Link to Okie State's politics forum.

Ha! I think I'll just wait on the occasional political thread here. Actually, the most fun forum is TEXAGS.COM. No those Aggies are classic WASPS.
I went over to check it out.
liberals, that's as if there were any real conservatives in Washington. I'm
really a libertarian and yes they are conservative. All the rest of these
so-called, are really politicrats whose only endeavors is to cover each
others azz. If a federalist politician has any seniority they've already lost
their honesty. It's all about money.
I don't see the merit of pretending that there is any intellectual discussion. I'd rather communicate with the sane and allow the Silent Generation time to die off, which is coming soon. Fortunately, our youth is wiser than its parents and grandparents, having actually used the internet to attain contact with the outside world.
Fortunately, our youth is wiser than its parents and grandparents, having actually used the internet to attain contact with the outside world.
Yes they are. And it doesn't bode well for leftist politics. Kids in high school right now make fun of grievance politics and the push for socialism. The leftist sycophants in higher education are just starting to taste what's coming. Soon, the leftist politics of the Obama drones will be nothing but a skid mark stain in the history books.
Yes they are. And it doesn't bode well for leftist politics. Kids in high school right now make fun of grievance politics and the push for socialism. The leftist sycophants in higher education are just starting to taste what's coming. Soon, the leftist politics of the Obama drones will be nothing but a skid mark stain in the history books.
At least these kids got sense enough to recognize Global Warming, and are
willing to protest against any idiot that's dumb enough to ignore it.
One can only wish climate change is a joke but it seems there will always be science denying flat-earthers who aren't just dumb but downright stupid. There's no debate...except among certain regulars on this board who either illiterate or retarded.
One can only wish climate change is a joke but it seems there will always be science denying flat-earthers who aren't just dumb but downright stupid. There's no debate...except among certain regulars on this board who either illiterate or retarded.
And there's the trusty but completely idiotic narrative.

The climate has been changing since the formation of the earth. There has never been a period in the earth's history where the climate was static. Climate change didn't begin because of humans. The climate will continue to change after humans are gone. If you think humans are capable of stopping the climate from changing, you're much dumber than the "flat-earthers" you referenced, like beyond window licking retarded dumb.
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One can only wish climate change is a joke but it seems there will always be science denying flat-earthers who aren't just dumb but downright stupid. There's no debate...except among certain regulars on this board who either illiterate or retarded.

Two things...
1. So the left has brain washed a few kids. Big deal. Another 6 years of Trump, and a conservative judicial court system will be in place for another 25-30 years.

2. 12 years... yet you think others are stupid.
I’ve long had a fascination with the geological formations called “Eskers” in northern Canada. They are amazing highly elevated natural trails extending hundreds of kilometer into the middle of nowhere. They were made by deposits left by rivers of melting glacier ice, tens of thousands of years ago. I can’t quite grasp how man caused that to happen. I must be retarded.
The Eocene and Mesosoic periods never happened. Lengthy ice ages like the Neoproterozoic period haven't happened. The climate had been static until humans started burning fossil fuels and recording temperatures. You're a "denier" if you don't buy the alarmist political scientific narrative evidence of global cooling warming climate change provided by such esteemed alarmist politicians climate scientists such as Al Gore, Barry Soetoro, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, and Bernie Sanders.

Come on 22LR, stop being a narrative science denier. The climate only changes because of all of the shit that produces earth's climate, like that giant nuclear inferno in the sky and the giant inferno in the depths of earth humans.
One can only wish climate change is a joke but it seems there will always be science denying flat-earthers who aren't just dumb but downright stupid. There's no debate...except among certain regulars on this board who either illiterate or retarded.
The political bent of 21st century "science" is extremely biased. It excludes information to cover up view they will not allow. It assumes godless origins, despite significant evidence of the flaws of their view.

The evidence of design is everywhere. But the philosophical approach is based on the presupposition that including design isn't scientific. If that is truth, then they block the truth, which is what centuries of science allowed.

This applies to biology and the non biological sciences. But you want to have your cake and eat it too. You deny your bias while maintaining it.

That applies to origins, and it applies to your politics posing as science. The evidence for design would be conclusive if allowed.

It take more faith to believe there is no creator, that that there is.
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Some of you are in for a huge shock as you learn what the Republican strategists have been trying to tell you about demographics. There may be only two places in which old white males are the majority: sports message boards and bars. The rest of the world is passing you by.

A couple of facts which you will ignore, and I don't really care. Like nature, facts occur whether you like them or not. The Silent Generation is the last Republican generation, about 53-45. But, it is down to about 8-9% of the population and dying off rapidly (born prior to the end of WWII). The Baby Boomers are slightly Democratic, about 48-46%, but somewhat fluid. Generation X is about 48-43% Democratic (about 40-55 years old). They are slightly less numerous than the Boomers, but the Boomers are getting up there in age (born after WWII).

Then, there is this group that is about 24-39 years old, the same age as most of the freshmen congressmen. They tend to be about 59-32% Democratic. I don't know that we have ever had such a generation shift. They are the reason that 9 million more Democrats than Republicans voted in 2018. As large as the Boomers, and they are now voting.

Some of you think you have insulated your idealism with the courts. You changed all the rules to get it done. But, the removal of judges does not require impeachment (read the constitution). I suspect that the Millennials will simply dismiss a lot of them. They have very little respect for tradition since it seems to have been whatever someone says it is. A majority reject capitalism. Shocked? They are not interested in religion. They are interested in science, and they are absolute believers in diversity. That 27% margin will dominate.

Oh. I think you will find that the upcoming Generation Z, the oldest of whom will be 24 in 2020, are very similar to the Millennials, perhaps more focused. Incidentally, there may be as many Generation Z voters as Silent Generation voters in 2020.

You don't have to believe it or like it. I could care less. I have no interest in discussions in a bar or with old white males. I'm more interested in helping these kids prepare for the reality of tomorrow while you remain in your dreamworlds.
Some of you are in for a huge shock as you learn what the Republican strategists have been trying to tell you about demographics. There may be only two places in which old white males are the majority: sports message boards and bars. The rest of the world is passing you by.

A couple of facts which you will ignore, and I don't really care. Like nature, facts occur whether you like them or not. The Silent Generation is the last Republican generation, about 53-45. But, it is down to about 8-9% of the population and dying off rapidly (born prior to the end of WWII). The Baby Boomers are slightly Democratic, about 48-46%, but somewhat fluid. Generation X is about 48-43% Democratic (about 40-55 years old). They are slightly less numerous than the Boomers, but the Boomers are getting up there in age (born after WWII).

Then, there is this group that is about 24-39 years old, the same age as most of the freshmen congressmen. They tend to be about 59-32% Democratic. I don't know that we have ever had such a generation shift. They are the reason that 9 million more Democrats than Republicans voted in 2018. As large as the Boomers, and they are now voting.

Some of you think you have insulated your idealism with the courts. You changed all the rules to get it done. But, the removal of judges does not require impeachment (read the constitution). I suspect that the Millennials will simply dismiss a lot of them. They have very little respect for tradition since it seems to have been whatever someone says it is. A majority reject capitalism. Shocked? They are not interested in religion. They are interested in science, and they are absolute believers in diversity. That 27% margin will dominate.

Oh. I think you will find that the upcoming Generation Z, the oldest of whom will be 24 in 2020, are very similar to the Millennials, perhaps more focused. Incidentally, there may be as many Generation Z voters as Silent Generation voters in 2020.

You don't have to believe it or like it. I could care less. I have no interest in discussions in a bar or with old white males. I'm more interested in helping these kids prepare for the reality of tomorrow while you remain in your dreamworlds.
And there's the trusty but completely idiotic narrative.

The climate has been changing since the formation of the earth. There has never been a period in the earth's history where the climate was static. Climate change didn't begin because of humans. The climate will continue to change after humans are gone. If you think humans are capable of stopping the climate from changing, you're much dumber than the "flat-earthers" you referenced, like beyond window licking retarded dumb.

I think we should just plug up all the volcanoes and be done with it.
Some of you are in for a huge shock as you learn what the Republican strategists have been trying to tell you about demographics. There may be only two places in which old white males are the majority: sports message boards and bars. The rest of the world is passing you by.

A couple of facts which you will ignore, and I don't really care. Like nature, facts occur whether you like them or not. The Silent Generation is the last Republican generation, about 53-45. But, it is down to about 8-9% of the population and dying off rapidly (born prior to the end of WWII). The Baby Boomers are slightly Democratic, about 48-46%, but somewhat fluid. Generation X is about 48-43% Democratic (about 40-55 years old). They are slightly less numerous than the Boomers, but the Boomers are getting up there in age (born after WWII).

Then, there is this group that is about 24-39 years old, the same age as most of the freshmen congressmen. They tend to be about 59-32% Democratic. I don't know that we have ever had such a generation shift. They are the reason that 9 million more Democrats than Republicans voted in 2018. As large as the Boomers, and they are now voting.

Some of you think you have insulated your idealism with the courts. You changed all the rules to get it done. But, the removal of judges does not require impeachment (read the constitution). I suspect that the Millennials will simply dismiss a lot of them. They have very little respect for tradition since it seems to have been whatever someone says it is. A majority reject capitalism. Shocked? They are not interested in religion. They are interested in science, and they are absolute believers in diversity. That 27% margin will dominate.

Oh. I think you will find that the upcoming Generation Z, the oldest of whom will be 24 in 2020, are very similar to the Millennials, perhaps more focused. Incidentally, there may be as many Generation Z voters as Silent Generation voters in 2020.

You don't have to believe it or like it. I could care less. I have no interest in discussions in a bar or with old white males. I'm more interested in helping these kids prepare for the reality of tomorrow while you remain in your dreamworlds.
Identity politics strikes again.
Some of you are in for a huge shock as you learn what the Republican strategists have been trying to tell you about demographics. There may be only two places in which old white males are the majority: sports message boards and bars. The rest of the world is passing you by.

A couple of facts which you will ignore, and I don't really care. Like nature, facts occur whether you like them or not. The Silent Generation is the last Republican generation, about 53-45. But, it is down to about 8-9% of the population and dying off rapidly (born prior to the end of WWII). The Baby Boomers are slightly Democratic, about 48-46%, but somewhat fluid. Generation X is about 48-43% Democratic (about 40-55 years old). They are slightly less numerous than the Boomers, but the Boomers are getting up there in age (born after WWII).

Then, there is this group that is about 24-39 years old, the same age as most of the freshmen congressmen. They tend to be about 59-32% Democratic. I don't know that we have ever had such a generation shift. They are the reason that 9 million more Democrats than Republicans voted in 2018. As large as the Boomers, and they are now voting.

Some of you think you have insulated your idealism with the courts. You changed all the rules to get it done. But, the removal of judges does not require impeachment (read the constitution). I suspect that the Millennials will simply dismiss a lot of them. They have very little respect for tradition since it seems to have been whatever someone says it is. A majority reject capitalism. Shocked? They are not interested in religion. They are interested in science, and they are absolute believers in diversity. That 27% margin will dominate.

Oh. I think you will find that the upcoming Generation Z, the oldest of whom will be 24 in 2020, are very similar to the Millennials, perhaps more focused. Incidentally, there may be as many Generation Z voters as Silent Generation voters in 2020.

You don't have to believe it or like it. I could care less. I have no interest in discussions in a bar or with old white males. I'm more interested in helping these kids prepare for the reality of tomorrow while you remain in your dreamworlds.

Sybarite: "Fortunately, our youth is wiser than its parents and grandparents, having actually used the internet to attain contact with the outside world."
This statement is easily the most naive and misguided comment EVER posted on this board. Here's why. The internet is an anonymous communications/information system with very little if any actual reality/truth filters (ie: it's why wikipedia is ineligible as a source for a college/HS class report). If one cites this globally connected but unregulated mega-computer as the generation's primary educational faculty (and the reason for excellence and separation from previous generations) than Sybarite has drastically overstated the potential of said generation. One need only go to any public gathering place to see the internet's true final result. Notice how EVERY person under the age of 60 is head-down eyes-glued to their i-phones. Complete isolation from actual physical contact while in the middle of throngs of people. Soon public gatherings will be seen as redundant given their comfortable and convenient availability on a computer screen. It is probably indeed our future but as my generation (GenX) would say....that don't make it right.
I voted for Jimmy Carter. I was young once... stupid too. I grew up. Wised up. So will the millenials.

I don't know a lot of them are pretty dumb its mind boggling. At least I have a good daughter, she asked me in a text a few months ago if I liked Trump? I thought it was a setup question because her mom and grandmother are liberals. I said yes I do support Trump and was expecting a lashing, then she sent me a text of her wearing a MAGA hat!
Hell yeah! She is 22 so there is hope out there that not all of them are brainwashed and infected with the brain eating liberal pathogen.