It has been about 10 years since I have had the pleasure to attend an OU game at Memorial Stadium. Have a few questions if you don’t mind. Thank you for any advice\suggestions!
1. Parking: Any good recommendations on where to park? I don’t need to be super close. Looking for something a little more formal than the dude turning his yard into a parking lot for the day
. Ideally within at least .5 miles or so. I don’t want to have to rely on a shuttle. I hear those can take FOREVER.
2. How early to arrive? I’m not really a tail gating guy. But thought about getting there about 2 hours ahead of the game. Give me plenty of time to park and get to my seat. Curious if you guys would suggest more time because of potential traffic.
3. Any other tips to help enjoy the game or have a good experience?
Excited to be able to attend the game. Win or lose, it just feels like a historic game with so many story lines. Here is to the Sooners pulling out some Sooner Magic.