Why I'm glad Mr Boren is the president at OU


Sooner starter
Dec 26, 2004
Article in today's DO on Mixon and Shannon:

"Asked what he would say to female OU fans who — like Walker — are having trouble supporting the Sooners because of Mixon and Shannon, OU President David Boren said he’s sympathetic to those concerns.

“We believe in two things,” Boren said. “We believe in punishment but we believe in redemption. We believe in people accepting responsibility but when they do, we also hope that we have hearts that will forgive.

“Had we been a school that looked the other way or dragged out an investigation to the point of it not even being relevant, utilized their talents and all of that, then I would have been with them.

“Many people make mistakes when they’re younger. I think that I would just say to them that I hope that since the bad behavior was punished, you can join me in hoping for their redemption.”
I don't have a daughter but I'm pretty sure I would not feel the same as you guys if my daughter was the victim in those incidents.
I don't have a daughter but I'm pretty sure I would not feel the same as you guys if my daughter was the victim in those incidents.

So, what you're saying is, there are at least two families who don't feel Boren acted appropriately or that the punishments were not severe enough in the Mixon and Shannon cases. Sounds reasonable.
Boren has a tough job. All things considered, I think he does a great job.

(Comments on his salary in 5.........4.......3.......2 )
Article in today's DO on Mixon and Shannon:

"Asked what he would say to female OU fans who — like Walker — are having trouble supporting the Sooners because of Mixon and Shannon, OU President David Boren said he’s sympathetic to those concerns.

“We believe in two things,” Boren said. “We believe in punishment but we believe in redemption. We believe in people accepting responsibility but when they do, we also hope that we have hearts that will forgive.

“Had we been a school that looked the other way or dragged out an investigation to the point of it not even being relevant, utilized their talents and all of that, then I would have been with them.

“Many people make mistakes when they’re younger. I think that I would just say to them that I hope that since the bad behavior was punished, you can join me in hoping for their redemption.”

I personally find his statements on the surface full of sh!t. He's a master ay speaking to both sides. He didn't look the other way and he didn't drag this out is crapola. Only in his world and in his eyes does he feel he has the right and/or privilege to be the judge and jury of any student. This is done because he has allowed himself and OU to be on the take of fed money in the name of a poltically trumped up Title 9.

In the Shannon case, his kangaroo court shunned a student athlete, issued punishment, in an effort to continue to collect funding, shut up the voices of a blabbering faction of females, and to push the situation off the headlines. All at the expense of an individual. Frank Shannon has been labled as a rapist and will live with this the rest of his life by a friggin court system that is 3rd world at best.

If you had a son that was accused as Frank Shannon, I think you'd look completely different at this case. He was railroaded to keep OU out of the headlines and to keep funding rolling in. Shame on Boren and anyone else that believes this was the right thing to do.
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Sorry, but if Boren were truly straight-shooting, even-handed guy, Shannon and Mixon would have received at least as severe of a punishment as the two SAEs who were expelled, or the SAEs would have received at least as lenient of a punishment as the two football players. I'm not going to say what I think should have happened to any of those four students, because that is not my point. Rather, my point is what appears to be a blatant lack of proportionality in doling out punishment.


“Many people make mistakes when they’re younger. I think that I would just say to them that I hope that since the bad behavior was punished, you can join me in hoping for their redemption.”

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If one is not informed on how Colleges and Universities handle an alleged rape, you're kidding yourself. It's really a shame. Amherst College expelled a student that was innocent that had no rights in the case as the way it is currently set up. While Boren didn't expel Shannon, he allowed punishment to occur without legal representation. He's crap in my books going forward.


I hope that Frank Shannon can one day legally challenge Boren & OU of being labled a rapist and sue the sh!t out of them both.
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Boren has been good for OU but his best days have clearly been behind him for at least 6 years.

It’s really past time to start thinking about post Boren.