Let me answer all of these issues for Mike...
Well, we uh, we uh, uh, game planned for them to come up to the line of scrimmage and tell us their, ummn, uh, play. They had a 3rd string guy in there who, umm, uh, didn't uh, get our game plan and he uh, umm, then did some stuff we hadn't planned for.
Once we figured out that uh, that ummm, that 3rd string guy wasn't on board with our game plan, he uhhhhhh, err, uh did some stuff like throwing the football. We uh, weren't uh, ummm, prepared for anyone to throw the football. We uh, figured, uh, ummm, errr uh, that they wouldn't uh, do that since we uh, ummm, only have like 3 guys who know, ummm, how to go against that uh, ummm stuff, you know? We practice that every day, but uhhh, ummm, we always know where Baker is going to errr, um, uh, throw it. We didn't prepare for this uhhhhh, um, mystery stuff.
So, uh, once we figgered out that they, uh, ummm, were going to throw the football, we did some stuff to uh, uhhhh, hopefully keep them from doing that but then they uhh, ummm, didn't throw the ball and uhh, instead handed it off to a uhhhh, running back. We didn't prepare for that.
So, we uhhhhh, decided to defend the middle, ummm, uh, part of the field to stop this uhhh, ummm, running and passing stuff we haven't seen, uh, before. Apparently thst uhh, ummm, left the other halves of the field uh, errr, open for some stuff and we uh, um, didn't make plays out there because we uhhh, ummm, thought we were only playing bewtween the uhhh, um, hashes since the were going to ummm, run and pass the ball.
We had a great strategy that uhhh, ummm Iowa State forgot to tell their uhhh, quaterbacks. We'll coach those guys up for the ummm, future because I uhhh, can't be expected to run a uhhh, ummm, defense without knowing what the play is uh, going to be.