Let's look at this with a bit of logic ... something in short supply with some of you.
George Bush invaded a Muslim country that did nothing to us (not a single 9-11 assassin was from Iraq). "Crusaders" invading their lands riled up the Middle East. This ultimately led to the so-called Arab Spring, where most of the dictators who kept their thumbs on the various religious nuts were overthrown, with our help in several instances. Now look at the damn mess in that part of the world ... total chaos. And WE were the instigators! Thanks, Bush and Chaney, you freaking morons.
Now look at America since 9-11: There are 6 million Muslims in America. There has not been a single successful attack by Muslim wing nuts directly conn
Now comes the California attack. Again, those two murderous twits were self-motivated (one was actually born here) and had no direct connection to any Muslim country. Yeah, the female killer lived over there most of her life, but she was not a part of any terrorist organization like Al Qaeda or ISIS, as far as the FBI can tell.
So all you gun freaks--most of whom would shit their pants and hide if they encountered actual "terrorists" shooting live ammo at them--should just relax and stop with the fake bravado. If you haven't been in the m
Jeez, you think maybe we should be more concerned with right-wing Christian fundamentalists Than Muslim fundamentalists? They've done infinitely more damage than Muslims so far, and I suspect they will do a whole lot more in the future.
The true evil of our times is religion, in whatever form it takes.
Wrong. The true evil of our times are people who lie, spread falsehoods, and otherwise obscure the truth. Next worse are those who understand the truth but do nothing to prevent the spread of evil.
Everything you wrote, virtually every sentence, is incorrect. No direct ties? She was born in Saudi Arabia and lived in Pakistan.That's direct. The Boston brothers can't be Muslim because they were born in Chechnya? Lol, Chechnya is almost entirely Muslim.
Here is the real truth:
Liberals are a Societal Wrecking Crew.
Ever notice how Liberals hate all traditional unifying factors of western culture, whether family, church and national patriotism? Or how Government and Media are embraced by these same Liberals as a blunt force instrument to achieve their goals against our society?
For Family, they oppose it with the forces of Feminism and the Gay Movement among others, like expanded abortions, creation of a welfare state, etc.
For Church, they oppose it with their Mass Migration initiative of foreign religions and can then impose tolerance and retreat of our founding values and traditions.
For National Patriotism, these anti-Americans seek to destroy borders and culture by not enforcing laws, entering with ever larger trade pacts and globalist organizations, and programs that encourage illegalities by rewarding them
Guns, are a huge target of the Liberals, because they know an unarmed populous is a compliant populous. Their divisive policies create the conditions of violence, either directly (Fast and Furious) or indirectly (broken families). The law abiding citizen is not the root cause of gun violence - liberal policies are.
America needs Liberal-control....as well as control of apologists who seek to obscure the truth being learned by the masses.