Those aren't all facts. Most are stats. And stats are like whores...once you get them down, you can make them say or do anything you want.
For instance, take your top stat ; "we are a top 20 unit on both sides of the ball". It may also be factual, but it's more of a stat. And let me show you why.
Facts are basically indisputable. In that the meaning of the statement retains its validity in all, or even most all, situations. Water is wet. That's pretty much a factual statement, because in almost every conceivable setting, water will be wet.
Your reasoning of why Clemson will beat OU hinges, in part, on the statistic that Clemson is ranked in the top twenty on both sides of the ball. That's a very vague statement. Which statistic are you using for that statement, as there are several statistics on each side of the ball? And what is the statistical significance between that arbitrary value (twenty) and whatever place OU currently resides in that same statistical category? And what is the value for the teams that you have played to establish the place of each statistic?
Here are some randomly arbitrary statistics for "each side of the ball" for each team. If you are using a different set of statistics, please let me know so we can discuss apples to apples.
Rush offense:........................22/222 ypg...............15/235 ypg
Pass Offense:........................24/288 ypg...............18/307 ypg
Total Offense:........................11/510 ypg...............06/542 ypg
Scoring Offense:....................16/38 ppg.................02/45 ppg
Just using your metric, we beat you in every conceivable offensive category. But does that still tell the whole story? Not really. Because while we're ranked seven spots ahead of you in rushing yards a game, which is pretty significant, we're only averaging three more rushing yards a game than you guys. Is that a number someone could hang their hat on and say "We're going to beat you because we run the ball better than you."? I think we'd all agree, probably not. The biggest advantage OU has in these numbers is in the Scoring offense. We're averaging seven more points per game than you guys. Is that statistically significant? Possibly. A lot of other things have to be taken into account. Such as these statistics:
Rush Defense:.......................24/128 ypg..............42/149 ypg
Pass Defense:.......................05/166 ypg..............32/201 ypg
Total Defense:.......................07/295 ypg..............30/350 ypg
Scoring Defense:...................18/20 ppg................22/20 ppg
You beat us in every conceivable defensive category. And in some categories, it's a pretty significant advantage for Clemson. OU is giving up over 55 yards a game more than Clemson. That, to me, sounds pretty significant. At least until we go back up and look at the only real statistic that counted above: scoring. Because games aren't won or lost on rushing yardage given up. They're won because one team scores more than the other. I think we can all agree on that concept.
And if we look at that metric, we both are giving up 20 ppg, but OU is scoring seven more points per game on average.
Not to "Jenni Carlson" you, but I'm going to leave that statement by itself. Because of all the other statistical categories, that one speaks the loudest.
Now, there are about 1,000 more things that go into those statistics. For instance, if Team A played three of the top five passing teams in the nation, you'd think their passing defense ranking would be very high. It stands to reason the better offensive teams you play, the worse you're going to look defensively. So let's look at the top tour (very arbitrary number on my part, I admit) offenses each team played. To keep this discussion consistent, I'll stick with the Scoring Offense category.
North Carolina.............10/40 ppg
Appalachian State........23/36 ppg
Notre Dame..................31/34 ppg
North Carolina State.....39/33 ppg
Baylor............................01/48 ppg
Texas Tech...................03/45 ppg
TCU...............................08/41 ppg
OSU...............................09/41 ppg
The top four offensive teams OU played this year are ranked head of even the top team Clemson faced. What could that tell someone? One possible finding we could take from that is that OU's defense has played tougher offensive opponents than Clemson has, and yet they still have given up the same amount of points per game.
Again, there are tons more variables that go into this discussion, and in all honesty, my dissertation on this would span over 100 pages on just those variables. But I think you get my gist: that your stated number one reason or Clemson beating OU was due to your belief in some sort of statistical dominance you guys have over us, and I've shown that to be false. And by false, I mean totally not true in any way, shape, or form, and actually to be in OU's favor.
Any other "football" discussions you'd like to have?