Mixon in the news again.


Sooner commitment
Nov 22, 2021
What's with Mixon and his thug lifestyle he lives. This time he didn't do it, but his sister and brother-in-law shot up Minions neighbors cause their son was playing with a toy gun. Pretty sure no one got hurt but Mixon has never learned a thing about right and wrong and he clearly has no moral compass. He's going to end up in prison some day. I stopped liking Mixon when he hit that girl in Norman several years ago.
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Fool got a second chance yet didn't take advantage of it. Rest assured Roger will handle it. 🤣
I’ve believed that Mixon never should have played at OU after he stalked a women into a sandwich shop in 2014 and assaulted her. Stoops let him off easy.
To his defenders, rest assured his pro career will continue. The NFL has a history of excusing felonious behavior.
Venables strikes me as a coach who has a zero tolerance for bad behavior.
I’ve believed that Mixon never should have played at OU after he stalked a women into a sandwich shop in 2014 and assaulted her. Stoops let him off easy.
To his defenders, rest assured his pro career will continue. The NFL has a history of excusing felonious behavior.
Venables strikes me as a coach who has a zero tolerance for bad behavior.
I hope you're right on Venables. Stoops looked that way after the Bomar, and the Jarboe scandals. but Mixon was definitely his biggest mistake. You are also right regarding the NFL, no issue too large for the Need Felons League. They'll continue to make excuses for all their "upright citizens"

Nothing wrong with giving someone a second chance. Once they prove they learned a lesson from their first blown chance.
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I’ve believed that Mixon never should have played at OU after he stalked a women into a sandwich shop in 2014 and assaulted her. Stoops let him off easy.
To his defenders, rest assured his pro career will continue. The NFL has a history of excusing felonious behavior.
Venables strikes me as a coach who has a zero tolerance for bad behavior.
Your portrayal of the events of his 18th birthday, do not fit any facts l've heard reported.

Everything l've heard about that, he was celebrating his 18th birthday, maybe drinking a bit. She began using racist language at him repeatedly after some sort of confrontation and he reacted.

Had he stalked her as a prelim to striking her, l can't imagine that Bob would have allowed him back.

This incident is more than troubling if true. But l also know Joe is an easy target. I'm surprised he wasn't represented by counsel.
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Your portrayal of the events of his 18th birthday, do not fit any facts l've heard reported.

Everything l've heard about that, he was celebrating his 18th birthday, maybe drinking a bit. She began using racist language at him repeatedly after some sort of confrontation and he reacted.

Had he stalked her as a prelim to striking her, l can't imagine that Bob would have allowed him back.

This incident is more than troubling if true. But l also know Joe is an easy target. I'm surprised he wasn't represented by counsel.
Molitor isn’t a woman I would want as a daughter but Mixon following her into the sandwich shop after allegedly propositioning her on the street with two of his friends shoots his defense down.
If she used racist language at him because she’s bigoted and resented a black man hitting on her, and in defense of her gay friend whom Mixon was harassing, that doesn’t justify Mixon’s assault.
Hard to defend Mixon’s innocence by watching the video with or without Molitor’s racist language or her puny hit.
Mixon is a dirt bag and he fits right in with the NFL, which makes millionaires out of men like him.
Jerry Rice got busted with his happy ending messages and yet is still revered to this day as the goat WR. Oh yeah, the NFL protects certain players, protecting their brand while making their fanbase look foolish. Moral character isn't really high on owners lists sadly. Fans turn a blind eye and eat it up for love of the game and owners chagrin though. So many players with felonious histories, questionable decision making yet have been nurtured and made it. Ray Lewis anyone? That man should thank his lucky stars! 😁
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Sholandra didn't do the shooting. My bad. She did participate.
Getaway driver.

Mixon didn't do anything illegal, but damn is he acting recklessly wandering around his backyard with a weapon on him. I doubt he lives in Fallujah or Kabul.

The weapon in evidence doesn't exactly look like a defense-style weapon. And the Nerf gun is pretty clearly a Nerf gun.

Molitor isn’t a woman I would want as a daughter but Mixon following her into the sandwich shop after allegedly propositioning her on the street with two of his friends shoots his defense down.
If she used racist language at him because she’s bigoted and resented a black man hitting on her, and in defense of her gay friend whom Mixon was harassing, that doesn’t justify Mixon’s assault.
Hard to defend Mixon’s innocence by watching the video with or without Molitor’s racist language or her puny hit.
Mixon is a dirt bag and he fits right in with the NFL, which makes millionaires out of men like him.
All due respect you dont know the girl or her family so judging them on behalf of this one incident isnt fair IMO. Mixon may be a great guy but he made several mistakes that night and you arent holding him to the same standard of accountability as you are her. I have known the girl and the family for years and as a Black man I can assure you that there isnt an ounce of "racist" in this family. People use words even the "N" when they are pissed off doesnt always mean that a person is racist, maybe at the time the mix of alcohol and feeling intimidated in your situation as you and your friend are in can cause a person to lash out and say things they shouldnt say. These two young people were freshman students in college at the time if only the rest of us never had any extremely public, embarrassing situations in our lives at 18 that people could judge us by for years on after. One incident in life should never define a persons character or lack there of. Just my 2 cents so flame away
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Mixon's "mistakes" started prior to his coming to OU.
His assault of a girl in high school, where he received no punishment and was hidden in an office from either the girl's father or the police, or both, was enough for longtime NFL scout Gil Brandt to say "I wouldn't draft Mixon. His problems started back in high school".
I did not refer to Molitor as racist.... only say IF she were and used racist language, it still does not warrant her getting hit.
Molitor, by the way, was not a freshman when the assault happened, having enrolled at OU in 2012.
Rest assured Mixon will have an NFL career, make millions and will continue to receive excuses for his "mistakes" and "embarrassing situations".
All due respect you dont know the girl or her family so judging them on behalf of this one incident isnt fair IMO. Mixon may be a great guy but he made several mistakes that night and you arent holding him to the same standard of accountability as you are her. I have known the girl and the family for years and as a Black man I can assure you that there isnt an ounce of "racist" in this family. People use words even the "N" when they are pissed off doesnt always mean that a person is racist, maybe at the time the mix of alcohol and feeling intimidated in your situation as you and your friend are in can cause a person to lash out and say things they shouldnt say. These two young people were freshman students in college at the time if only the rest of us never had any extremely public, embarrassing situations in our lives at 18 that people could judge us by for years on after. One incident in life should never define a persons character or lack there of. Just my 2 cents so flame away
Rearranging a womans face is not an embarrassing situation not even for her, its assault and absolutely inexcusable for a man to do that unless his life was being threatened which it wasn't. He should have been sent packing and told to get his second or was it 3rd chance at another University but he wasn't and it left a stain on OU. Let some strong man rearrange your wife or daughters face and then come back and call it an embarrassing moment for the guy. If we as a Society have sunk so low as to call what he did an "embarrassing moment" then we truly are not a Civilized Society and are no better than wild animals.
Whatever happened to that Bama player that punched a woman after their game with Tennessee last season? I don't remember hearing anything about it after it happened.
I totally agree with 67. Mixon is a thug. He did leave a stain on Oklahoma University. He hasn't learned a thing except that he is entitled to do as he pleases. As a player for Oklahoma, I tried to understand and be a fan but I could never understand his actions. I'm
never going to be a fan. I think he belongs in jail where his sister's boyfriend is going. Why can't he live like a normal person. Raise a family, have some fun as a family without all his b.s. He can enjoy the rest of his life "peacefully". Instead, you know the rest. It's not fair. What a fu**face.
Rearranging a womans face is not an embarrassing situation not even for her, its assault and absolutely inexcusable for a man to do that unless his life was being threatened which it wasn't. He should have been sent packing and told to get his second or was it 3rd chance at another University but he wasn't and it left a stain on OU. Let some strong man rearrange your wife or daughters face and then come back and call it an embarrassing moment for the guy. If we as a Society have sunk so low as to call what he did an "embarrassing moment" then we truly are not a Civilized Society and are no better than wild animals.
If any guy for any reason used the Nword in the face of an 18-year, strong athletic black man, he'd have to be prepared to defend himself. In this day of complaining about women not getting equal scholarships or equal pay, why should this be different? I don't care if the family isn't racist. And l doubt a bit. But the girl screwed up.

The doesn't excuse Mixon. But if a guy did the same thing to Joe, the national and local news narrative, wouldha e been close to a 180⁰. I was a pretty small guy at that age. Low 130's. I knew better than to do that, and would have suufered a similar fate.

Joe has some issues to deal with. But the thug accusations are out of line, imo.
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If any guy for any reason used the Nword in the face of an 18-year, strong athletic black man, he'd have to be prepared to defend himself. In this day of complaining about women not getting equal scholarships or equal pay, why should this be different? I don't care if the family isn't racist. And l doubt a bit. But the girl screwed up.

The doesn't excuse Mixon. But if a guy did the same thing to Joe, the national and local news narrative, wouldha e been close to a 180⁰. I was a pretty small guy at that age. Low 130's. I knew better than to do that, and would have suufered a similar fate.

Joe has some issues to deal with. But the thug accusations are out of line, imo.
I gotta disagree with you brother. Guns firing off in my backyard, a high falutin backyard at that? Mixon has an obvious problem that will no doubt get swept under the rug. With the help of the NFL of course. My honest and humble opinion my man.
Weak excuses for Mixon continue.
He followed her into the sandwich shop after she walked away from him outside, then came to her table and continued his stalking. She had enough and retaliated.
Using the N word ( if she actually used it) is only a word and does not justify violence under any circumstance.
This is similar to blaming a rape victim because she dressed provocatively.
Time for some to realize that being a great Oklahoma player doesn’t make you a good man. OU has had its share and with society enabling and entitling such players, there’s likely more to come at every program.
Rearranging a womans face is not an embarrassing situation not even for her, its assault and absolutely inexcusable for a man to do that unless his life was being threatened which it wasn't. He should have been sent packing and told to get his second or was it 3rd chance at another University but he wasn't and it left a stain on OU. Let some strong man rearrange your wife or daughters face and then come back and call it an embarrassing moment for the guy. If we as a Society have sunk so low as to call what he did an "embarrassing moment" then we truly are not a Civilized Society and are no better than wild animals.
Why did you throw my quote in there i dont agree with what Mixon did I was defending the Victim who gets ostracised after the incident?
I was an avid NFL fan back in the day but begrudgingly have lost interest because of characters like Mixon. There have been many and worse but even so Mixon is an example of why the NFL has become a league filled with slum bags. And that sucks because there’s more really good players and citizens in the league.
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I was an avid NFL fan back in the day but begrudgingly have lost interest because of characters like Mixon. There have been many and worse but even so Mixon is an example of why the NFL has become a league filled with slum bags. And that sucks because there’s more really good players and citizens in the league.
Gotta give Goodell and owners credit though brother. They are cleaning it up.