Part of the problem I see with Sports Fans today is the fact they don't care what you did last year, the year before, 10, 20, 30 yrs ago or more. Tradition means nothing to them and that goes for not only fans of a particular school but mostly for fans of opposing schools. There is very little Respect given to Programs these days that were making their bones building a Program over decades way before most of these fans were born and most of these young people today are not really fans of any particular School or NFL team, they wait on who wins a Title and then run out to buy the Teams Gear after the fact, lather, rinse, repeat every year. Instant fans of a Championship
Team they have never supported in their lives. This is a trend I saw that started back in the early 90's, some would call them Bandwagon Fans. They disregard History and Tradition and will say for example, "yeah (insert any School name here) they won a lot of titles years ago, but nobody remembers or cares, what has your School won lately?" You will usually hear this from fans of Programs that have just found success or most times have never won anything of importance.