OT: Fast Times at Ridgemont High


Sooner starter
Aug 7, 2007
So I finally watched this classic last night, which was well overdue for a movie buff like myself.

The movie was pretty "explicit" even for today's standards so I can't imagine the outcry it created in 1982.

It was as good as they get for teen movies, which doesn't mean much in the scheme of great movies but it was pretty good.

For all the hoopla made of Phoebe Cates topless scene, Jennifer Jason Leigh's were pretty memorable as well ;)
Dang BC, really?

There are some others worthy of your consideration.

Dr. Zhivago
Forrest Gump
Gone with the wind
Citizen Kane
Titanic (1997)
This is so funny. I too watched Ridgemont High last night for the umpteenth time. I love all the characters. Sean Penn.....I don't think too much of his personal views, but he has been a damn good actor his entire career. 1982, wow, that's seems not so long ago.
Awesome, totally awesome!! Says Spicoli, and me, about Fast Time at Ridgemont High.

Actually, that applies to just about all of Cameron Crowe's movies in my book.