Good Evening. I’m new here so go easy on me...

I jumped on, because I saw a post on the Corner that the main board had Covid.

Infection confirmed.


Warming up.

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He's doing the post count thing.. and trying to gain 'likes'. They actually keep a ratio over there.
I’m still trying to figure out what you guys are doing over here. It’s a shit board. Zero content. How is this thread even still on page one? Seriously, why not pony $10 and join the corner?
I’m still trying to figure out what you guys are doing over here. It’s a shit board. Zero content. How is this thread even still on page one? Seriously, why not pony $10 and join the corner?
If it's a shit board, what are YOU doing over here? Take your $10 and go away - back to the non-shit board.
This post is still page 1 because you keep pushing it there. Question answered.
Now, go away Shit For Brains.
If it's a shit board, what are YOU doing over here? Take your $10 and go away - back to the non-shit board.
This post is still page 1 because you keep pushing it there. Question answered.
Now, go away Shit For Brains.
I’m here because you fvcktards keep replying to me and it shows up on my alerts. It’s not rocket science.
I’m here because you fvcktards keep replying to me and it shows up on my alerts. It’s not rocket science.

That'll teach yo azz to come over here and screw w/ us. Look shit for brains, either your $10 board or your life must be pretty bad to keep coming over to a board that you don't like.

Do you swallow too?
That'll teach yo azz to come over here and screw w/ us. Look shit for brains, either your $10 board or your life must be pretty bad to keep coming over to a board that you don't like.

Do you swallow too?
And yet you replied to me again, with a sophomoric post to get me back here. Yore attempts at insulting me confirms you are a basic bitch with no skills. #obsessed.
And yet you replied to me again, with a sophomoric post to get me back here. Yore attempts at insulting me confirms you are a basic bitch with no skills. #obsessed.

So you do swallow. ;)
We feel ya bruh
Wow. Did you erase my post in that quote and edit it with your really cool and laugh out loud modifications? That some serious top level work. I’m surprised the CIA hasn’t offered you a job yet. Keep trying. You will reach a level of success soon that affords an opportunity to pony up $10/month for a subscription.
Wow. Did you erase my post in that quote and edit it with your really cool and laugh out loud modifications? That some serious top level work. I’m surprised the CIA hasn’t offered you a job yet. Keep trying. You will reach a level of success soon that affords an opportunity to pony up $10/month for a subscription.
Yer wearin the cape, ain't ya corky?
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Wow. Did you erase my post in that quote and edit it with your really cool and laugh out loud modifications? That some serious top level work. I’m surprised the CIA hasn’t offered you a job yet. Keep trying. You will reach a level of success soon that affords an opportunity to pony up $10/month for a subscription.
You're really obsessed with the whole $10/month subscription thing. It's actually kinda weird, TBH.

This board has occasional news, speculation, rumor, discussion, bitching, etc. Those of us here are OK with that. Some of us have no interest in minute by minute coverage of where teenage boys decide to play college football.
This guy checks likes on posters and then in the same breath worries about membership. I've looked. There's like 1000x pay members than regular free board posters. If you're a pay member with an even on par free member like ratio, you're really an idiot. I could post about how foul my farts smell on a pay board and get at least 20 likes.
Dumbass thinks we post to keep him coming back. Guess he doesn't really read the posts.
Wonder what part of this he didn't understand:
"Take your $10 and go away - back to the non-shit board. "

It really isn't rocket science.
Didn’t the mods finally remove the *bump* thread from the pay boards?

I feel like this is turning into the new *bump* thread.
On balance, the banter here is so much more credible than on the premium side. So many more pissing matches over there. We don't all get along here. But the disagreements tend to be less hateful. Maybe that's except when the $100 a year guys come slummin'. It's usually just to try to stir up trouble. There are so many more opportunities to do that there. And while the news is nice. It's not very often that we don't have the same info in a week, with a much less contentious environment.
On balance, the banter here is so much more credible than on the premium side. So many more pissing matches over there. We don't all get along here. But the disagreements tend to be less hateful. Maybe that's except when the $100 a year guys come slummin'. It's usually just to try to stir up trouble. There are so many more opportunities to do that there. And while the news is nice. It's not very often that we don't have the same info in a week, with a much less contentious environment.
One of the things I like about this board is the fact that many of us actually know each other.
You are trying way too hard.

Like I said take your time, you aren't trying hard enough. If what you brought here is all you have then please go back to the pay board Karen and ask to speak to the Manager because you clearly aren't getting your money's worth over there. Over here its free and you are going in the hole. Over here your feelings don't matter.
Like I said take your time, you aren't trying hard enough. If what you brought here is all you have then please go back to the pay board Karen and ask to speak to the Manager because you clearly aren't getting your money's worth over there. Over here its free and you are going in the hole. Over here your feelings don't matter.
Yore posts seem to reflect the exact things you condemn about the pay board and its posters.