What a great accomplishment. 60-1 on the season and riding a 53 game win streak that will likely extend into next season. 3 Straight titles and 6 of 10 plus PG 7th NC overall.

JB was lights out on the mound and deserved the MVP of the series without a doubt as she shut down a very potent FSU offense. Talk about setting a bar for future coaches. PG has done it
The pressure on these players and coaches was enormous. For them to be able to maintain that level of execution and composure is remarkable. You could see a sense of relief that it was over in their post-game comments.
The pressure on these players and coaches was enormous. For them to be able to maintain that level of execution and composure is remarkable. You could see a sense of relief that it was over in their post-game comments.
Yet they handled it just fine. Of course it was a long tough road but OUr gals are tough. Dang almighty Patty's got a good thing going here. 👍
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