Parker and Brandon advice thread

Hey Brandon, Parker or anyone else in here who has knowledge on this topic! Any input is greatly appreciated.

I’m 19, no degree and currently work for a college recruiting company, doing sales. I have been a sooner diehard all my life from Tulsa, OK.

The chances of becoming a coach with not much high school playing experience is little to none, so I wanted to ask, what would be the best way to go about pursuing a career around OU football/ CFB in general? Hearing Parker speak about him going to OU to get into SB has me intrigued to look into college for that, as I would love to do what Brandon and Parker do, but also would love to develop a career having an impact on the program in any way I could even if it’s not as a coach, which is highly unlikely.

If you read all this thank you so much to anyone who did. Boomer

(Posted on Owen Field board because not sure if can see both!)
@Parker Thune @Brandon Drumm

Advice from Parker and Brandon on a career revolving around OU Football

Hey Brandon, Parker or anyone else in here who has knowledge on this topic! Any input is greatly appreciated.

I’m 19, no degree and currently work for a college recruiting company, doing sales. I have been a sooner diehard all my life from Tulsa, OK.

The chances of becoming a coach with not much high school playing experience is little to none, so I wanted to ask, what would be the best way to go about pursuing a career around OU football/ CFB in general? Hearing Parker speak about him going to OU to get into SB has me intrigued to look into college for that, as I would love to do what Brandon and Parker do, but also would love to develop a career having an impact on the program in any way I could even if it’s not as a coach, which is highly unlikely.

If you read all this thank you so much to anyone who did. Boomer

@Parker Thune @Brandon Drumm

All Of a Sudden, This Board is Hot For Hawkins...

Same posters that were defenders of Arnold. You all are a joke!
Now all of sudden, Hawkins is QB1. You guys are the biggest problem with our fan base. You know nothing about football except what the moderators post on this site.
Do yourselves and the rest of us a favor and pen your eyes and educate yourselves on the game.

For the record...I was without a doubt the biggest hater of Arnold on this forum. I called him out after the Alamo Bowl and throughout Spring, Summer and this Fall.
With that said, before you all knight Hawkins as the next coming of Jesus Christ like you did Rattler and Arnold, can we at least see how he plays in the SEC on the road?
Dont get me wrong, I said in the Spring he needs time with the 1s because I think he is better suited for what Seth wants to run. But lets be real, Jordan Hare is a tough place to play.
I have no doubt he will be prepared but again, he is a true freshman on the road in the SEC. Just your jets a bit.

Lets Go Mr Hawkins!

Football LIVE GAME THREAD: OU vs. Tennessee

Y'all. It's here. The SEC opener.

We're getting started early. Myself, @Bryan Clinton, @Parker Thune and @Brandon Drumm will have you covered with everything that's happening at Owen Field.

Pregame reading: Things to watch, Tennessee overview with Vol Report's Ryan Sylvia, Vol's tempo provides stiff test for OU defense, Cookin' With Grill Boy

Anyone got a prediction?
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all summer long when OU was going to get G5 and FCS players from the portal yall defended it with that “if you can play, you can play anywhere” bullshit. Yall used FCS generational players like Jared Verse etc to make the players we got sound good but truth is - as many of us said when the commitments happened, boooo 👎. @Parker Thune and @Brandon Drumm constantly talked those mid ass transfer commitments up lmao. And got defensive when some of us said why are we taking guys like Sam Franklin etc from those lower level programs. Yall thought the world was crazy for being sleep on Baur Sharp and co.

Going into the SEC, OU assembled an offensive line that relied on transfers from SMU, UNT, and USC to anchor it lmaooooooooooooooo.
We brought in players from lower level programs to build “competitive depth” in a higher level conference. Make that make sense. Meanwhile the other big time SEC teams were shopping for the best available in P4 conferences.

Sure there may be some gems here and there but for the most that’s not the case. There’s levels.

Let's take breath.

10 point loss is honestly not that bad. There was obviously some REALLY bad offense in the first half but at least we found footing in the second. We can wait to hit the panic button till we see Hawkins at QB1 playout for a little bit. We can all agree it looked a lot more cohesive in the second half so before we start angry mobbing lets give these guys our support! Fun week ahead heading to auburn, very winnable game, and we need to portray some confidence for these guys if we even want to have a lick of chance against Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Bowen: "Do you have any more sons?"

I remember when the Selmon brothers were playing OU and I believe it was Barry that said "he wished they had more sons" or something like that. I kind of feel the same way about the Bowen brothers. Quality, quality young men who are just bad ass football players with a game IQ that seems off the chart for their age. Tennessee tested Eli a few times early when he was in and every time I've seen the kid he is in the right spot at the right time just like his brother always seems to be. Kudos to those boys.

  • Poll
Poll: Who are you starting at QB on Saturday if you're BV?

Who should start at QB vs. Tulane?

  • Arnold

    Votes: 124 84.9%
  • Hawkins

    Votes: 22 15.1%

If you're BV or Littrell, who are you starting at QB on Saturday, truthfully? I'm not asking in the hot take, reactive sense. I mean within the context of managing an entire roster, recruiting, etc., where you know that benching Arnold likely means he transfers (at some point) and your QB room is in upheaval. It's not a cost free decision to say the least. And yet, based one everything you've seen over the past 3 games (going back to the bowl game last year), what would you do?
  • Haha
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This Is What is Needed to Win a Natty

These are the games Oklahoma has needed the past decade+ in the season in order to develop into a championship program.

@dmackey13 referenced in another thread that in this era, and in the SEC, one, even two losses is not the end of the world.

OU played a VERY good team and hung around. This is how you carry your program to the next level. Offense will develop but you cannot replicate the challenges that this conference will present each week and when it’s time, OU will know where it stands and how to win at the highest level and get number 8.

A rational fans thoughts on Jackson Arnold

Here is the thing. Let’s stop and take a second and recognize that crazy irrational fans everywhere want to pull their quarterback after a bad game. Remember last year when everyone said pull DG for Jackson? It was silly then and it’s silly now to say we should move to Hawkins after he has played 3 games as a starter. Let me break this down for my rational friends out there.

First, Jackson played well against temple and had some incredible throws. Early in the Houston game he had a couple misses, but also threw some great balls. When we were up 14-3 around the 50 yard line we had 3rd and 11… Jackson hit Bauer Sharp in the numbers for a first down.. he dropped it. Next possession Jackson hit Zion Ragins in the hands on 3rd and 9 around the same part of the field dropped it. Jackson threw a screen pass to our fastest player that was blocked up well… dropped it. When you have a young quarterback you need players around him to help make him comfortable and make him better. Build his confidence. Jackson got the opposite of that against Houston. Run game was bad and receivers missed the opportunities that were there for big plays.

Now, I’m not saying Jackson didn’t start to struggle… he certainly did. But it started to fall apart after some missed opportunities and the pressure of being in a one score game shook him up a bit. But guess what… that happens to young players sometimes when things are going poorly. They have to work through it and grow out of it. Give the kid a chance to do that.

Yesterday Caleb Williams looked rough in his opener in the NFL. You think the bears are ready to bench him? No. Because rational coaches and GM’s who know football better than the common person don’t think irrationally.

Give Jackson some time. Let’s see if playmakers can start to help him out and get his confidence back. He has elite tools and is crazy talented. Let’s just take a breath and see what happens against Tulane. There might be a time to bail on Jackson, but that time is not now.
