Urban Meyer's new dilemma: J.T. Barrett arrested for DUI.


Sooner starter
Oct 20, 2002
Plano, TX
Actually they call it something else in Ohio, but it's the same deal. It happened overnight apparently. This could only happen before an open date Saturday, because otherwise, he'd be in a hotel with his teammates and no accessible vehicle.

Urban must be thinking about why he didn't take that NFL job.

There are dripping ironies in all this, including Barrett's getting their qb job because of his leadership skills, and Urban using this open date to promote a new book he's written about what it takes to be a great leader. You can't make this stuff up.
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College athletes drink beer and/or smoke pot. Not all but too many. It's true for every D1 school. The coaches only do something about it when they get caught. Only a small percentage get caught. Like a lot of fans, including myself, most players get away with driving after having more than the legal limit. I've been very lucky and realize it, so I quit taking that chance several years ago. This kids may learn one day as well, but probably not until they get caught or years in the future. So the coach is going to punish Barrett for getting caught essentially. He will miss the Minnesota game for sure.
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Bama I don't think college athletes are more likely to drink beer anymore than the general student population. Some do but many don't. Actually, as athletes, many want to try to keep their minds and bodies in tip top shape which shouldn't include pot or alcohol.
Bama I don't think college athletes are more likely to drink beer anymore than the general student population. Some do but many don't. Actually, as athletes, many want to try to keep their minds and bodies in tip top shape which shouldn't include pot or alcohol.

I bet that if Bob had to give his team a die detector test before every game asking if they have had alcohol or pot since the last game, he would crap. I actually think pot is a bigger problem than alcohol in terms of usage in college sports. Only because I heard and read about it many times. I thought it was general knowledge. But maybe you're right, BW. I hope so.
A spokesman for tOSU said that Barrett will be required to miss the Minnesota game, but after that, it's up to Coach Meyer. I wonder if there might be some political pressure from those who aren't Ohio State football fans, to increase the penalty.

I don't think a kid ought to be penalized too severely for driving with such barely over the limit impairment. If this were an OU kid, most here would be loud about what college kids do. We've had some pretty good kids who were quarterbacks be cited for DUI, though I don't believe it ever happened during the season. At least not that we knew about.

In this situation, I don't believe there is a decision that any coach could make, that wouldn't bring on considerable criticism.
I bet that if Bob had to give his team a die detector test before every game asking if they have had alcohol or pot since the last game, he would crap. I actually think pot is a bigger problem than alcohol in terms of usage in college sports. Only because I heard and read about it many times. I thought it was general knowledge. But maybe you're right, BW. I hope so.
Well I don't doubt that pot is becoming a bigger issue not only in sports but with many people. Don't college teams give random drug tests? I thought they did but maybe I'm wrong.
Well I don't doubt that pot is becoming a bigger issue not only in sports but with many people. Don't college teams give random drug tests? I thought they did but maybe I'm wrong.

Good question, BW. If so, I would think it would have to be across the entire team.
I'm not sure of the details. I know that all of the NCAA championship events, like the NCAA basketball tournament, has drug testing. Not sure if that is random, or everybody. There is also random drug testing on campuses.

I don't know, but I believe that if there's been a previous positive test, you are then subject to more individual regular testing.

I don't think you lose any eligibility for rec drugs, but you can for ped's. This video is from the official NCAA site. It still leaves the details of who and how often up in the air. But it even tells how you go about being tested and warns that if you're late, it could be considered the same as a positive test.

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A spokesman for tOSU said that Barrett will be required to miss the Minnesota game, but after that, it's up to Coach Meyer. I wonder if there might be some political pressure from those who aren't Ohio State football fans, to increase the penalty.

I don't think a kid ought to be penalized too severely for driving with such barely over the limit impairment. If this were an OU kid, most here would be loud about what college kids do. We've had some pretty good kids who were quarterbacks be cited for DUI, though I don't believe it ever happened during the season. At least not that we knew about.

In this situation, I don't believe there is a decision that any coach could make, that wouldn't bring on considerable criticism.
I drink, but don't drive. He is putting other people in danger and could kill someone else. Still needs to be punished maybe that will get a message in his brain.
Arrests were rampant in Gainesville under Urban Meyer
Posted by Mike Florio on July 6, 2013, 8:07 PM EDT

Bob Stoops has a lot more integrity and trust.
I drink, but don't drive. He is putting other people in danger and could kill someone else. Still needs to be punished maybe that will get a message in his brain.

He will be punished. We do have something called due process. And again, while I'm maybe the most conservative guy you've traded messages with recently, I do get the concept that we punish based on what's proven.

I went 40 years without drinking at all, but in the last two years, as a guy nearing 65, I've started drinking a glass or red wine a couple of nights a week for heart health. But only in my house, because of what you're referencing.

The story about all this has a little smell to it. And the complaints here would be long and large if this happened to an OU quarterback. From the story, it seems Barrett was not seen driving eraticly. He was driving near campus and went through a place where they were checking everybody. So somebody set up a driver's check next to the Ohio State campus on a Friday night? And stopped this big black kid who blew a little over the .08. Hmmm.

It sounds a lot like the circumstances when Paul Thompson got the same citation driving less than a mile from a fraternity party.

I don't much care for Ohio State. Never have. I don't much care for Urban Meyer. Can't remember when I did. But I hate to see a kid screw up like this and then be penalized excessively for it. He should get a penalty. It remains to be seen how much.
I don't think a kid ought to be penalized too severely for driving with such barely over the limit impairment.

So now you're in favor of a tiered DUI penalty system?? Tell me, what's the tipping point for moving to a more severe penalty?? One game for .15 or less; 2 games for .16 - .20; etc?? Seriously?? DUI is DUI IS DUI, whether it's .10 or .24. And as a poster with a relative confined to a life in a wheelchair, thanks to the drunk driver blowing a .18, forgive me if I see a much larger difference in something you consider "barely over the limit".
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So now you're in favor of a tiered DUI penalty system?? Tell me, what's the tipping point for moving to a more severe penalty?? One game for .15 or less; 2 games for .16 - .20; etc?? Seriously?? DUI is DUI IS DUI, whether it's .10 or .24. And as a poster with a relative confined to a life in a wheelchair, thanks to the drunk driver blowing a .18, forgive me if I see a much larger difference in something you consider "barely over the limit".
Well said dave. Tired of people making excuses for people who drink and drive.
Well let's see. If he blew .069, then he did nothing wrong. I think part of the equation ought to be impact. If he wrecks, then that is a different tier. if he injures, that's definitely a different tier.

I'm saying this as somebody who doesn't drink and drive at all, and never have. So it's not like I'm trying to justify my own behavior, Dave.
I wish they'd quit changing the name...can't keep up with the PC bull shit.

I grew up with DWI...driving while intoxicated.
Then it went to DUI, driving under the influence. (I suppose that was to include the drugs)

Now they've got OMVWI? Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.
We're almost back to DWI for Christs sake!

I'd like to take a bunch of PC advocates and shoot at their feet and make them dance a jig. :rolleyes:
Well let's see. If he blew .069, then he did nothing wrong. I think part of the equation ought to be impact. If he wrecks, then that is a different tier. if he injures, that's definitely a different tier. I'm saying this as somebody who doesn't drink and drive at all, and never have. So it's not like I'm trying to justify my own behavior, Dave.

Plaino, I'm not trying to bust your chops as if it's something personal towards you, and maybe I didn't phrase it the best way. My overall point is, I just think the idea there should be some kind of DUI punishment more severe than another is hogwash. If he's over the limit, he's over the limit, whether you or I consider the overage significant or not, and I certainly don't think this is a subject where we approach non-legal (i.e. sports, work, etc.) punishment with some kind of arbitrary significance test.
I wish they'd quit changing the name...can't keep up with the PC bull shit.

I grew up with DWI...driving while intoxicated.
Then it went to DUI, driving under the influence. (I suppose that was to include the drugs)

Now they've got OMVWI? Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.
We're almost back to DWI for Christs sake!

I'd like to take a bunch of PC advocates and shoot at their feet and make them dance a jig. :rolleyes:


It is still DWI in Texas, they just added language to cover the possibility of substances other than alcohol. In my experience the name varies from state to state and that is not even getting into possible enhancements. I forgot to add I am not trying to talk down to you or correct you just giving some info.
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No dilemma a one game suspension and the court punishment if any. He isn't in the NFL, where you get double punishment or punishment for nothing.