Sooner starter
This isn't accurate. Those trips are funded privately through a charity. If you are ever interested in donating to it, lemme know.Haiti is helped by OU financially
This isn't accurate. Those trips are funded privately through a charity. If you are ever interested in donating to it, lemme know.Haiti is helped by OU financially
This isn't accurate. Those trips are funded privately through a charity. If you are ever interested in donating to it, lemme know.
No, OU doesn't organize, sponsor, or fund them. The athletes help raise the money for the charity.I thought OU funded these annual trips for OU athletes going to Haiti to help the orphans
Its great to know private charities fund the expenses like plane trips and all of the costs of these trips. It is definitely a charity to help.
I really don't even know where to start with this, but first lets just get the facts straight.
Every poll you linked, should be thrown out. These are the exact polls that showed Hilary's winning probability at 97%. Why did they show this and why did she lose?
Look at the polls you posted, don't just look at the findings, really dig into them -click on the pdf and see their sample criteria. If it doesn't show the poll makeup immediately close it and find one that does for its a shit poll. You will likely always see 7 -14% more democrats polled than republicans, this points to a massive oversampling of democrats. This exact same thing happened on election night, look up the last poll projections before Trump massacred Hilary. You will see the same polling science that oversampled dems and then tried to implement an algorithm to make up for the polling deviation. Most of these polls are conducted in blue states since most media outlets are located in blue states. Show me a poll that has 14% more Republicans polled than Democrats which is negative for Trump, and I'll believe it. These skewed polls are conducted so the talking heads you keep regurgitating in this thread can convince you that everyone hates Trump, so you need to hate Trump. Let's think for ourselves, everyone else has an agenda, including me.
2 Genders, 2 Scoops, 2 Terms ~ Trump 2020
Maybe you'll believe this one from National Review;_ylu=X3oDMTEyb2RyM205BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDQjQxMjNfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1519457261/RO=10/RU=
...this story about the Clintons and Haiti has not appeared in the regular press which is a red flag that it is not real.
Yeah, we know your definition of "regular press".
Yea Steve,
I happen to watch Fox except for their two lying morons, Sean Hannity and Judge Pirro.
My ideas expressed here are my own. I am a Republican but I sure as hell am a NEVER TRUMP with his attacks on other Republicans .
He turned me off when during his Campaign well before he won being the President when he attacked John McCain.
Trump the five time Draft Dodger said he had "no respect for John McCain as a POW because HE GOT CAPTURED":
VIDEO....Here is your boy Steve "He does not like soldiers who got captured.
I did not support and never will or like him from that moment forward and I supported others in the GOP.
Steve, do you support Trump as he has no respect FOR ANY AMERICAN POW because they got captured?
I'm waiting for your reply.
Trump used student deferments to avoid the draft. Weren’t those legal ?
I had a draft number at 41 and my enrollment at OU kept me out of the draft. Knowing what I know now I’m glad I never went to Vietnam. I wish 58,000 others had never gone.
Bill Clinton was a draft dodger too. And his wife is an incompetent cankled cow who got Americans killed. I haven't seen you bitch about that yet, Mr. Republican bull.Trump the five time Draft Dodger
Bill Clinton was a draft dodger too. And his wife is an incompetent cankled cow who got Americans killed. I haven't seen you bitch about that yet, Mr. Republican bull.
Let's not forget Dick Cheney, the former "president" who declared he "had other things to do". He sure as schit had no issues sending other people's sons and daughters into a senseless, long and costly war. Dick Cheney is not a good person.Bill Clinton was a draft dodger too. And his wife is an incompetent cankled cow who got Americans killed. I haven't seen you bitch about that yet, Mr. Republican bull.
I don't like Trump as a person either, bull. But I do support his policies. I was a lifelong registered Democrat until 2016 when I changed my affiliation to Independent. Obama took the Democratic Party so far left that they alienated me. I wanted Trump to win and put this country first, and that's exactly what he's doing.Did either one say POWs are not heroes because they got captured?
And I have not and would not vote for either Clinton. They will never be in politics again so I don't even give them a second thought. They are dead to me.
Hey if you want to support Trump I could give a shit. If anyone here supports Trump that's up to them being an American with freedom of choice.. I supported Jeb Bush first and then Rubio. when Jeb dropped out and then Cruz.
I do not like Trump and never will. I would like a President Mike Pence.
No thanks. Way too conservative.I would like a President Mike Pence.
Maybe it's working in "red" Oklahoma but it sure is not working across the nation.. November will usher the democrats back in power in the House and hopefully in the senate as well. Dumpy is an embarrassment. He calls Hillary crooked. He is the ultimate crook and wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face.Twitter is his best weapon and it works. He's telling the American peeps things that the liberal media won't. It's working and I hope he keeps tweeting.
Maybe it's working in "red" Oklahoma but it sure is not working across the nation.. November will usher the democrats back in power in the House and hopefully in the senate as well. Dumpy is an embarrassment. He calls Hillary crooked. He is the ultimate crook and wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face.
Trump used student deferments to avoid the draft. Weren’t those legal ?
I had a draft number at 41 and my enrollment at OU kept me out of the draft. Knowing what I know now I’m glad I never went to Vietnam. I wish 58,000 others had never gone.
Remember there was no innnerwebz back then; maybe he had a high lotto number or he could have been on the "11 year plan" for college like me (I registered when I was supposed to but the war draft was over Jan 27, 1973).
WOW ! Can you imagine what happens in the Mid-terms IF the Don meets with "little rocket man" and achieves verifiable progress on their nukes OR reunification of the Peninsula after all these years ?
“Adulterer-in-Chief” can be applied to JFK and Clinton as well.....two sitting presidents.Whoa. Tap the brakes there on Korean reunification. Not going to happen in our lifetimes, but the meetings with South Korea and now with the Adulterer-in-Chief is very encouraging.
...the Adulterer-in-Chief...
Good point.Since when are liberals offended by promiscuity? Wow, the world has flipped upside down.
Yeah, I remember the shock and outrage by many.....over really a non-issue.My first POTUS, the Peanut admitted in a Playboy interview that "he had sinned in thinking adulterous thoughts". I submit that we all have done the same no matter which we vote
Bush Sr. would have won the 1992 election over sexual predictor Bill Clinton had Perot not run as a third party candidate.
Since when are liberals offended by promiscuity? Wow, the world has flipped upside down.
About the same time the religious right start and conservatives in general started condoning adultery.![]()
No kidding. But the simple fact is that Bush Sr lied about taxes. Bush Sr actions created the awareness factor that sent people looking for alternative answers at the polls. Perot was there and maximized it. He brought it upon himself.... w/. "Read my lips. No... New.... Taxes."