Let's look at this with a bit of logic ... something in short supply with some of you.
George Bush invaded a Muslim country that did nothing to us (not a single 9-11 assassin was from Iraq). "Crusaders" invading their lands riled up the Middle East. This ultimately led to the so-called Arab Spring, where most of the dictators who kept their thumbs on the various religious nuts were overthrown, with our help in several instances. Now look at the damn mess in that part of the world ... total chaos. And WE were the instigators! Thanks, Bush and Chaney, you freaking morons.
Now look at America since 9-11: There are 6 million Muslims in America. There has not been a single successful attack by Muslim wing nuts directly connected to the Middle East. The Boston bombers were from Chechen, not even a Middle East country (though the brothers claimed they were Muslim). Several other small attacks theoretically encouraged by Muslim countries, or terrorists there, were either thwarted or were incompetent and unsuccessful here.
Now comes the California attack. Again, those two murderous twits were self-motivated (one was actually born here) and had no direct connection to any Muslim country. Yeah, the female killer lived over there most of her life, but she was not a part of any terrorist organization like Al Qaeda or ISIS, as far as the FBI can tell.
So all you gun freaks--most of whom would shit their pants and hide if they encountered actual "terrorists" shooting live ammo at them--should just relax and stop with the fake bravado. If you haven't been in the military or police and are actually trained to encounter such shit, you will be worthless if confronted with it.
So stop trying to rile up a potential 6 million people who have kept the peace and want to live the so-called American dream in this country. They are part of us and want basically the same things we want, including freedom to practice their version of that great fairy tale known as religion.
So let them!
Stop labeling them and ostracizing them and pissing them off and threatening them. What the hell have they done to you? Nada.
Yeah, there will be more of these "lone wolf" attacks by people who practice the Muslim religion. Just as there will be more Christian attacks. The California nuts are kinda like the psycho who killed and wounded people in Colorado recently--a good ole Bible-thumping Christian. Or Timothy McVeigh, another Christian boy. Or the crackpot Christian at Sandy Hook. Or the nice Christian boys who shot up Columbine. Or ... on and on and on.
Jeez, you think maybe we should be more concerned with right-wing Christian fundamentalists Than Muslim fundamentalists? They've done infinitely more damage than Muslims so far, and I suspect they will do a whole lot more in the future.
The true evil of our times is religion, in whatever form it takes.