it all came to a halt that night. He was headed back home to his wife who was pregnant and had already had a false labor earlier that day.
About 15 years ago I was at a Shawnee Wolves football game and got to sit next to Micco's mom, Mary. She handed me a program and pointed down onto the field. There was Micco Haney Jr, who was born a few months after the wreck. She told me to go down there after the game and say hi. I really did want to go down there on the field and tell that young man what a great person his Dad was, but I knew I couldn't do it. I knew I would just stand there in front of this seventeen year old kid and cry like a baby. No words, just sobs.
I've since Facebooked Micco Jr and we've talked a little. He was pretty understanding when I told him.
My wife picked out the name Macey. Not sure if she has a cool story behind picking that name or not.