The World Series Champion Astros


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Gold Member
Nov 1, 2004
visited w/ the POTUS at the WH today and nearly 100% of the team attended which included all of the players, all of the coaches, and all of the front office. I could not be more proud except perhaps when the won the series. The exceptions being Beltran, Correa, & Giles who did not make the trip. Even then, neither of these three used the opportunity to grandstand and/or politicize their invites and/or their visits by stating they were not visiting due to the President's policies etc.

Thank you Astros for representing & staying classy!
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I was referring to all the living POTUS' slight of the Billy Graham funeral (except 45) which includes all sides, to be an equal slap at the oligarchs in this case.
This is why my punctuation was left as it was and not like yours
If you believe the "pressing affairs" line it's time for the old beach front property comeback

I read 'family obligations'. But the Astros, including these three who did not make the trip, also did NOTpoliticize their invite to the WH by the POTUS. The three chose not to go for whatever personal reason. But they did not stand in front of cameras pissing, moaning, and bitching about their invite. This is how it's done. And it makes me proud of all of them including the three that didn't make the trip.

BTW, it's a shame you got suckered into some bad property. Perhaps you'll sell it one day.
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I read 'family obligations'. But the Astros, including these three who did not make the trip, also did NOTpoliticize their invite to the WH by the POTUS. The three chose not to go for whatever personal reason. But they did not stand in front of cameras pissing, moaning, and bitching about their invite. This is how it's done. And it makes me proud of all of them including the three that didn't make the trip.

BTW, it's a shame you got suckered into some bad property. Perhaps you'll sell it one day.

Beltran did not go to the WH because the federal government let Puerto Rico go SIX MONTHS without Electricity. AND THEY ARE US CITIZENS)

The Hurricane happened in September of 2017 It was March of 2018 when OG&E finally got Puerto Rico their electricity

Where was the US Government for 6 or 7 months???????

It took the charity of Oklahoma Gas and Electric company (OG&E) to send 50 Trucks
thousands of miles and 100 workers in two 30 day shifts to turn on their electricity. They also for six months did not have running water.

So it took the charity of OGE and another US electric company to do what the US Government in Washington DC did not do to help these people who are US citizens. .

After a ice storm in OKC my family was without electricity for a week. We suffered in the cold. I can only imagine GOING SIX MONTHS WITHOUT ELECTRCITY AND RUNNING WATER, the suffering and deaths many Puerto Rico citizens suffered through.

Its a disgrace what our US Government did to US citizens..
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Beltran did not go to the WH because the federal government let Puerto Rico go SIX MONTHS without Electricity. AND THEY ARE US CITIZENS)

It took the charity of Oklahoma Gas and Electric company (OG&E) to send 50 Trucks
thousands of miles and 100 workers in two 30 day shifts to turn on their electricity. They also for six months did not have running water.

So it took the charity of OGE and another US electric company to do what the US Government in Washington DC did not do to help these people who are US citizens. .

After a ice storm in OKC my family was without electricity for a week. We suffered in the cold. I can only imagine GOING SIX MONTHS WITHOUT ELECTRCITY AND RUNNING WATER, the suffering and deaths many Puerto Rico citizens suffered through.

Its a disgrace what our US Government did to US citizens..

Bullmarket... for the record... share the link for all to see that shows Beltran stating this is his reason for not attending.

Otherwise... lick a turd.
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Bullmarket... for the record... share the link for all to see that shows Beltran stating this is his reason for not attending.

Otherwise... lick a turd.

Same ol WNAS...............Be a gentleman.

Its obvious. If your family and friends did not have electricity and running water for six long months because the US Government did not give a damn,
and it took charity from Oklahoma Gas and Electric to get it after 6 months would you visit Washington DC?

GOOGLE THIS AS IT IS FACT. Or do you want me to produce the link.
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Who in their right mind gives a shit who accepts the invitation to the White House whomever the POTUS is? If invited but didn’t accept, WTF? Is this such a tragedy? I don’t think so.
Same ol WNAS...............Be a gentleman.

Its obvious. If your family and friends did not have electricity and running water for six long months because the US Government did not give a damn,
and it took charity from Oklahoma Gas and Electric to get it after 6 months would you visit Washington DC?

GOOGLE THIS AS IT IS FACT. Or do you want me to produce the link.

No Beltran quote.... so how does that turd taste?
Who in their right mind gives a shit who accepts the invitation to the White House whomever the POTUS is? If invited but didn’t accept, WTF? Is this such a tragedy? I don’t think so.

I'm pretty damn proud that the team I support did not politicize their invite by the POTUS to the WH. Especially after all the crap during the football season. And then players of the Super Bowl game stating they weren't going before they were even invited, much less even won the game. There comes a time when one has to leave politics aside for the respect of the WH itself. At least this is my opinion and I believe the opinion of most. If you don't feel this way... I believe it's a shame and wonder why to be honest.
I'm pretty damn proud that the team I support did not politicize their invite by the POTUS to the WH. Especially after all the crap during the football season. And then players of the Super Bowl game stating they weren't going before they were even invited, much less even won the game. There comes a time when one has to leave politics aside for the respect of the WH itself. At least this is my opinion and I believe the opinion of most. If you don't feel this way... I believe it's a shame and wonder why to be honest.

Read what Beltran said about the US Government
I'm pretty damn proud that the team I support did not politicize their invite by the POTUS to the WH. Especially after all the crap during the football season. And then players of the Super Bowl game stating they weren't going before they were even invited, much less even won the game. There comes a time when one has to leave politics aside for the respect of the WH itself. At least this is my opinion and I believe the opinion of most. If you don't feel this way... I believe it's a shame and wonder why to be honest.

WNAS, it’s just not big of a deal. Who gives a crap if a baseball player doesn’t accept an invitation to the White House. If they don’t show up doesn’t mean they’re a bad person that hates the POTUS. Too much drama. Forgive the double negative.
WNAS, it’s just not big of a deal. Who gives a crap if a baseball player doesn’t accept an invitation to the White House. If they don’t show up doesn’t mean they’re a bad person that hates the POTUS. Too much drama. Forgive the double negative.

Hey I agree with you. I have no issue at all with the three Astro players that didn't atttend as they did not make a spectacle or protest.

Nice article and it shows exactly why I'm proud of them. But Bull... in the quotes for Beltran there is no mention by him that the government was the reason he didn't go. I did read where the author of this piece states he told reporters this, but oddly he was not quoted on this. This article is good by me and I'll go by Beltran's quote(s), not a reporters thoughts.

“No, I’m not going to go. Honestly, I’m not going. I’m going to stay with my family,” Beltran said. “I’m going to be here in New York City. Trump is the President of the United States. If sometimes we don’t like the things that he does, or we like the things that he does, at the end of the day he’s the president, so [politics] have nothing to do with that,” Beltran continued. “Honestly, I’m not into politics. I’m more into the baseball side of it, sports side of it. That’s something that I don’t have a lot of opinion on that. I mean, I’m retired. I feel like I don’t belong to any team. I just feel like I belong to the only team — and that’s my family. That’s the team that I belong [to] right now. I wish [Astros players] the best over there. I hope they have a great time, enjoy their day, with what it comes to visit the White House.”

Nice try though.
Nice article and it shows exactly why I'm proud of them. But Bull... in the quotes for Beltran there is no mention by him that the government was the reason he didn't go. I did read where the author of this piece states he told reporters this, but oddly he was not quoted on this. This article is good by me and I'll go by Beltran's quote(s), not a reporters thoughts.

“No, I’m not going to go. Honestly, I’m not going. I’m going to stay with my family,” Beltran said. “I’m going to be here in New York City. Trump is the President of the United States. If sometimes we don’t like the things that he does, or we like the things that he does, at the end of the day he’s the president, so [politics] have nothing to do with that,” Beltran continued. “Honestly, I’m not into politics. I’m more into the baseball side of it, sports side of it. That’s something that I don’t have a lot of opinion on that. I mean, I’m retired. I feel like I don’t belong to any team. I just feel like I belong to the only team — and that’s my family. That’s the team that I belong [to] right now. I wish [Astros players] the best over there. I hope they have a great time, enjoy their day, with what it comes to visit the White House.”

Nice try though.

Beltran said:
"Last month, he told reporters at an event in New York that he would skip the White House visit, not because of anything Trump did or said but because he was disappointed in the government’s response to Hurricane Maria, which ravaged Beltran’s home territory of Puerto Rico last year. Correa also hails from Puerto Rico."

“No, I’m not going to go. Honestly, I’m not going. I’m going to stay with my family,” Beltran said. “I’m going to be here in New York City.”

Case Closed.

His family because the US Government let them down had no electricity and no running water FOR 4 ,5 & 6 LONG MONTHS.
It took a charity by OG&E Not the US Government to finally get the people of Puerto Rico electricity

Try living for six months with no electricity and no running water.
Frankly it a disgrace what the US Government did to US citizens in Puerto Rico.

OG&E got the Puerto Rico US citizens their electricity in middle of January through February of 2018 The Hurricane happened in September 2017. That's 4, 5 & 6 months with no electricity.
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I wouldn't walk out my front door and take two steps to piss on any politician let alone travel to the Swamp aka Washington D.C. to see one. Red, Blue, Green they are all the same, scum.
As a kid, my visits to Washington DC were with respect and appreciation of this nation's leaders. I looked upon the Capital Building with awe.
I now look upon it with disappointment and resentment, given the sociopaths who now sit in Congress looking for ways to represent only themselves and how they will get reelected. It's a home for political whores. There are no statesmen any more.
Again, I love my country. I hate my government.
I wouldn't walk out my front door and take two steps to piss on any politician let alone travel to the Swamp aka Washington D.C. to see one. Red, Blue, Green they are all the same, scum.

That's a shame really. To be invited to the WH and not go, I question it. But then again, I don't think you'd ever play for a WSC baseball team either.
Beltran said:
"Last month, he told reporters at an event in New York that he would skip the White House visit, not because of anything Trump did or said but because he was disappointed in the government’s response to Hurricane Maria, which ravaged Beltran’s home territory of Puerto Rico last year. Correa also hails from Puerto Rico."

“No, I’m not going to go. Honestly, I’m not going. I’m going to stay with my family,” Beltran said. “I’m going to be here in New York City.”

Case Closed.

His family because the US Government let them down had no electricity and no running water FOR 4 ,5 & 6 LONG MONTHS.
It took a charity by OG&E Not the US Government to finally get the people of Puerto Rico electricity

Try living for six months with no electricity and no running water.
Frankly it a disgrace what the US Government did to US citizens in Puerto Rico.

OG&E got the Puerto Rico US citizens their electricity in middle of January through February of 2018 The Hurricane happened in September 2017. That's 4, 5 & 6 months with no electricity.

Bull... he wasn't quoted saying this. Which tells me that the author of this story either heard this second hand and/or is fabricating it. This is how fake news starts. You post shit. Speaking of that...

how's that turd?
Both C ORREA and Beltran are from Puerto Rico. Both, with the help of team owner Jim Carine, have been heavily involved with efforts to aid the Puerto Rican people. Correa said he took this day off from spring training to aid in the relief effort. If this isn't a symbolic way of showing his feelings about the poor relief effort from our government than I don't know what is.
Both C ORREA and Beltran are from Puerto Rico. Both, with the help of team owner Jim Carine, have been heavily involved with efforts to aid the Puerto Rican people. Correa said he took this day off from spring training to aid in the relief effort. If this isn't a symbolic way of showing his feelings about the poor relief effort from our government than I don't know what is.

Exactly. Well said.

The poor relief effort in Puerto Rico was because the US government did not give a damn about our citizens in Puerto Rico. .

Can you only imagine what the people of Houston and Florida cities would have said after their hurricane damage if the US government by their inaction made them have no electricity and running water for six long months????

US Citizens died and suffered in Puerto Rico.

It finally took the charity and the heart of Oklahoma City's electric company OG&E who took two months and 50 trucks and 100 electricians to help the Puerto Rican people when our US Government did nothing.
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As a kid, my visits to Washington DC were with respect and appreciation of this nation's leaders. I looked upon the Capital Building with awe.
I now look upon it with disappointment and resentment, given the sociopaths who now sit in Congress looking for ways to represent only themselves and how they will get reelected. It's a home for political whores. There are no statesmen any more.
Again, I love my country. I hate my government.

Same here when I went in 85. I was in awe as an 18 yr old kid. It was my High Schools Senior Trip to NYC, DC and Williamsburg. The Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Wall, Capitol Bldg and the White House were among the many things we saw, my favs were the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Arlington National Cem and just the History of it all in general. If I ever go back which I doubt I will I would not be as proud of it as I was then, Government wise except for the Memorials and such, the rest is just rat infested. Least fav thing I saw there, a bag lady taking a leak on the sidewalk in broad daylight. When you gotta go I guess you gotta go.
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I will continue to visit all the "free" attractions in DC and enjoy them in spite of the swamp. All the stuff collected there we the people have paid for, dearly
No question there are great things to see there. The National Mall with its museums and memorials, Mount Vernon, Arlington Cemetery, Ford's Theater, the Jefferson Memorial and the White House are places I enjoy every time. I may have visited there approximately 15 times in my life, the most recent in 2009.
It is sad that bad neighborhoods are so close to these places, but such places have never kept me from going and never will. I know where to go and where not to go.
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No question there are great things to see there. The National Mall with its museums and memorials, Mount Vernon, Arlington Cemetery, Ford's Theater, the Jefferson Memorial and the White House are places I enjoy every time. I may have visited there approximately 15 times in my life, the most recent in 2009.
It is sad that bad neighborhoods are so close to these places, but such places have never kept me from going and never will. I know where to go and where not to go.

I loved the Smithsonian. So many historical things to see in person. It took 2 full days to see most of it.
Look guys... I recognize that there are some NeverTrumpers on the board and even on this thread. But no matter how you feel about Trump, and no matter how you Paint a picture of Beltran, Correa, & Giles... they did not stand in front of cameras and microphones and attempt to politicize their invite and subsequent non attendance to the WH visit. Speaking of little boys, some of you guys just need to deal w/ it like adults. The Astros represented and the three that didn’t showed Class.
My “little boys” comment had nothing to do with Trump or politics.
It had to do with comments about what you wanted another poster on this thread to do when he did not agree with you.

It isn't because he did not agree with me, it's because he posted false information regarding the subject matter. So I called him out. And what did he do? He then posted an article that offered only quotes that supported my position but yet he adds his own commentary to twist the truth once again. Because of that, he can lick a turd.

In regards to my little boy comment, it had nothing to do with Trump or politics as well. It had all to do w/ those adults that struggle to handle the truth.
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It isn't because he did not agree with me, it's because he posted false information regarding the subject matter. So I called him out. And what did he do? He then posted an article that offered only quotes that supported my position but yet he adds his own commentary to twist the truth once again. Because of that, he can lick a turd.

In regards to my little boy comment, it had nothing to do with Trump or politics as well. It had all to do w/ those adults that struggle to handle the truth.


What I posted about Beltran is what he told reporters in this LINK THAT WAS IN THE WASHINGTON POST.

Stop lying WNAS. Point out to all of us where I "twisted the truth" & lied in this thread. You are the name caller and had to say something about "turds" in several threads. Please stop the vulgarities

Link from the Washington Post.

From this LINK Here are the words that Beltran told reporters why he was not going to the White House which I posted earlier in this thread word for word from the Washington Post.

"Now-retired outfielder-designated hitter Carlos Beltran didn’t join his former teammates, either. Last month, he told reporters at an event in New York that he would skip the White House visit, not because of anything Trump did or said but because he was disappointed in the government’s response to Hurricane Maria, which ravaged Beltran’s home territory of Puerto Rico last year. Correa also hails from Puerto Rico."
“No, I’m not going to go. Honestly, I’m not going. I’m going to stay with my family,” Beltran said. “I’m going to be here in New York City.”
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What I posted about Beltran is what he told reporters in this LINK THAT WAS IN THE WASHINGTON POST.

Stop lying WNAS. Point out to all of us where I "twisted the truth" & lied in this thread. You are the name caller and had to say something about "turds" in several threads. Please stop the vulgarities

Link from the Washington Post.

From this LINK Here are the words that Beltran told reporters why he was not going to the White House which I posted earlier in this thread word for word from the Washington Post.

"Now-retired outfielder-designated hitter Carlos Beltran didn’t join his former teammates, either. Last month, he told reporters at an event in New York that he would skip the White House visit, not because of anything Trump did or said but because he was disappointed in the government’s response to Hurricane Maria, which ravaged Beltran’s home territory of Puerto Rico last year. Correa also hails from Puerto Rico."
“No, I’m not going to go. Honestly, I’m not going. I’m going to stay with my family,” Beltran said. “I’m going to be here in New York City.”

First...In the first paragraph above, they did not quote him. You added the quotation marks. Remove them.
Second...why did the WP not quote him? Why did they not use Beltran's words? Because they weren't either there or they were relying on the work of other reporters. I mean they did quote him in other parts of the article but not in his own words as you have it listed above.
Third... you added quotation marks. You are the CNN of this board. Fake. False. Agenda driven. and a turd licker for it.
BTW, this young man Correa has been and is an amazing young man. Yes he has helped is homeland in Puerto Rico, but unless you live in Houston, it's probably unlikely that you saw the efforts that he has made in Houston as well. Carlos is well spoken & handles himself well. His baseball skills earned him a scholarship at a private school in Puerto Rico at very early age. Here are a couple of links that show the type of individual he is. These links are not 'doctored' etc as another poster has posted. As a fan of the Astros, I hope we are able to keep him around for many years. He's a mega super star in the making w/ a huge, bright future.

Correa helping Houston

Correa helping Houston Police Dept
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You guys realize there are 7 separate Smithsonians and each would take a full day of high speed skimming just to say you've been there. I've seen 4 of the 7 in depth plus a lot of other stuff

Love DC and all the amazing things to see and do. It could take weeks to see and do everything right as iasooner1 described. If you go and don't come away with a renewed sense of awe, respect and pride in your country, then you have no soul. :(