As an atheist, we definitely see things very differently. But, you see the platform as deteriorating. I see it as solid.
When the Constitution was signed, it was far superior than the society in which it was signed. Adams, Jefferson, and Monroe were staunch in their beliefs that slavery should not be tolerated (for different reasons). Minorities were three-fifths of a person for tax purposes. Women couldn't vote. Indeed, since the definition of an eligible voter was left up to the states, often you had to be a landowner to vote.. We were nothing like an ideal society, despite the wistful rhetoric of those who wish to return.
But, it was provided with a system to address these problems---amendments. The platform was good, but could be improved. It was a hundred thirty years before women could vote.
Even at the outset of the nation, they were aware of the influence of power over the electorate. There just wasn't much of a way to stop it. For most of them, they were the rich and powerful. It wasn't written by the rabble. It was still a nation in which few could read, and only the wealthy were schooled.
Although some see the situation as deteriorating, it has been a rather consistent line of improvement. Gradually, more and more people are accepted as citizens. We may yet become the nation that we have always claimed to be, the home of the free, where all men (and women) are equal under the law. For now, that only exists if you have the money to pay the lawyers.
Sometime, look at why Stephen F. Austin spent so much time trying to get Mexico to accept Texas as a part of Mexico, although independent of Mexico City. It is an interesting study in why English law was feared. Not many people are aware, but it was illegal to be a lawyer in many colonial states.
I'm still working on the Stephen F. Austin thing so am unable at this time to address it. But, I will comment on your commentary regarding the U.S. Constitution.
I agree it was "superior than the society in which it was signed".
Our country was in its infancy. This document was, as well, superior to any in the known world (primarily the European world) at the time and the worldly - including most definitely religious - experiences of our forefathers were factored in to include past and present slights, as well as future considerations. As such, it was a document created, designed, and implemented through the prism of Judeo-Christian values. To this, there is no doubt. They wanted to protect this new country from the known and experienced European abuses
Thomas Jefferson wrote, ..."all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..." These rights were God inspired and given.
He would also later write, "God who gave us Life gave us Liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secured when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" He then added, "Almighty God hath created the mind free...All attempts to influence it by temporal (secular or worldly, not clerical or sacred -- MY insertion) punishments or burthens (burdens -- MY clarification)...are a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our religion..."
Amendments are based on a combination of Judeo-Christian (biblical) or common sense (non-biblical) values. Regarding the former, our Founding Fathers wrote in the First Amendment, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religions, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Women given the right to vote (a most worthy and long overdue change) is a common sense or non-biblical example of the latter.
George Washington wrote, "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God..."
John Adams added, "Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people..."
In formulating our government structure, it appears our Founding fathers separated church from state. But, not God from state. They clearly acknowledged God as the source of our rights and were careful to place biblical morality directly into our founding documents and laws, and into our values and culture. This was their "American Exceptionalism" It was established precisely to prevent, in my opinion, an authoritarian or totalitarian future inherent within Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, or Islamic Sharia Law. They obviously realized the dangers of such subversive infiltrations metastasizing into a culture rooted in Judeo-Christian values.
What is happening in the present is an anti-Judeo-Christian movement created by those who defile it through their secular views, PC advocacy, and an activist Court.
The irony in all this is that our Founding Fathers were considered the "liberals" of their time for deciding that our political and human rights derive from a power superior to any human government. But, they were "conservative" to biblical morality. As such, they acknowledged God is the author of Liberty. What we are seeing now are Liberals turning a blind eye to the required connection between God and Liberty.
Yes, the Constitution is subject to change through the amendment process. But are those amendments adherent to the declarations of our forefathers (biblical) or through secular values - the antithesis of our founding vision?
I do not understand your comment above, "Gradually, more and more people are accepted as citizens". Does this include those who violate our laws by illegally crossing our borders and subsequently granted amnesty or citizenship by those political narcissists wishing to secure their present and future votes at the expense of our values, needs, and well-being?
Yes, I see our founding liberties and values not only being corrupted and compromised but deteriorating as well. It might just be me but I can hear that political toilet flushing more and more of our heritage away each day. And, there are those who see such occurrences as progress?
I don't know what to make of your, "We may yet become the nation that we have always claimed to be". Huh? We were founded upon Judeo-Christian principles and that is our nation's claim. Those principles are being perverted and have been for the past 60 or so years.
As an expressed atheist (certainly allowed by the First Amendment), you do not believe in the existence of God as is your right. A natural conclusion might be that you would view faith based documents almost exclusively via secular eyes and would look to "improve" upon the Judeo-Christian interests in a worldly manner to make this an "ideal" nation. Would this include such historically recent secular "improvements" as abortion (the intentional termination of an innocent life for the purpose primarily of expediency) and same sex marriages? I believe the next anti-Judeo-Christian domino to fall, if it hasn't already, will be polygamy - another proposed/secured secular "improvement".
This is just speculation on my part but, I believe we will someday see the perversion of the First Amendment. Perhaps this is just "Grins and Giggles" stuff but the Left's rapidly spreading PC movement may be preparing us for an eventual State endorsed theology. Two major purported proponents of this movement include President Obama (and his administration - past and present) and his close friend, Oprah Winfrey.
Luis Farrakhan, identified leader of the Nation of Islam, in an address to his congregation, proclaimed Obama as the New Messiah. Obama identifies himself as a Christian though his elementary school records reveal him to be Muslim. When, in recent memory, has a Muslim leader so strongly supported a Christian this way? The two faiths are extreme opposites. Obama seemingly goes out of his way to defend Islam while being overly critical of Christianity. Is he really Christian? With the Left gnawing away at Catholicism and Christianity in general coupled with Obama's apparent pro-Islamic views, could the current support for Islam and the simultaneous denunciation of Christian values be cause for concern? Are we in danger of straying from our Judeo-Christian roots and values? Or, am I just over-reaching?
Winfrey, a highly influential billionaire, television personality, actress, and also a proclaimed Christian, has recently abandoned God's Word (the Bible) by starting up the New Earth Church. It's depicted as one of the fasting growing churches in the world and uses the internet to reach out to its worldwide congregation. Her demographic TV audience started out to - and succeeded in - attracting middle-class caucasian women but her sphere of influence is widening every day. It's a PC, denominationally all-inclusive, anti-Bible faith preaching there are literally millions of ways to receive salvation (to accommodate all religions). Sounds wonderful - and convenient - on the surface (virtual one stop shopping and from the comfy confines of your own home/communal arrangement) but, its deceptive. The Bible - I believe to be the Word of God - says there is only one way to receive this gift. Again, is there a legitimate concern here?
Our Founding Fathers would be shocked and disapproving of these "improvements" and occurrences.