OT: Ralph Northam thoughts

At the time, Palin had an unheard of 80 percent approval rate as governor of Alaska. She quickly became the most attacked Republican ever by a press favoring Democrats. She became a permanent fixture on Saturday Night Live.

No matter who McCain picked, he was doomed. In part, white guilt destined us to eight years of economic stagnation. No one here is more disappointed in the unmitigated failures of John Blake and Barack Obama. I have skin in the game.
At the moment Palin was selected by McCann, and in view of her track record as the Governor of Alaska, I was all in to having Palin run with McCann.
But as the campaign evolved and in her debate with Biden, I saw a person who was not capable of being a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Her "cringe moments" then, and ever since, have been numerous and have become her trademark. (Fox News needs to push away from having her occasional input. The conservative doctrines must be better represented).
I would embrace having a woman serving as president, but the ones that have run so far and in recent years have been awful: Bachman, Clinton, Gillibrand and Harris. Clinton and Harris in particular are too divisive and very mercenary.
Since the 1980's and recently, the only two women in politics I thought were more qualified were Jeanne Kirkpatrick and Carly Fiorina.
At the moment Palin was selected by McCann, and in view of her track record as the Governor of Alaska, I was all in to having Palin run with McCann.
But as the campaign evolved and in her debate with Biden, I saw a person who was not capable of being a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Her "cringe moments" then, and ever since, have been numerous and have become her trademark. (Fox News needs to push away from having her occasional input. The conservative doctrines must be better represented).
I would embrace having a woman serving as president, but the ones that have run so far and in recent years have been awful: Bachman, Clinton, Gillibrand and Harris. Clinton and Harris in particular are too divisive and very mercenary.
Since the 1980's and recently, the only two women in politics I thought were more qualified were Jeanne Kirkpatrick and Carly Fiorina.

I can present no plausible argument.
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The hits keep on coming: Washington Post releases Elizabeth Warren's 1986 official application for the Texas Bar in which she signed the card's "Race: American Indian"; one more idiot bites the dust. Sorry Sunburnt: white sister of the double tongue

She should be ashamed of herself but you know she is not.
I wonder if she received any type of College financial aid or scholarships because of her claims? If so she should pay it all back.
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Oh and the VA Lt Governor Fairfax faces credible charges of sexual impropriety from a credible professional women; silence from the Dems on the issue thus far

I think that what recent events have shown, that it is better to gather as much info as possible before rushing to judgment. The allegations made against Kavanaugh seemed credible at the time to some and were brushed off by others. But in the end, it was one person's word against another's. Same situation with Fairfax. His word against hers. Let's wait to see if anything comes out these allegations before assuming someone's guilt or innocence.
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I think that what recent events have shown, that it is better to gather as much info as possible before rushing to judgment. The allegations made against Kavanaugh seemed credible at the time to some and were brushed off by others. But in the end, it was one person's word against another's. Same situation with Fairfax. His word against hers. Let's wait to see if anything comes out these allegations before assuming someone's guilt or innocence.

I think the whole Kavanaugh thing was paypack for Bill Clinton by the Dems. Anyone ever hear of the Elves? I will give you a hint, Kavanaugh was one of them.
Man Virginia is really a messy swamp; such a sham and shame that there are different standards for the 'factions'. Is there any doubt that there are hypocrites (on every side) when the tables are turned ?
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Man Virginia is really a messy swamp; such a sham and shame that there are different standards for the 'factions'. Is there any doubt that there are hypocrites (on every side) when the tables are turned ?
If the Gov, Lt. Gov, and AG all step aside due to their scandals, a Republican, who is #4 in line, will become Gov. No way the Dems allow this to happen. They will lie in their hypocritical beds rather than see justice done.
If the Gov, Lt. Gov, and AG all step aside due to their scandals, a Republican, who is #4 in line, will become Gov. No way the Dems allow this to happen. They will lie in their hypocritical beds rather than see justice done.

Now that all these two others have come along with their own problems Northam should just say “screw everyone” and sit tight. That happened before he became the Gov and it would be damn near impossible for him to legally get dumped. The Dems would crap themselves silly. LMAO.