Glad I don't own any Adrian Peterson merchandise....

....Or even saying that "all lives matter", which I see as a sensible and unifying thing to say, and you're attacked.
I empathize with the main theme of the protests, but looting, stealing, vandalizing and assaulting people cannot be allowed. And don't these protesters understand that a protest is to gain support to their cause instead of spreading fear and hatred ?
And why haven't the Democratic leaders and supporters stepped up to condemn and discourage such violence ? Actually, I know why: they see it as a way of gaining the presidency in November, as they do with the pandemic. Liberal puppet Bill Maher said a year ago he hoped the economy would tank or something else would happen to remove Trump from office. He must be euphoric right now.
Our country is suffering from massive "internal bleeding" and I do not see anyone in politics who can resolve the problem.
The issue isn't about having somebody to solve said problem. The issue is that we have this vast liberal conspiracy, which is very real, as opposed the the vast right wing conspiracy complained about by the most recent previous leftist candidate.

We have every major broadcast network, plus three or four on cable, who have become an arm of the dems. And then there are the online media, who censor conservative postings, while mounting intentional biased points of view designed to make trouble for anyone not on the left. It used to be that you had to be a true conservative to feel their wrath. But now, you much toe an extreme left line, or you will be gotten after, or fired if they have their way.

Those, who for a century promoted free speech above all else, will not burn your house down if you dare take them on in the public forum. OAN isn't the greatest news organization in the world. But they are fairer in presenting both sides, than any of the broadcast media or or CNN, Bloomberg or the derivatives like CNBC.

The flow of information is being seriously threatened by those who seek a severe left wing position. The country will be the worst for it.
I stopped watching the NFL 4 year's.
I watch zero pro sports and very little else bedside's OU sport's but if OU goes anymore political than they already are I will stop my donations and attendance at multiple OU event's.

OU won't care. I used to be a Season Ticket Holder and donated more money as well. Last game we went to 4 or 5 yrs ago there were 2 people sitting in our seats and would not move. Went down and got security to come up and they didn't check tickets for seating and the whole row just had to squeeze us in, not nearly enough room for us to sit and had to sit on our row with one cheeck each on the bench, gave up and left as it was impossible to sit and not be comfortable.
Called Borens office that following Monday to let them know Security was not doing their job and was told not just anyone gets to talk to Mr. Boren and was hung up on. I didn't want a refund nor a special favor or anything else, just the right to sit in our seats that we paid good money for and for Security to do their damn job and make the 2 people that were not supposed to be on that row move their ass. Cancelled my Season Tickets and Donations after that and never looked back. They don't CARE! If you think they do you are fooling yourself.
The issue isn't about having somebody to solve said problem. The issue is that we have this vast liberal conspiracy, which is very real, as opposed the the vast right wing conspiracy complained about by the most recent previous leftist candidate.

We have every major broadcast network, plus three or four on cable, who have become an arm of the dems. And then there are the online media, who censor conservative postings, while mounting intentional biased points of view designed to make trouble for anyone not on the left. It used to be that you had to be a true conservative to feel their wrath. But now, you much toe an extreme left line, or you will be gotten after, or fired if they have their way.

Those, who for a century promoted free speech above all else, will not burn your house down if you dare take them on in the public forum. OAN isn't the greatest news organization in the world. But they are fairer in presenting both sides, than any of the broadcast media or or CNN, Bloomberg or the derivatives like CNBC.

The flow of information is being seriously threatened by those who seek a severe left wing position. The country will be the worst for it.
Creating a division between our citizens is what every broadcast network is designed to do, along with politicians these days and after decades of this, we are now seeing what I consider to be the end result, or close to it. We are no longer getting the news....we are getting someone's "spin" on the news.
But with all of this upheaval, all of this divisiveness, doesn't the blame ultimately fall on the citizens of this country who keep electing unworthy people into office and who do so according to the influence of a corrupt media and ultimately our own lack of independent, rational thinking ? The best and brightest people are no longer entering our government.
The divisiveness is only starting its accelerated ascent. With politicians in charge who represent dividing us up along racial, regional, sexual and gender lines, we are in for a turbulent time in our history. Extremism is now running the show.....and its launching pad was Hillary's well deserved defeat 4 years ago.
OU won't care. I used to be a Season Ticket Holder and donated more money as well. Last game we went to 4 or 5 yrs ago there were 2 people sitting in our seats and would not move. Went down and got security to come up and they didn't check tickets for seating and the whole row just had to squeeze us in, not nearly enough room for us to sit and had to sit on our row with one cheeck each on the bench, gave up and left as it was impossible to sit and not be comfortable.
Called Borens office that following Monday to let them know Security was not doing their job and was told not just anyone gets to talk to Mr. Boren and was hung up on. I didn't want a refund nor a special favor or anything else, just the right to sit in our seats that we paid good money for and for Security to do their damn job and make the 2 people that were not supposed to be on that row move their ass. Cancelled my Season Tickets and Donations after that and never looked back. They don't CARE! If you think they do you are fooling yourself.
There are many thousands of us now that will have a huge impact on OU.
Let's hope. Friend's daughter just graduated from OU. She said she couldn't get out of that liberal shythole soon enough.
My time at OU from 1968-70 is remembered in part for the liberal grad assistants who served as teachers who were intent on impressing us with their liberal rhetoric.
My time at OU from 1968-70 is remembered in part for the liberal grad assistants who served as teachers who were intent on impressing us with their liberal rhetoric.
Fortunately I had a much different experience in the CBA in the late 80s. Our GAs were all trying to impress their tenured bosses, who were all veterans of either Big 8 CPA firms, or Top Ten Banks. Gordon Gekko was one of our folk heroes, along with some brash flashy New York real estate developer whose name escapes me at present.
Hey guys, I just showed up for the 630p Saturday cross burning. When is @Plainosooner kicking this thing off?

I think you're at the wrong location. I just heard that many are seeking help in the form of protestors in south Chicago. They're asking for any & all help they can get in the protesting for the death of a 3 yr old from this past weekend.