Baylor coach on the TU sidelines for OU Tulsa

Not just interesting. It's considered a major violation of NCAA rules. A coach from another program isn't allowed in your stadium on game day, unless his team is playing there. That he was apparently on the Tulsa sidelines, as an offensive coach at Baylor, but wearing a Tulsa a shirt, when his team and Tulsa run the same offense is quite disturbing.

And since the coach was a former OU recruit, who did it surreptitiously is, well, in keeping with Baylor behavior recently and prior to recently. BStoops is more than a little peeved about this. Don't blame him.
Not just interesting. It's considered a major violation of NCAA rules. A coach from another program isn't allowed in your stadium on game day, unless his team is playing there. That he was apparently on the Tulsa sidelines, as an offensive coach at Baylor, but wearing a Tulsa a shirt, when his team and Tulsa run the same offense is quite disturbing.

And since the coach was a former OU recruit, who did it surreptitiously is, well, in keeping with Baylor behavior recently and prior to recently. BStoops is more than a little peeved about this. Don't blame him.

Yep, I'm seeing a pattern of 'minor' violations by Baylor that's disquieting. Usually, that means there's perhaps some major stuff going on and it's a diversion.

Oh well, we'll see.
Maybe the NCAA will put a construction office trailer in Waco like they had in Norman for about 5 years.

It's not easy being good.
If it were there wouldn't be any problems anywhere.
Now would there?:p
Not just interesting. It's considered a major violation of NCAA rules. A coach from another program isn't allowed in your stadium on game day, unless his team is playing there. That he was apparently on the Tulsa sidelines, as an offensive coach at Baylor, but wearing a Tulsa a shirt, when his team and Tulsa run the same offense is quite disturbing.

And since the coach was a former OU recruit, who did it surreptitiously is, well, in keeping with Baylor behavior recently and prior to recently. BStoops is more than a little peeved about this. Don't blame him.

And since Leddy is Briles' Son-in-Law, there will probably be a chill in the air at the Thanksgiving Dinner Table...:p
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Yep, I'm seeing a pattern of 'minor' violations by Baylor that's disquieting. Usually, that means there's perhaps some major stuff going on and it's a diversion.
Oh well, we'll see.
Maybe the NCAA will put a construction office trailer in Waco like they had in Norman for about 5 years.

That's the ticket, then some idiot from the gubment will blow the sucka up... POOF no more ncaa (oh wait)
*disclaimer: no offense to any group or individual intended
That's the ticket, then some idiot from the gubment will blow the sucka up... POOF no more ncaa (oh wait)
*disclaimer: no offense to any group or individual intended

I heard that, then someone said OU was so upside down with them they gave them some office space far far away from the former Switzer Center so they'd have to walk really far.
Then someone said there was a trailer of some kind that was unmarked for fear the Rufneks would try a caper. (this was the ugly in '88 with all that hooligan stuff going on)

What's the truth?
I for one would like to know.
Briles will roll on his back and NCAA will scratch his flea infested belly. There is something very untrustworthy about Briles....and he was the constant moaner during the between seasons about the CFB....he has clear cut motives to cheat and lie.
There are several suspicious pictures that have surfaced on other OU message boards that could show the wife holding a recording device for a very prolonged period of time….
I hope all the TV people with video go back and check for this.
Well link the pics for us if they are being posted elsewhere

One I've seen so far: