Univ of Texass=Rape U

And Texas isn't in the top 24 of schools with the most rapes, according to Washington Post reports from 2014.
OU had 11 rapes reported in 2014....or 0.4% per 1,0000 students within an enrollment of 27,000.
Texas had 17 that same year....or 0.3% per 1,000 students within an enrollment of 51,000.
Ivy League schools (Brown, Dartmouth, Harvard.....even without a Kennedy on campus) and Stanford had very high rape numbers.
Gettysburg college had 14, Notre Dame had 15 and Wesleyan University (3 miles from my house) had 37 rapes within an enrollment of only 3,224.
My take is that this is a nationwide problem and is just another sign of our times.
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The numbers were based on reports.

Right, but the originally posted link is a survey. I'm just saying that the survey of 15/100 women is probably closer than the stats you provided from reports 15/1000ish. That goes in line with only 1/10 rapes being reported.

When I was in college, I lived in a house right next to Sarkey's Energy Center on Trout Ave. Because of the location and having a large driveway and yard, a number of my friends used that home as their parking spot for school every day, so my house was also somewhat of a public transit turnstile. Our doors were never locked. Everyone was free to come and go as they pleased. I was eating breakfast one morning and watching TV when one of my good female friends came in and took a seat by me to chat like any other regular day. The usual conversations and chit-chat came up, "What'd you do last night?" etc.

Then she just flat out told me she got raped the night before, no emotion, no shame or fear in her voice. Just matter of fact. Out on campus corner drinking, let a guy drive her home, he forced his way in and raped her. I was flabbergasted, of course, just sitting there in total shock. Shocked that it happened and shocked in her very candid and cold explanation of it. So of course, I was like WTF?! And my incredulous reaction, prompted her to just casually say, "It's not the first time." I think she went on to say that it'd happened twice before that over the 3 years we had been in college at that point. I really lost track of the conversation at that point, so I don't really remember much else. I sort of blacked out from the shock in a way.

She opened my eyes that day.
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When I was about 23 or 24 I used to work with a young lady that was always all over me at work, there was a mutual attraction there for sure. We never really went out on a date but one night she came over to my apartment and I could tell she had been drinking and was feeling pretty good. Anyway to make a long story short she asked me to have sex with her and led me to my bedroom, she stripped down and we got in bed but when it came down to it she said she could not and got dressed and left, nothing happened. A couple of years later I ran into her after not seeing her since that night and after talking a bit she tells me that after the last time she saw me that night she went home and told her Dad that I tried to rape her and he was trying to come to my apartment with a shotgun and shoot me after she told him. I was in disbelief because I never had to take any in my life and never tried to take her, she came to me drunk and then backed out, no big deal. Only time anything like that happened to me and from that point on I knew there were some crazy women out there that can and will lie about such things, not that they all do but when they are drunk, leave them the heck alone and don't let them in.
And Texas isn't in the top 24 of schools with the most rapes, according to Washington Post reports from 2014.
OU had 11 rapes reported in 2014....or 0.4% per 1,0000 students within an enrollment of 27,000.
Texas had 17 that same year....or 0.3% per 1,000 students within an enrollment of 51,000.
Ivy League schools (Brown, Dartmouth, Harvard.....even without a Kennedy on campus) and Stanford had very high rape numbers.
Gettysburg college had 14, Notre Dame had 15 and Wesleyan University (3 miles from my house) had 37 rapes within an enrollment of only 3,224.
My take is that this is a nationwide problem and is just another sign of our times.

You may be leaving out an important adjective: "reported." It is possible that those with higher reported rapes, are those who encourage the reporting and make it easier to accomplish. We already know that at Baylor, that's less likely. It's a bit of a contradiction, because a school that is doing what it should, i.e. encouraging reporting, looks worse for doing what's right.