Think about this!


Sooner signee
Jun 30, 2001
Another 2000 year success?
Here are some likenesses between the 2000 championship team and this one:
1- started at #19 in the first poll
2- had a transferred QB lead the team
3- had a great RB
4- had a near-miss at aTm just like we had with TCU
5- had OUr QB end up second for the Heisman with the winner (Weinke at FSU) playing for the team we would be playing
6- played that team and WON for the MNC

*If the Bama RB wins the Heisman and we play Bama for the playoffs to the NC, that would be so ironic!
One more thing. It was #10 Torrance Marshall that had the pick against aTm to save that game in 2000. It wasPRker who batted down the TCU 2-point try to save the game in 2015. What number does he wear? #10!!!!
We had a badass basketball team both years as well. I think we made the Final 4 in 2000-2001.

Najera, Jabahri, Ere, Price, Quannis (sp?)