OU recruiting covers 9 states...


Sooner starter
Sep 20, 2001
Portland Ct.
One each from: Arkansas, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Georgia
Two each from: California, Florida, North Carolina and Louisiana
Six from: Oklahoma
Nine from: Texas
Stoops and staff doing what OU must do, and that's recruiting in Texas the hardest.....then getting the top players from instate....and cherry picking from coast to coast.
With or without Marvin Wilson or Jacob Phillips, the 2017 class is special.
The cherry on top looks to be linebacker Tyler Taylor out of Georgia, a 4-star player.....6'3" 230 lbs.
We've got to find a way to drag in a few "5's" that WANT to play for OU and a couple less 3*'s...
Iasooner, OU has a top 5 class with 19 four star recruits. Plus OU has a good track record of developing 3-star players.
Given OU's geographic location, I'm very pleased with this class.
I don't understand how kicking specialist Reece Mandshau is rated a 2-star based on what I've heard of him.
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I agree with what a lot of people have said in this thread. It's a great class, first top 10 class in a few years. Now the coaches need to develop this talent and take these kids to the next level.
Seems as if OU has a recruiting trend that fluctuates each year and that alone would prevent playing for a national championship.
This excellent class of 2017 must be repeated annually.
Early information for the 2018 class reflect a continuation.
This will help the coaches boost some ego. Now this year, no embarrassing incidents. Can't wait, feeling really good at this point.
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Iasooner, OU has a top 5 class with 19 four star recruits. Plus OU has a good track record of developing 3-star players.
Given OU's geographic location, I'm very pleased with this class.
I don't understand how kicking specialist Reece Mandshau is rated a 2-star based on what I've heard of him.

Thanks for the reminder CT; it's just that for Barry, getting the very best wasn't a problem but those were different times...
Early in the 1970's, teams could recruit 45 players until Title IX was put in effect and I believe limits went from 45 to 35 to the 25 limit we now have.
Switzer's teams had lots of depth and OU could recruit a player just to keep him from going elsewhere, or so the story goes. It's been written that OU, like many other teams, could "hide" a player while in high school so other teams wouldn't recruit them. Rod Shoate, it has been said, was such a player.
Switzer never had to deal with the degree of difficulty to win games in the days when there wasn't the parity we see today.
Iasooner, OU has a top 5 class with 19 four star recruits. Plus OU has a good track record of developing 3-star players.
Given OU's geographic location, I'm very pleased with this class.
I don't understand how kicking specialist Reece Mandshau is rated a 2-star based on what I've heard of him.

They very ra
Iasooner, OU has a top 5 class with 19 four star recruits. Plus OU has a good track record of developing 3-star players.
Given OU's geographic location, I'm very pleased with this class.
I don't understand how kicking specialist Reece Mandshau is rated a 2-star based on what I've heard of him.

They very rarely will give a kicker more than two stars. I've seen Parade AAs given two or three stars so at least they're consistent.
Except for Thibs this staff has understandably taken a couple of years to hit it's recruiting stride. I think we are finally seeing the cohesiveness come together. We know what we're scheming and how to recruit to it. We really need another top 5 class before Riley hits the trail.
Except for Thibs this staff has understandably taken a couple of years to hit it's recruiting stride. I think we are finally seeing the cohesiveness come together. We know what we're scheming and how to recruit to it. We really need another top 5 class before Riley hits the trail.
Would appear the "greatest coaching staff in the country" a few years back has somehow gotten better.
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Just go back and look at the recruiting classes since 2008. A large number of the 4* (and higher) recruits, over several years, made little to no noise, or transferred, or both. Those guys not contributing started the slide, and the playoff appearance ended it, at least temporarily. You just can't afford to whiff with that many players, and those were players that other teams wanted, too. The holes that the coaching staff were attempting to fill weren't filled, due to performance, defections, or off-the-field stuff. Hopefully, we'll get a high contribution rate out of this class.
Early in the 1970's, teams could recruit 45 players until Title IX was put in effect and I believe limits went from 45 to 35 to the 25 limit we now have.
Switzer's teams had lots of depth and OU could recruit a player just to keep him from going elsewhere, or so the story goes. It's been written that OU, like many other teams, could "hide" a player while in high school so other teams wouldn't recruit them. Rod Shoate, it has been said, was such a player.
Switzer never had to deal with the degree of difficulty to win games in the days when there wasn't the parity we see today.

Also hid Billy Sims in a hotel a couple of days before signing day. Also back then the SWC used to have a dead period before signing day and the King would kill them during that from what he says he never paid a kid to come to OU...but he took care of them once they got here...
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Early in the 1970's, teams could recruit 45 players until Title IX was put in effect and I believe limits went from 45 to 35 to the 25 limit we now have.
Switzer's teams had lots of depth and OU could recruit a player just to keep him from going elsewhere, or so the story goes. It's been written that OU, like many other teams, could "hide" a player while in high school so other teams wouldn't recruit them. Rod Shoate, it has been said, was such a player.
Switzer never had to deal with the degree of difficulty to win games in the days when there wasn't the parity we see today.

I don't think OU hid Rod Shoate. I don't think we found him until pretty late in the process, watching film on somebody else. Title IX wasn't really part of the decision to lower scholarship numbers. Football wasn't the cash cow then that it is now. In 1971, OU had it's first year of more than two sellouts in one season.

The 1956 team, some considered OU's best ever, had only four home games. Two of them had attendance under 40,000 and with a stadium capacity of 62K and change, OUr largest home crowd was under 58,000. The best year of the 60s was probably 1967. Home attendance for the whole year averaged under 55,000 and the tv money was miniscule. You could only be on national tv twice a year at the most, and seldom had that.

It wasn't until after the OU-Georgia lawsuit against the NCAA, allowing teams to control their own tv contracts, that the money started growing. In the early 70's, two things happened to change the national perspective on recruiting numbers in football. Before the change, i think in 1973, there were no national rules. The number of 45 ships a year, was a Big 8 limitation. Every conference had different rules.

Independent schools had no limits. They could recruit as many as they could afford. I remember Houston bringing in 70 guys one year. In 73 national limits came in for the first time. That's when the numbers started going down. Before then, you could sign with more than one school. Joe Washington signed with two or three.

The national rules changed that with a national signing day. And total ships per year. The limitations related to Title IX came later, when an overall number was implemented. And that got lowered in the 20th century eventually down to 85. That 1972 season was a big deal for several reasons. It was the year that freshman could play on the varsity. That hadn't been the case since a little after WWII.We had the Boomers freshman team before then.

All of that was designed not to accommodate Title IX, but to lower costs, giving have nots, with even less money available, a chance to compete with the haves.
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College football has really grown in popularity. More people are watching football with cable and satellite. When I moved to Michigan way back when, the only game of OU televised was OU VS TEXAS. Unless they were headed to championships. Lots of changes. Also more women watching football.
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I think that free agency in pro football had something to do with college football's popularity. From the 1958 Greatest game ever played, for 40 years, pro football players were identified with one team, even if the went elsewhere late in their careers.

There seems to be no loyalty in the NFL either way. Most college studs syay in one place. Not all, but most.
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I think that free agency in pro football had something to do with college football's popularity. From the 1958 Greatest game ever played, for 40 years, pro football players were identified with one team, even if the went elsewhere late in their careers.

There seems to be no loyalty in the NFL either way. Most college studs stay in one place. Not all, but most.
Not much team loyalty in any professional sport, either by players or owners.
It's a complete whore mentality by players and owners that fans keep forgiving and forgetting.
Not much team loyalty in any professional sport, either by players or owners.
It's a complete whore mentality by players and owners that fans keep forgiving and forgetting.

I think the number of sports fans that prefer this style outweigh those who don't. Fantasy sports are huge, and a lot of people enjoy the trade/FA talks and fantasy - much like a lot of college fans like the recruiting process.
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It's nice to see this staff finally getting busy and taking recruiting seriously. We lost our best recruiters in Venables and Wilson. The Stoop brothers were known to be lazy for the last few years and now hopefully Bob is back. Mike can just do the Sooner Nation a favor and quit.
The biggest issue I see, is the lack of getting great Dlineman to come to OU. Venables wanted a great Front 7 and the Stoops brothers want a great back 7. It all starts up front and the faster they learn this, the quicker we get back to winning NC.
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