Ass tripe sounds really really bad...
I'm no expert but I believe it requires antibiotics.
Ass tripe sounds really really bad...
What's important isn't blaming humans or mother nature for
climate change but rather yet, what are we gonna do about it.
Any idiot who denies it doesn't exist has an agenda. The federalist
politician, mostly republicans, only sees how much money or jobs
will it cost to make things more livable. The republicans only
concern is money loss and they've thrown quality of life out the
door. Oh, there are an estimated 8 to 10 million 18 year olds
that will be voting for the 1st time in the next election. Ignore them
and you'll likely lose the next election big time.
What's important isn't blaming humans or mother nature for
climate change but rather yet, what are we gonna do about it.
Any idiot who denies it doesn't exist has an agenda. The federalist
politician, mostly republicans, only sees how much money or jobs
will it cost to make things more livable. The republicans only
concern is money loss and they've thrown quality of life out the
door. Oh, there are an estimated 8 to 10 million 18 year olds
that will be voting for the 1st time in the next election. Ignore them and you'll likely lose the next election big time.
Not gonna happen, trumps days are numbered. Numbered, as in months not year. His approval rating is going downhill and there's no way he's gonna reverse it.
If the Democrats lose again in 2020, they will have done so by drowning in their own bile. If they win, their agenda will be amped up like never before...not for the good for the country, but out of revenge to those who opposed the Leftist policies.Don't be ignorant. The next election is going to be an easy win for Trump whether you like it or not. Tell us more about your fairy tale
Why not ignore threads that represent topics you care nothing about ?blah blah; No politics allowed here; go spit it out on 24/7 if you dare.
I want Sooner football and we've been warned
You can ignore a thread without ignoring another poster.I shouldn't have to and never have ignored anyone that I recall. JM has spoken about this and I try to abide like the Dude
The divisions in this country can be summed up in one word: demographics. Core Trump supporters see the country evolving and they are scared. They want to relive the 50's and Trump is the manifestation of their collective fears. No orchestration is necessary. The country is evolving and no amount of gerrymandering or census manipulation can stop it. We need a president who is a patriot not a nationalist; who is in favor of free and open markets and strategic alliances; who understands the need for immigration reform w/o fear or prejudice, who supports excellence in education for all; who supports a moon shot focus on the affects of fossil fuels and other man made impediments to clean air & water. And maybe above all, we need a president who respects the office of the presidency and doesn't treat it like an organized crime family running a numbers racket in Harlem.
There's a saying that goes:I voted for Jimmy Carter. I was young once... stupid too. I grew up. Wised up. So will the millenials.
I'm not so sure voting against LBJ was a poor choice.I made a big mistake in my 1st presidential vote. So many reasons, as I look back, as to why Goldwater was my choice, but in hindsight he was a poor choice. Back then Tulsa was a hotbed for the John Birch Society and the community was totally controlled politically by the Oil & Gas interests. My entire family were Republicans except for my grandparents on my mother's side who were yellow-dog Democrats. As I've said herein before, I voted Republican for every presidential election until W's second election. The Iraq war was the deal breaker. Today, the Republican party I grew up with is no longer. It's been hijacked by the far, far right and handed to the most irresponsible & unprepared president we've had in my lifetime. Trump is a disgrace. I'd give anything if a real Republican would challenge him in the primary but Weld ain't that guy so the alternative is to hope and pray that the Democrats nominate someone I can vote for. Of course, none of this matters as long as Mitch McConnell is the majority leader.
In 1964, my dad said he was told that if Goldwater won, the U.S. would get involved in a war and taxes would increase. They were dad voted for Goldwater and we did get into a war and taxes increased.
Get on over there, slapping around liberals is fun, I highly recommend it.
^^^uses Gillette products.I don't see the merit of pretending that there is any intellectual discussion. I'd rather communicate with the sane and allow the Silent Generation time to die off, which is coming soon. Fortunately, our youth is wiser than its parents and grandparents, having actually used the internet to attain contact with the outside world.
Some of you are in for a huge shock as you learn what the Republican strategists have been trying to tell you about demographics. There may be only two places in which old white males are the majority: sports message boards and bars. The rest of the world is passing you by.
A couple of facts which you will ignore, and I don't really care. Like nature, facts occur whether you like them or not. The Silent Generation is the last Republican generation, about 53-45. But, it is down to about 8-9% of the population and dying off rapidly (born prior to the end of WWII). The Baby Boomers are slightly Democratic, about 48-46%, but somewhat fluid. Generation X is about 48-43% Democratic (about 40-55 years old). They are slightly less numerous than the Boomers, but the Boomers are getting up there in age (born after WWII).
Then, there is this group that is about 24-39 years old, the same age as most of the freshmen congressmen. They tend to be about 59-32% Democratic. I don't know that we have ever had such a generation shift. They are the reason that 9 million more Democrats than Republicans voted in 2018. As large as the Boomers, and they are now voting.
Some of you think you have insulated your idealism with the courts. You changed all the rules to get it done. But, the removal of judges does not require impeachment (read the constitution). I suspect that the Millennials will simply dismiss a lot of them. They have very little respect for tradition since it seems to have been whatever someone says it is. A majority reject capitalism. Shocked? They are not interested in religion. They are interested in science, and they are absolute believers in diversity. That 27% margin will dominate.
Oh. I think you will find that the upcoming Generation Z, the oldest of whom will be 24 in 2020, are very similar to the Millennials, perhaps more focused. Incidentally, there may be as many Generation Z voters as Silent Generation voters in 2020.
You don't have to believe it or like it. I could care less. I have no interest in discussions in a bar or with old white males. I'm more interested in helping these kids prepare for the reality of tomorrow while you remain in your dreamworlds.
Oh please. trump is nothing more than Reagan with an attitude. Basically, get government the f*** out of the way and let commerce happen (what leftists wrongly referred to as "trickle down." ) Serious question: What did you see in Reagan that was lacking in later republicans, BUT that you saw in Kerry and obama?I made a big mistake in my 1st presidential vote. So many reasons, as I look back, as to why Goldwater was my choice, but in hindsight he was a poor choice. Back then Tulsa was a hotbed for the John Birch Society and the community was totally controlled politically by the Oil & Gas interests. My entire family were Republicans except for my grandparents on my mother's side who were yellow-dog Democrats. As I've said herein before, I voted Republican for every presidential election until W's second election. The Iraq war was the deal breaker. Today, the Republican party I grew up with is no longer. It's been hijacked by the far, far right and handed to the most irresponsible & unprepared president we've had in my lifetime. Trump is a disgrace. I'd give anything if a real Republican would challenge him in the primary but Weld ain't that guy so the alternative is to hope and pray that the Democrats nominate someone I can vote for. Of course, none of this matters as long as Mitch McConnell is the majority leader.
My meetings are done for today, so I'll mosey on over. Honestly, I came back hoping to find a heated Rapinoe thread over here.SiL make a proud appearance over there and party with a bunch of us deplorables; lots of work left and you won't be the only legal beagle...
Yay! SIL is on the 24/7! Now we need to get @veritas59 and @WhyNotaSooner on board as well. Maybe even @frou if somebody is proficient at digging up corpses and reanimating them. Somebody needs to email Since73 and tell him to get his lazy ass out of message board retirement.My meetings are done for today, so I'll mosey on over. Honestly, I came back hoping to find a heated Rapinoe thread over here.
24/7 politics Ostateillustrated should get you on boardwhat board is it?