It's all up to OU's defense, if there is such a thing. Poor tackling has become TOO much (not "to" much) of an OU trademark.
I keep seeing Sooners bouncing off Ehlinger's legs.
33-31, OU.
Tough game as usual. I'll miss the 1st half due to work.

OU 34
UT 24


I am just opposite. I will have to miss most of second half due to my granddaughter having volleyball games. Who the heck schedules these things on OU - Texas day? The answer is I am in Arkansas so go figure. Thank goodness for DVR. 38-20 OU
3rd & 1 continues to be our Achilles heel on offense. Left tackle made no attempt to engage the D lineman and watched as the defender made an inside move right into where our RB was going.
3 and 20 and we hand them the middle of the field instead of staying aggressive and keeping them out of FG range. Now 4th and 1 and Ehlinger will convert easily.
Caleb Kelly got juked by 5 yards by Ehlinger, after Bookie bit hard on the fake. Pretty much sums up our Defense this year.
Texas first half possessions:
75 yds TD
2 yds FG (following our INT)
75 yds TD
75 yds TD

3 DL rushing the passer with 1 blitzer on many plays but getting picked up easily. We have neither the talent nor scheme to stop anything.
Texas first half possessions:
75 yds TD
2 yds FG (following our INT)
75 yds TD
75 yds TD

3 DL rushing the passer with 1 blitzer on many plays but getting picked up easily. We have neither the talent nor scheme to stop anything.

No, the talent is there. Mike has just schemed them out of any chance to make plays. No attack.
We are running at will when it’s a straight run play, but Lincoln can’t help himself from getting cute with plays and it burns us every time.
any else see Bookie with his head up his butt on that QB keeper? Can the defense get ANY stops in the second half?
At some point we’re going to have to admit we are lacking talent. Our D lineman haven’t shed a single block yet.

Because they're being asked to let the O lineman come to them. The scheme is shit. We let the offense come at us then ask these guys to make a play after we've handed them 3 to 5 yards.

Its pathetic and Mike Stoops is a damn coward!
Their defense has adjusted and played better in the 2nd half. OUr defense will need to made at least 3 stops for OU to win.
lol 3rd and 21 and we let the pile push forward for what 8 or 9 yards? 4th and 2, we burn a timeout...we all know how this is going to end. Did announcer just say we haven’t made a single 4th down stop all year?