Please allow me to educate Hvhusker as it seems facts are being replaced by opinions and spins (you can't spin the fact that Frost does not want to play OU this year and also he is desperate to just to get to a matter how crummy it is)
1. Osborne fled to retirement prior to Big12 forming...he realized his mini dynasty was about to end due to the mere fact he would have to play more than 1 decent team each year....face it 1994-97 his golden era was due to OU and Big8 being way down...only Colorado would stand in the way. Note: Osborne was on hot seat around much that he was thinking of fleeing to Colorado job...but then things went his way. OU got dismantled by a few players trouble events all at once coupled with Media frenzy and NCAA witch hunt for Switzer. Osborne's dynasty then began...fueled by rampant steroids, felons (ie. thugs), low academic standards and of course cupcake scheduling. Also Osborne had an in with NCAA...the ex-Nun (Walsh) that worked for Osborne at Nebraska got a job at NCAA as head of data gathering....very important deciding who qualifies and who doesn't especially when prop-48 was being enforced.
2. The North/South divisions gave Nebraska an advantage of being with the bottom feeders of the big12 in the North division....while OU was in the South with Baylor on the rise and Tech lead by the Pirate it was strong top to bottom. In fact when Nebraska fled the big12....every team in the big12 south was probably better than Nebraska.
3. Nebraska got it's feelings hurt because no one else in the league wanted to lower the academic standards to Nebraska's level (per a vote 11-1)....that and the fact that they could not deal with true competition...they used the Texas excuse to bail to Big10...where they (fans, media, Osborne) had the notion they would quickly rule that conference....what a delusion that was! Note: Nebraska was booted out of the AAU for academic failings..all other teams in big10 belong and are in good standing in when Nebraska was being considered at least 2 schools voted against allowing Nebraska into big10 because of them being booted out of AAU.
4. The Big10 originally formed it's divisions Hero and Legends to be balanced....oh no Nebraska found that too difficult of schedule....behind the scenes they whined and eventually the leagues were reformed to East and West based on Geography (and of course Nebraska fans were elated thinking they now had an easier path to dominate the big10)....once again Nebraska's delusions were beaten down by the style of play of big10. Iowa their new rival has dominated them with just frankly better coaching.
5. Along comes Frost in a parade of hype and Frost warning T-shirts. He boasted and made threats that he would quickly dominate the big10. In fact Frost proclaims things all the time that never materialize on the field. Like last season...he proclaimed they would play anyone anywhere and all that (as long as it's at Lincoln and also as long as it's some cupcake). Moos also known to make bold proclamations...once said that he couldn't wait to play OU and with Frost would assure victory...course that mood seems to have changed as we saw with them secretly lining up Old Dominion! OLD DOMINION!! to replace can't spin around that....Frost wants to get wins any way he can to save his image and maybe job in the future.
Frost also seems to be living in the 1990s bubble that he can't seem to get out of as far as coaching at Nebraska goes. Recently brought in a couple of ex 90s players as mentors...not even sure what that means. One is Jason Peters...boy that's a great role model to have....look up his arrest records while at Nebraska).
Also there's been grumbling around Lincoln admin that he seems to feel he runs the University and can spend money any way he sees fit (he hired a recruiting analyst who lives in Alabama ...actually he teaches there...but is a good bud of Frosts).
Culture wise...the NCAA is being sued by several (5 or 6) ex students who had assault accusations ignored at Nebraska and NCAA also failed to look into.. these involved student athletes. Most recently another one involved a professor.