FYI...I'm giving everyone likes out the wazzu...


Sooner starter
Oct 16, 2004
Gun Barrel, Texas...via Claremore, earth
That's much as time will allow, and in light of me being dethroned as the 'king' of likes, deferring to the man Josh MQ... (who, incidentally is a honorable, decent fellow of moral intent) :cool:
I will hereby, without cause or merit, give you, the local gentry all the likes you could want, and then some.

I, in my insatiable quest here for equality, will give likes out as if they are participation trophies.

Enjoy my uncommon charity while it last...o_O
Good grief fitty find a hobby.

Thanks a lot yank. It looks like you ran fitty off for a while. He hasn't posted all day. I thought you posted you didn't want to get into the back and forth this board went through last year? You called for a truce. I've pretty much honored it and so has fitty until this..............

Was your post to bait him or did you do it to carry on the feuds?
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I called for a truce with YOU but you couldn't stop running your mouth so we called it off remember? As for fitty and my comment, quit being so sensitive. He has talked vulgar to posters and wished someone would die, I'm guessing you had no issue with that. Just give me a like once in a while and I'll be happy
I called for a truce with YOU but you couldn't stop running your mouth so we called it off remember? As for fitty and my comment, quit being so sensitive. He has talked vulgar to posters and wished someone would die, I'm guessing you had no issue with that. Just give me a like once in a while and I'll be happy

What? Your post makes no sense. fitty calling for who to die?
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I knew that truce was a joke. K2 and fitty are on this board for one reason and for one reason troll. Its their entertainment
I knew that truce was a joke. K2 and fitty are on this board for one reason and for one reason troll. Its their entertainment

And you're on this board to give yank a LOL when he posts. Wait for it, the last amigo will be here shortly.........You guy's are pathetic. fitty didn't say one word about you until you trolled him.
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K2c stop embarrassing yourself. Don't live these years of your life so worried about posters on a sports message board. I can tell me telling fitty to find s hobby really affected you. If you are so worried call and check on him. After all these are your friends

Maybe this is his hobby...... Why did you call him out?
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His hobby is getting likes on message boards? Um wow lol. I'm going to give fitty some credit and disagree. As for you k2c, run along troll.
k2 please find something else to do with your time. Are you going to spend your senior years on a msg board 24/7? Its the off season so now would be a great time for you to find a hobby. It would be good for you
By wnas? A guy who admitted he made the decision to ban me just because he didn't like me? And did the same to others? Lol. K2c just stop. You are just a message board troll who wasn't even mature enough to honor a truce. I have a feeling you will never change, its who you are now. A troll is a troll is a troll
By wnas? A guy who admitted he made the decision to ban me just because he didn't like me? And did the same to others? Lol. K2c just stop. You are just a message board troll who wasn't even mature enough to honor a truce. I have a feeling you will never change, its who you are now. A troll is a troll is a troll

You was banned for being a troll. Not me!
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I can't imagine that this is a serious thread and/or what it has devolved to. If you don't like what the original topic was, why does someone respond? Just leave it to die if you think that is it's fate.

Now...someone like this post or I'll be forced to choke a chicken...preferably mine.
I'll up my offer from several months back. I will pay the Premium membership annually in perpetuity for barkingyank for life if he/she never posts here again. I'll add an extra $100 per year if you can convince billy and WNAS to go with you. I know 10 posters that would likely up the ante and another half dozen that would start posting here again if these immature, characterless, posing whiners weren't here to try and suck the life out of a good message board.

I have money, I have people. We can help with bail money, trailer repairs, getting a job as moderator on the Poke board. You won't get a better offer and you can still be a Richard Cranium, just not here. Let me know.
I'll up my offer from several months back. I will pay the Premium membership annually in perpetuity for barkingyank for life if he/she never posts here again. I'll add an extra $100 per year if you can convince billy and WNAS to go with you. I know 10 posters that would likely up the ante and another half dozen that would start posting here again if these immature, characterless, posing whiners weren't here to try and suck the life out of a good message board.

I have money, I have people. We can help with bail money, trailer repairs, getting a job as moderator on the Poke board. You won't get a better offer and you can still be a Richard Cranium, just not here. Let me know.
lol this is so sad. Does this board really mean that much to you tulsan? Of course it does.
Barking why are you even responding to tulsan? Other than reading a couple of comments of his the other to keep up with the topic, he has disappeared from scoop. I advise you to do the same. The ignore feature has put a dent in their trolling and it absolutely eats them up. I love it.
I'll up my offer from several months back. I will pay the Premium membership annually in perpetuity for barkingyank for life if he/she never posts here again. I'll add an extra $100 per year if you can convince billy and WNAS to go with you. I know 10 posters that would likely up the ante and another half dozen that would start posting here again if these immature, characterless, posing whiners weren't here to try and suck the life out of a good message board.

I have money, I have people. We can help with bail money, trailer repairs, getting a job as moderator on the Poke board. You won't get a better offer and you can still be a Richard Cranium, just not here. Let me know.
The support from other posters has been amazing. I can now bump the offer to $1,000 a year, if you just stop posting here. Thats gotta be close to 10 years of trailer park dues. Better snag it. No ones saying you can't continue to be douche bags....just not here.
Fitty thank God you are back, we were about to send out a search party for you.
Fitty thank God you are back, we were about to send out a search party for you.

Thanks, and if you were the head of that search party...oh man, couldn't like it more douche boy.

It's amazing that with all this acrimony toward you and your brother, you have the audacity to continue to post anything here.

I know this, if I were as consummately hated and loathed as much as you putzes are...I'd just flat never show up again.

But then again, I have a brain. A brain that can tell me where and when I'm not wanted.
Pity, that you don't have that same intuitive brain.

Carry on, dyk hed.
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This thread proves one thing. There are several lonely old men on this board with no life. Sad

No, all this proves is you have nothing to offer here...and you criticize all the posters that do.

You aren't getting away with this charade you proffer on a daily basis.
Try as you might. Your little act is being exposed, for all the world to see.

Feel the burn yet?
That's what I thought...stupid people cannot feel or understand the critical admonishments of the smart people.
Therein lies your problem. Get it?
My brother? I'm confused. Are you releasing personal info here on scoop? Be careful, be VERY careful or I'll take care of it. And fitty I hate to break your old heart but I get along with the majority of the board its just 3 or 4 I don't see eye to eye with on most things. The beauty? 3 of those are on ignore and I don't see what they post anyway. I would bet my life on it im still controlling them though and they are still obsessed with me. I know, kind of pathetic ain't it? Anyway I keep you off ignore because I generally like you, I just don't like you at certain times ( and you know when that is). What can I say, I love you fitty. There I said it

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