OT: Grace Lyons

Where I was almost perfect with my predictions of where the commits would fall in the last rankings for the 2020 class, I am failing miserably with the final rankings of the 2018 class. Grace Lyons was ranked #5 in the last go around and predicted around the same this time. Brooke Vestal is the last OU commit and because of injuries I predicted a fall from #1 to #9. That only means one thing, she will probably stay at #1.

13 | Grace Lyons, MIF | Firecrackers – Rico (Oklahoma)

You would be hard-pressed to find another glove in the infield that is better than Lyons. Whether she’s moving to her backhand or forehand side, every play she makes seems effortless and calculated. “What she does in the field defensively is ridiculous, there are few if any in her class who can do the things Grace does.” said one club coach. This season for at O’Connor (Phoenix, AZ) High, she batted .526 with 50 hits, 47 runs scored, and 35 RBIs in 33 games played. And she showed extra-base power as she hit seven home runs with 14 doubles. Lyons held .982 fielding percentage out of 109 total chances. She will sign with Oklahoma this week.

Earliest Memory of Being a Sooner?

The night's whisky and watching that top ten RBs video really took me back. What's your earliest memory of being a Sooner? I remember as a 4-5 y/o kid, my best friend, my brother and I stacking pillows and blankets as high as we could and then taking turns leaping over the "pile" doing our best impression of Billy Sims. I also vividly remember a few years later, playing ball in my buddy's yard, showing exactly how I would've done it different if I were Kelly Phelps playing against Nebraska. Funny what we remember!

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Enough is Enough...(READ IMMEDIATELY)

As Plaino told you all I've been considering shutting down this board so let's just get that reality out of the way and out there for you all to read and realize.

This is a free board guys, it's not worth my time, literally, to spend the amount of time I must to police this board. And to Plaino's credit he HAS spoken up on behalf of the entire board and I've at least decided to step back from the edge and consider how we might right the ship.

I've asked, warned, and threatened before but this's just flat out martial law.

***If you post an unprovoked attack, snide remark, etc. you'll be banned for a month. If you do it again, you'll be banned - and I'll ban the IP as well. Basically, I'll do everything in my power to make sure you never post here again. It's that simple.

***If you respond to an unprovoked attack in any way other more extreme than 'this is going to go badly', you'll be banned for a month. If you do it again, you'll be banned - and I'll ban the IP as well. Basically, I'll do everything in my power to make sure you never post here again. It's that simple.

***If you bring an old/current/any other post/argument/etc. into a new thread you'll be banned for a month. If you do it again, you'll be banned - and I'll ban the IP as well. Basically, I'll do everything in my power to make sure you never post here again. It's that simple.

I'll stop repeating this basic thing, I think you're getting the idea. All this pettiness, it's over. Squash it, sign up for the pay board, take up underwater basket weaving, I just don't care what you do but find a way to build a bridge and move past it.

The reality of all of this? Some of you and your days on this board are numbered.

Or in short...

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The only difference here?

I'm excited to take out some of the trash.

I'm not going to be watching every post but those guys you can't stand...they'll report you to me in a heart beat (you can all now see the report 'button' that is in EVERY post someone makes. You see something that is across the line, report it to me and I'll take care of it.

I'll be checking in from time to time and will handle things that haven't been reported at that time.

This was once a great free board - and no it's not just the 'new folks' that ruined it. For this board, those who are seeking change are no more problematic than those who reject it.

Garrett Richards

Fella is just absolutely killing it this year. One of the best pitchers in the league.

3.24 era
83 SO.

Btw was in drafted coming out of highschool...and if anyone knows anything about baseball they know if you can throw a ball someone will draft you in the 40th round...then goes to OU and plays under SG and the dude goes in the 1st round and is killing it. Anywho...makes me miss the good ole days of OU baseball.
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OT: Most Overplayed Jokes on The Corner . . . & Some That Never Get Old

One man's opinion.

Most Overplayed:

10. Anything Michael Sam.
9. Jotay's nephew.
8. Mixon pounding female faces in public.
7. Metoyer pounding himself in public.
6. Insults directed at Donald59
5. Anything Donald59 writes. (whoops.)
4. "3 Star" Sarcasm
3. Will Fvcking Latu.
2. Carey's Art.
1. Personification of "Scoop" in SS.

(Sorry, Josh. But man, it grates. And doesn't it wear you out?)

Humor that will never get old:

1. "First."
2. Anything Carey writes after 2am and/or three drinks.
3. Grammar jokes about Josh.
4. Brutal assaults for spelling like "your" an Aggie.
5. Vitriol for Horns, LHN.
6. Until such time as we join the SEC, vitriol for ESPN.
7. Until such time as we join the SEC, vitriol for the SEC.
8. Paranoia with respect to Rivals' reranking of our recruits.
9. Use of the phrase "The player That Shall Remain Nameless" and "The Game We Shall Not Mention" for The Player That Shall Remain Nameless and The Game We Shall Not Mention, respectively.
10. Calling Boren The Wallflower until he grows a pair.
11. Bobcat your nuts.

Honorable Mention: 1) References to (or encouragement of) Eddie hiding in foliage to secure classified information; 2) Mocking Redzone when he goes off half-cocked and backpedals like a madman instead of just owning it, man; 3) Wufee's "old fart" humor; 4) Hawg Lock.

Please don't take this personally. Unless you should.

How much of an issue was Bob's hip?

Any of you "insiders" care to shed some light on this?

If you've ever known anyone who needed hip, or even knee replacement, you know how bothersome the pain can be to their everyday life. Imagine then trying to run an elite football program dealing with all of that pain on a daily basis especially after one of your players died to an overdose of prescription pain medication. I'm guessing we will never know how much of an issue it was but I think Boren's comments about a reinvigorated team had as much to do with the head man of the team than anything.

Chamberlain and Pendley go first, second in NPF Draft

From OU Softball press release:

Oklahoma softball seniors Lauren Chamberlain and Shelby Pendley made history Wednesday night as they became the first teammates in the history of the National Pro Fastpitch draft to be taken with the first two picks.

The USSSA Pride selected Chamberlain with the No. 1 overall pick, making her the first player in Oklahoma history to be taken first in the draft. Previously, DJ Mathis was the highest Sooner chosen when the Akron Racers took her second overall in 2009.
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OT: I saw my first bull fight on YouTube. I don't want to step on any toes

but that was one of the most outrageous things I've ever watched. First of all, I'm not some weirdo with a flaky agenda, but this magnificent animal was run into the ring. He was amazing. Full of spirit, energy obviously an animal not to be taken lightly. I enjoyed just watching him strut, shake his head, and run. An extremely athletic and dangerous creature.

It all went downhill from here. These assholes riding padded horses systematically injured the bull by stabbing it repeatedly between its front shoulder blades and wearing it down. They continued to injure it by stabbing it with barbed spears all in the same wound while continuing to tire out this magnificent bull. Finally after the bull is weakened and tired, this pussy comes out in skin tight pants and starts prancing around with a cape, getting the bull to charge the cape. He continues to do this further wearing out the bull until the bull is gassed. Then this brave bastard takes out a long sword and stabs the bull between the shoulder blades (where there already is a large bleeding wound) and the bull stands there a few seconds, blood gushing out of its mouth, then topples to the ground. Then to add an additional insult to injury, before the animal has died, they walk over to it and cut off one of its ears.

My biggest problem with this whole spectacle is the abuse and injuring of the animal before the brave puss boy came out to act like he's some amazing conquerer of dangerous animals. Let him come out and fight the bull in the beginning, then he has something to strut about, otherwise they're nothing but pompous, fancy puss boys. Sorry for the rant boys but I saw zero fair play in this whole event.
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OT: So Buster and I just step outside for him to piss and me to go to the

mailbox. Big, big, big mistake. I saunter to the mailbox and pull out my 2 pounds of junk. So while Buster is taking his 4th piss, I'm leafing thru the mass of stuff. Then I see it,. An envelope from the county accessors office and emblazed on the front in bold print is "revised assessment". I fully realized that it'll be a cold day in hell for the revision to reflect a reduction....right? So I'm standing there in the street deciding to open now or 6 months from now. Unfortunately for me, I find it difficult to procrastinate. So I lean on the mail box and open up the accursed thing. Well I gotta tell you, I almost squeezed off a loaf right out there in the street. The tax is over 2.5 times more than my old house. My mind is blown, but yet potus reminds me daily that I'm not paying my "fair share". Well, I'm still standing there trying to re-understand why I get to pay income (state and federal), gas, sales, franchise, inventory, soc sec, Medicaid, use, luxury, utility add on fees, personal property, adult beverage, tags (25), layered on products for sale, excise, capital gains, estate, death, taxes. I'm sure I've over looked some juicy ones. Anyway, I love me some gubment.

Btw, within 2 days of the closing on my new house and before I moved, an accessor rung my front doorbell and said they needed to look around. Hell there was still construction stuff laying around. Don't you wish all of the other gov offices were as efficient and diligent. Sorry for the rant, boys, sometimes I just feel like throwing in the damn towel.
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Junior Day No. 2 Visitors List (UPDATE: SAT 12:01p)

Abe Anderson[/B]
Austin Anderson - Sunday

Jack Anderson [/B]- 2017 (OU Offer)
[/B]Riley Anderson - Sunday
Chris Brown[/B]
Jermani Brown - 2017
Terrell Bynum - 2017
Jordan Carmouche[/B]
Isaiah Chambers[/B] (OU Offer)
[/B]Augie Debiase[/B]
Jean Delance[/B] (OU Commit) [/B]
Tren'Davian Dickson[/B] (OU Offer)
[/B]Marquel Dismuke
[/B]Hunter Donnelly
Will Farrar
Benjie Franklin[/B] (OU Offer)
[/B]Rowdy Frederick
Chandler Garrett[/B]
Tristan Gebbia
Darrion Green[/B] - 2017
Isaiah Hayes
Darnay Holmes - 2017
Dontavious Jackson[/B] (OU Offer)
[/B]Pernell Jefferson (OU Offer)
Keyshawn Johnson Jr. - 2017
Jake Koenig [/B]
Tyler Lytle - 2017
Carter Nelson[/B]
Michael Pittman
Nick Starkel
Chanse Sylvie (OU Offer)
Khalil Tate
Jacob Todora
Tracin Wallace - 2017
Tylan Wallace - 2017
Andraez Williams (OU Offer)
Michael Williams (OU Offer)
Rodarius Williams (OU Offer)

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FREE STORY: The Signing Day Preview

Oklahoma's few remaining targets are among the top players on their board, how will they fare? Get the breakdown of just what the Sooners recruiting is going to look like rolling into the big day.

I know that following Oklahoma's recruiting can be tough for those not members, so here is a breakdown we always do that people tend to like. It's a breakdown of all the guys we know that Oklahoma is still in on and all that is happening with them. - FREE STORY

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Message Board Guidelines

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The above are SoonerScoop-specific and haven't changed in many years. There are also rules that apply to every forum, including this one. They are posted here so that all of the rules can be found in one place. The official link is here:

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1. No profanity, racist or sexist comments. This includes using abbreviations or changing one letter of a swear word such that the word(s) are still interpreted by most as profane.

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6. No flaming: If a poster come onto the board with the intent only to flame, and continues to post nothing but flames or engages in no substantive discussion, the poster's posts will be deleted and the poster will be banned at the monitor's discretion.

7. No attacks on players or coaches. Criticism is allowed, and encouraged if the shoe fits. But that does NOT mean you have free range to bash or alienate a player or coach with your comments. If you disagree with how they played or the effort they put forward, please voice your opinion and state why you hold that opinion. If it's something you would not say to their faces, then don't post it.

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To the vast majority of fans who read this site and already function within this rule set, thank you very much for your adult candor and responsible posting.

This post was edited on 3/16 5:36 AM by Section22Sooner
