Good Job, Okla...
You said some things that needed to be said, and are appreciated...Thanks!
I AM defensive about those I admire, respect, and care for. If it's someone from the past, or the present, on OUr Board, or off, if you are my Friend, I have your back.
I am not naïve and am very well aware that Bud, Barry, JFK, and on and on had/have weaknesses and imperfections...Don't we all? My disappointment was stirred when the poster refused to acknowledge that he had no Facts to support his comments and quoted, and misquoted his source. My rebuttal to him was as much a defense of Harold Keith, as it was of Bud. If Bud had circled 'Owen Field' naked, with a Hottie on each arm, Mr. Keith would NOT have put it in his book, the very Factual
47 Straight.
Jim Dent's book was a POS, IMO, as well as in the opinion of anyone I ever heard of, or read about, and there were many. There was a huge Brouhaha when the book was released and people were very public about their dislike of it, and very open in calling the author a liar. Several of the stories were Pulp Fiction which were disproved, and pleas were offered asking the general public to refrain from buying the book. The Players and 'Friends of the Sooners' were livid, and verbal. It created a stink that took a long time to lessen, and has never gone away. Barry made an
Anti-Dent Speech and apologized for lending his name to the book, in writing the forward. He commented that if he had bothered to read it, he'd never have done so.
There are those who thrive on that sort of thing. They accept the printed word as gospel and eagerly repeat it, as such...By making others look weak, they attempt to make themselves look better. The most frustrating part of my challenge to MD was that he never even 'got it'.
Thanks for the words of support and understanding from those of you who
I don't need the link, the page number, or the quotes. I've read the books, both of 'em...More importantly, I've Lived the Life...
Let's get on with the Business at Hand...
We have Ball GameS to Win! BOOMER!!