Sooner starter
Thank you Sunburnt. Several on this board know me and I've never had an inclination toward racism. If somebody wants to throw out "racist" for speaking the truth, that's their ignorance showing. Bad people are bad people regardless of skin color, sex, religion, etc.I have never seen anything from Medic to remotely suggest he sees skin color as superior to another. And I'm pretty good at detecting such faults.
My dander is heightened when the left makes these baseless charges. This is MO for the left.
Black America is in depression with no hope. The real racists are the plantation crackers who keep minorities in poverty and dependent.
Little does the blh moron know, but I am responsible for our departmental policy of attempting resuscitation on all officer involved shootings. Why? Because even if it's justifiable, the suspect deserves it. Cops don't enjoy having to injure or kill folks either. Once the threat is stopped, we do all we can to prevent or reverse death.
I'm also responsible for instituting a protocol of excited delirium awareness and treatment as a medical emergency rather than a law enforcement emergency and ensuring those people are treated with sedation appropriately. The cops have gone from an escalating force policy to one of playing goalie until paramedics arrive and provide treatment. My goal was zero in-custody deaths and we've achieved that for almost seven years. We've taken our protocol across the state and region to promote a goal of zero in-custody deaths and we're seeing police departments moving that direction more and more.
I'm sure that diarrhea mouthed moron can read this. You can shove your racist crap up your ass and spin on it. I do more in a day to help the people you cry about than you'll actually do in your entire lifetime. Accomplish something. I'm about results, not idiotic hateful rhetoric.