OT Terrorist attack in NYC kills six injuries 15


Sooner starter
Sep 20, 2001
Portland Ct.
A rental truck jumped the curb in Lower Manhattan and plowed through bicyclists and pedestrians along 4 city blocks around 3:15 EST. Police are calling it a terrorist attack at this time.
I've been advocating for some time the need to outlaw these Home Depot Rental Trucks. This should have been done a long time ago, if you right wing nuts hadn't lobbied so hard to keep these Home Depot Rental Trucks in our towns and cities and on our streets.

This has got to stop.
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I have no clue about the advocacy of banning private enterprise (like U Haul) from renting out trucks; if it's done they'll have to ban pressure cookers as well. There will always be another way to bring the pain...
Unfortunately America can’t prevent this from happening as long as there are terrorist willing to die. It’s almost amazing that it doesn’t happen more often. Surviving terrorist then get the benefit of our justice system before having to pay for their crimes against our citizens, our country, our way of life.
Congrats you just won my second ignore!

Little sensitive aren't you. I just asked you a question based on a statement you made.

I hope you aren't under the impression that I care whether you ignore me or not. Now that I know how you are I am actually quite pleased. ;);)
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Fair enough but when someone is baiting me when I am extremely angry its probably for the best.Sorry but I take this senseless killing from people we allow into this country rather hard.

Well, I wasn't baiting you as I thought I knew what you might be thinking. I'm not someone who is shy about voicing my opinion on things. We are on the same page on this issue. Those who think blanket immigration from these areas of the world where the terrorist rule are the same people who always scream ban guns when banning guns would only hurt the legal gun owners.

My comment on banning the Home Depot Rental Trucks was just tongue and cheek comment meant to point out the futility of blaming guns when it is the stupid immigration policies responsible for this kind of insane killing.
Reports are they shot the perp in the abdomen (I could have sworn I heard one say it was his butt); took him to hospital to save him. I have to beg for my pain meds; I hope this creep ain't getting any...
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Unfortunately hate is the new norm these days even from our own politicians. We have an entire American Political Party that wants open borders and political ads like the one below show how low they will go to spread hate and fear for a vote. Gillespie is running for Governor in Virginia and this ad against him came out a few days ago. Absolutely sickening.
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I don't see why terrorists are wasting their time, we seem to be doing a good job of destroying ourselves. Our own Politicians use race and fear to get votes so they can stay in power. I would like to see some of these spineless politicians that seem so hell bent on doing everything they possibly can to derail Trumps Presidency use that same energy to go after the real enemies of the United States instead of using this political correctness to get votes meanwhile average Americans are being killed on the streets because we are afraid of offending Muslims. The whole World has turned upside down. What used to make sense no longer does and things you knew were wrong are now the norm these days. I cannot make sense of any of it.
There you go! Diversity Visa Program, give the man a cigar. Somewhere along our political lines our politicians/civil service corp felt a need to be "kind" to certain geographical locations with regards to immigration. The USA conducts a Visa Lottery Game each year to allow people from unknown corners of the world a chance to immigrate to the USA. This guy is from Uzbekistan and won the visa lottery a few years ago. Imagine, if you will, a pimple faced recent college graduate embarking on a civil service career with the hopes of one day becoming a Consul General (Ambassadors are appointed) in a far away land. His first task is to sort through 250,000 visa applications to narrow the number to a few hundred to a few thousand. This is the Diversity Visa Program. I lived overseas for 32 years. I have learned to despise our foreign service diplomatic corp, with a few exceptions. The Obama years were the all time low points.
But if we're nice to them and welcome them with open arms, they'll learn to love us, right?

Amazing that some people really believe the "kindness begets kindness" mantra will be upheld when dealing with ideologies that promote beheading their own children and terrorizing their own wives.

I remember around 15-20 years ago not missing a day in the news that either Hamas or Hezbollah had mounted an attack on Israel that day. I can't recall the last time I heard one of those stories? Are they just not newsworthy anymore, or do we need to be paying Israel top dollar for foreign policy advice?
Why can’t Americans understand the differences that exist today compared to 1776? Do you think our forefathers might have had different attitudes about immigration back then if America had the overpopulation, welfare woes, terrorism and financial burdens that exist today. Would they have been so welcoming to immigrants? Many good ideas then aren’t so good today because times are different now.
The History Channel played a 3 night lead up show before 9/11 just past that illustrated how the groups in Northern Africa & Halfbananastand areas used the ideas and weapons we gave them in WW2 to fight the Nazis to overthrow their evil British 'oppressors' and start their quest for the new Caliphate. So this was FDR's fault, Not Bush ! Imagine that...
The lefties are gearing up to make a run at the "Electoral College" as they think that is the way to get and keep power. It is a great idea assuming you are an idiot. Sure, let's all just turn all the power to elect the President of the Unites States over to the likes of New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and the like.

Am not sure these idiots are aware that it takes 38 states to ratify that kind of change in the US Constitution. Anyone in Oklahoma want to give up what little power we have in electing the US President. Only some dumb lefties I suppose. I'm really positive that Montana, Wyoming, S. Dakota, N Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Iowa, Arkansas, Alaska, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, S. Carolina, N Carolina etc are just really to get rid of the Electoral College. I am positive that 13 of the above 18 states are just really anxious to give their Presidential election powers to an handful of East and West Coast big cities.

It only takes 13 states to kill this stupid idea.
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The undertow of the selection process of the visa lottery favoring remote islamic countries can be traced back to Valerie Jarret and the Obama administration. Chuck Schumer is a Jarret puppet and sponsored a change in the visa lottery quota to favor off the beaten path countries to promote diversity in the American population. In Jarret speak that translates to more radical muslims. We are more concerned about the GOP sipping vodka with low level Russians than we are in tracking the animals that were allowed to legally enter the USA under the Obama Administration.
I've never trusted Jarret and this confirms it even more. Thanks Scottsdale for the truth.

A question for you or your fellow world travelers/workers. What hotspots in the World besides Iran or Iraq are totally verboten for you or your associates to attempt to ply your trade ?
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It's a free country do what you will.I am not sure I see the similarity but I respect your opinion.Sally Kern to me is a very old soul who is looking at a very different America than the one she grew up with.Answer me this,is America better since we have become so much more "civilized"?The moral fiber of this country is degrading to such unheard of levels that we are reaping what we are sowing in my opinion.
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It's a free country do what you will.I am not sure I see the similarity but I respect your opinion.Sally Kern to me is a very old soul who is looking at a very different America than the one she grew up with.Answer me this,is America better since we have become so much more "civilized"?The moral fiber of this country is degrading to such unheard of levels that we are reaping what we are sowing in my opinion.
So, gay people marrying is a detriment to our moral fiber?
I've never trusted Jarret and this confirms it even more. Thanks Scottsdale for the truth.

A question for you or your fellow world travelers/workers. What hotspots in the World besides Iran or Iraq are totally verboten for you or your associates to attempt to ply your trade ?
Besides the political hot spots like North Korea, I would say the Northern Caucasus regions of the Caspian Sea (Chechnya), Nagorno Karabakh, Central Africa (Niger, Chad, Sudan). North Africa (Libya, Algeria), East Africa (Somalia & Ethiopia). Currently, the angry places like Syria are off limits but I spent quit a bit of time in Syria in late 80s developing a project for Shell. We work with major oil companies and they go to great lengths to evaluate the security risk. We evaluate every potential project individually internally. High risk is often very high reward. We poll our project people as well and let them make personal decisions. FYI: We lost five expats to terrorist in Algeria in 1995 on a job for Bechtel Corporation. This incident still resonates with many of us.