I wanted the flag planting at the shoe.
I wanted the flag planting at the shoe.
OK guys and gals. I will be at O'Connell's about noon until 1:30 or so. I will be wearing a crimson shirt with white interlocking OU patterns. I will have either white or crimson ball cap. Let's catch up! I hope to see many of you there.
I’ll be the guy in the stadium wearing the OU cap, you can’t miss me, give me a shout out when you walk by
My nickname is dipshit, try that one lolI'm 0 for 1,438 so far. I'll find ya.
My nickname is dipshit, try that one lol
I'm standing behind the north endzone, in the middle by the goalpostBTW it's an hour till kickoff. I'm in section 3, row 36. Right behind the entrance. Anybody close?
I'm standing behind the north endzone, in the middle by the goalpost
I'm standing behind the north endzone, in the middle by the goalpost
The power of Brent! Love it!This is nearly the size of a regular home game. Huge turnout.
Nice to hearThis is nearly the size of a regular home game. Huge turnout.
Somewhere Cowherd and Riley are huddled up discusssing their next talking point to deflect from OU’s impending success under VenablesThis is nearly the size of a regular home game. Huge turnout.
Sooner !
I have heard from others that the statue is underwhelming in resemblance to Baker. Is that accurate or do I need to get my eyes checked ?
Opinions ?
See post # 39.Sooner !
I have heard from others that the statue is underwhelming in resemblance to Baker. Is that accurate or do I need to get my eyes checked ?
Opinions ?
Sorry I missed you. The last ticket count we had on Thursday was 55,000. We staffed for a regular game but didn't have docs or nurses in the clinic and we certainly didn't expect 75,000+. OUAD and concessions were blown away. I got stuck doing patient care in the clinic for most of the game. We were steady but not overwhelmed. The sun not coming out saved our asses.Sorry guys for the screw up at O'Connell's. The games was good. First impression? The hurry up offense was quick and alert. Both offenses were fresh. I was more impressed with both defenses in the basics. Tackles were wrap ups. Kanak and Downs are special talents on D. Mims and Wease are special on O. Venables has adopted a WWE persona at mid field. Mayfield's statue was not validated. It's bad. Looks more like Warren Beaty in last 5 minutes of Bonnie & Clyde.
I'm beginning to think Stripling is a better gameday talent than a practice player. He looked pretty good in the Bowl game and looked good todayStripling stood out to me.
this was streamed on youtube?(Just a ‘like’ for the last sentence Bomber). Sorry you missed Q1. I am enjoying the experience on YouTube already.
The frosh RB & Gray have impressed me already in the first three series plus the attacking Defense will be refreshing after being a missing factor for too many seasons.
No, it was streamed on soonersports but has been uploaded to youtube. Search ou spring game 2022. There's a really good highlight video.this was streamed on youtube?