Toby Keith

Yeah, I wonder what is up with him. Rawlings probably a real Dick. Has anyone eaten at Rawlings restaurant?
I won't. I know him from 20-25 years ago. I know I'm a Prick, haha, but he is a supreme Dickhead of the most ultimate sort. Don't get me wrong, Dick Rawlings works his ass off. His success wasn't handed to him, I just don't like his personality. He's always been that way...
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I won't. I know him from 20-25 years ago. I know I'm a Prick, haha, but he is a supreme Dickhead of the most ultimate sort. Don't get me wrong, Dick Rawlings works his ass off. His success wasn't handed to him, I just don't like his personality. He's always been that way...
Yeah, I am sure he has gotten worse. I watch the show, just to see the cars. It used to be more entertaining. Glad you let me know he is a prick, figured as much.
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Yeah, I am sure he has gotten worse. I watch the show, just to see the cars. It used to be more entertaining. Glad you let me know he is a prick, figured as much.
I used to work off of Harry Hines in the 90's for a guy who did all kinds of retro mods. Dick came by several times. He flipped cars back then, just not like he does now. He has a great setup now, and could sit and count his money for the rest of his life and not lift a finger. My hat's off to him, he has done really well...
Unfortunately, we will ALL remember this Friday, January 20th, 2017 as it could be a day in which violence will occur and a day that will be a stain on this country's history. I'm concerned about the physical welfare of those people attending the inauguration.
It bothers me that no Democrat has stepped up to plead for civility....and even worse, it seems to me as if many or most Democrats WANT violence and disruption to overshadow this inauguration.
I do not dispute the right of free speech and protest. But there are ways to present it outside of mob behavior.
And what virtually every Trump hater doesn't seem to realize is that Trump never would have been elected had there not been such an overwhelming distrust and dislike for career bureaucratic demagogues like the Clintons and almost every other politician, Republican or Democrat.
Hillary is a shameless mercenary whose political ideology wavers and changes according to how the winds of politics blow. She successfully sold her phony message to the liberal "meccas" of the West Coast, New England, Chicago and New York, but her baggage ultimately doomed her quest to be queen.....and it seems that the people in the "fly-over states" were the only ones who recognized her for what she is.
What is likely to happen on Friday will be just one more example of how this country is losing its greatness.

F the crappy crats, I am tied of there lame ass excuses why they got beat. Obozo had 8 years to do something and he FAILED, it's time for a change!!
Yeah, I wonder what is up with him. Rawlings probably a real Dick. Has anyone eaten at Rawlings restaurant?

I've been there once. Just a typical tourist trap, but supposedly lots of live outdoor music. I didn't go on a live music night.

I read that Aaron is most likely a little miffed that Rawlings made a lot of money by spinning off the brand into different ventures - tequila, the restaurant, and the merchandise. Aaron's only income has been from the shop and Discovery Channel, yet he was pretty much as much of the show's success as Rawlings.... or at least some portion more than 0%.
I've been there once. Just a typical tourist trap, but supposedly lots of live outdoor music. I didn't go on a live music night.

I read that Aaron is most likely a little miffed that Rawlings made a lot of money by spinning off the brand into different ventures - tequila, the restaurant, and the merchandise. Aaron's only income has been from the shop and Discovery Channel, yet he was pretty much as much of the show's success as Rawlings.... or at least some portion more than 0%.
Rawlings estimated worth sits around $15m and Kaufman has around $3.5m from what I've read...
Unfortunately, we will ALL remember this Friday, January 20th, 2017 as it could be a day in which violence will occur and a day that will be a stain on this country's history. I'm concerned about the physical welfare of those people attending the inauguration.
It bothers me that no Democrat has stepped up to plead for civility....and even worse, it seems to me as if many or most Democrats WANT violence and disruption to overshadow this inauguration.
I do not dispute the right of free speech and protest. But there are ways to present it outside of mob behavior.
And what virtually every Trump hater doesn't seem to realize is that Trump never would have been elected had there not been such an overwhelming distrust and dislike for career bureaucratic demagogues like the Clintons and almost every other politician, Republican or Democrat.
Hillary is a shameless mercenary whose political ideology wavers and changes according to how the winds of politics blow. She successfully sold her phony message to the liberal "meccas" of the West Coast, New England, Chicago and New York, but her baggage ultimately doomed her quest to be queen.....and it seems that the people in the "fly-over states" were the only ones who recognized her for what she is.
What is likely to happen on Friday will be just one more example of how this country is losing its greatness.
I could not have said it better.
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I say let's get the party started. There is going to be either be a time when the country splits apart or there is another civil war. I'm ready for either outcome. Let's get it over with already...there is no going back after the divide that's been created.
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You sir are very wrong. Revert back and review what happened in November 8th WS

If you are referring to the general elections that would be the day that the citizens of the USA elected Donald J. Trump the 45th POTUS. He wasn't my choice but that's how America works. Now chew on it as many Americans do each election season when their candidate is defeated in which HRC was. Nothing can change that.
I say let's get the party started. There is going to be either be a time when the country splits apart or there is another civil war. I'm ready for either outcome. Let's get it over with already...there is no going back after the divide that's been created.
You Sir are a DUMBASS!!!
You Sir are a DUMBASS!!!

Oh no...this hurt my feelings and I may be offended. Maybe Hervsta can offer a safe space with cookies and puppies?

I didn't create this divide, I only live in it. Either way, you can't have rational discourse anymore with either side. I really don't think there is any going back now and that was my point. The political parties and special interest groups are manipulating everyone to create this divide and if people are too stupid to see it then the only outcome will be civil war at some point or the breakup of the country into regionally aligned smaller countries. Of course that's my opinion and I'm prepared for either.
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Oh no...this hurt my feelings and I may be offended. Maybe Hervsta can offer a safe space with cookies and puppies?

I didn't create this divide, I only live in it. Either way, you can't have rational discourse anymore with either side. I really don't think there is any going back now and that was my point. The political parties and special interest groups are manipulating everyone to create this divide and if people are too stupid to see it then the only outcome will be civil war at some point or the breakup of the country into regionally aligned smaller countries. Of course that's my opinion and I'm prepared for either.
This divide was created when one race thought that they were better than others, so all this special interest group stuff does not fly, you sir are just one of those gun owning war mongering billies that has been waiting for his chance to kill. You just needed someone with your same thoughts to come along and get it started however, dont believe the hype, Tramp got you juiced! :D
Every race had ambitions of world dominance. That's human nature. Survival of the family.
The book and movie, "Guns, Germs and Steel," is an excellent piece that explains why Europeans were the most successful.
This divide was created when one race thought that they were better than others, so all this special interest group stuff does not fly, you sir are just one of those gun owning war mongering billies that has been waiting for his chance to kill. You just needed someone with your same thoughts to come along and get it started however, dont believe the hype, Tramp got you juiced! :D

You really know me pretty well. I'm sure we've met at least 20 times already and you've seen how hateful I am. You know you people who are supposed to be so tolerant are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Tolerance only exists when someone agrees with you.

I've had all the chances to kill people that I ever wanted to have during my several tours in combat zones. I don't find it a pleasurable action...but if it has to be done to protect myself, my family or those I care about then problem.

For the record, I couldn't care less about Trump. I was never a fan of his, but I love how much he's got you all so crazy. He plays your game better than your side does and he doesn't take crap like all the other establishment republicans do (Hellllooooo Paul Ryan).

And keep going with all the racial stuff. It's so tired now that no one actually cares when you wave that flag in everyone's face, but if it makes you feel good...keep doing it. All you all do when you use that as an excuse for everything is minimize real racism.

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