OU vs tulane Score Prediction Thread

Just some thoughts after the game.

1 The crowd was really loud. The young man sitting right next to me about busted my ear drum. He truly was really loud but in a good way.

2. Some fans are just rude asses. My friend was told by a woman that he needed to make more room for her and her family but yet he was in his assigned seat. We sat in section 20 row 31. For the record my friend held his ground and politely said “ I am as far over as I can get”. Yet she continued to persist it was her space. He was much nicer to her thsn I would have been.

3. The crowd really thinned out at halftime so we moved up to the corner in section 22 to give ourselves room. I like the view higher anyway. Plus it got us away from her grumpy ass. Her husband was like “ I am sorry she is acting that way”

4. The defense had some laspes at times but man overall came up huge when needed. Gotta give them an A.

5. Arnold and the offense had its moments but also the lows. However I must say Arnold made some huge plays with his legs.

6. With that being said I think Tennesse will still hand OU a loss Saturday. I just hope they are competive and dont get blown away.

7. Thanks to the VetTix organization for the great tickets. If your a veteran its a great place to get tickets from and they are slmost always great seats. At least in my experiences with them.
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