Let's review. Clemson's defense didn't stop OUr offense as much as OUr offense stopped OUr offense.
6 drives in 1st Half.
- 3 Drives - 2 TDs and FG
- FG was a 1st and goal at Clemson 4
- 1 Drive to Clemson 30 - 15 yard penalty on Flowers - punt
- 2 Drives stopped by sacks, 1 at midfield.
4 drives in 3rd quarter
- 1 Drive on downs at Clemson 30 - Quick mental error on 3rd down
- 1 Drive to Clemson 40 - Quick cuts behind DB vs in front...INT
- 2 Drives stopped by sacks
....and Perine was injured, then Mixon, and finally Mayfield
Summary - 10 drives, 3 scoring drives.
- At least 2 drives, likely 3 more scoring drives, stopped by our mistakes.
- 4 drives stopped by Clemson's D via sacks against our OLine.
- The same OLine that gave up 4 and 3 sacks respectively to ISU and KSU, blowout wins for us.
Stop slobbering all over Clemson's defense against OUr offense. We hurt ourselves...big time...in a big game.
Now let's talk about how Clemson ran the ball down our throats and started making TDs instead of FGs...after Evans got hurt and Alexander filled the middle. Killed us.