Down time before the bowl game .GIF thread

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Back to the future..............


Probably the first 'fast' food drive thru I can recall. I remember their commercial of a Ladder Firetruck that had the firetruck rolling through the drive thru as the driver placed the order and the fireman hanging on the back grabbed the order.

Free balloons stuffed every bag too.
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Trump & Cruz are at a bar. A local patron walks in & sees them sittng at table. He walks up to the bartender and asks, "Is that Donald Trump & Ted Cruz?". The bartender replies, "Yes, that's them." So the guy walks over and says, Wow, I'm amazed to see both of you sitting here. What are y'all doing here?"

Cruz says, "We're discussing the beginning of WW3."
Guy: "What's going to happen?"
Trump: "We're going to bomb 140,000 muslims and a blonde with big tits."
Guy: "Why the blonde?"
Cruz: "See Donald, I told you nobody cares about the muslims."