Softball turning point?


OU scholarship offer
Feb 11, 2008
We lost two seniors, the right and left fielder. They were stable throughout the year. They really weren't the driving force during the playoff run. But, it has been difficult to replace them. We had Hatfield and Rogers back, both reserves. We had freshmen that we anticipated would be pretty good: Taukeiaho and Dalton. Dalton had just begun to make a move when she disappeared for personal reasons (is due back). We kept plugging in Rogers, Taukeiaho (also injured), Hatfield, and Dalton. But, we really weren't getting reliable results. Hatfield seems to have become steady, if not spectacular. But, the past fourteen games have been witness to the emergence of a potential star.

AB 48
Hits 24
BA 500
2B 5
3B 4
HR 2
RBI 10
R 17

That is a great fourteen-game stretch, and she now leads the team in hitting at 454. In three games this weekend, she has been 6 of 12, 2 doubles, a triple, two home runs, 4 RBIs, and 4 runs.

Oh. Incidentally, she was also the starting pitcher in the UAB game and struck our the side in the first.

The other question we had concerned finding a #2 at pitcher. It looks like we are at least three deep with Paige, Paige, and Maria Lopez. Nicole Mendes? Really? Parker has most of our losses. But, she has faced most of our tough opponents.
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I still wouldn't get too excited just yet. We have a deeper pitching staff this year, but Parker isn't the same pitcher she was a year ago. Still not sure if it's because she was overworked last year, or underworked so far this year. She has, this weekend, started to looked a little lighter, which has to be good for her health, and knee issues, but sometimes you wonder if it could be counter productive for her pitching. She gave up a homer in game two in four innings of work. He strike out total today was high, but I can remember the last time she pitched in four innings of a game without allowing a home run.

Lowary shows signs of maybe getting it, but then she has these long stretches where throwing strikes seems like a long stretch.

I love Mendes, especially her speed. But her defensive coverage needs some work. The homer that Lowary gave up in inning one of game one, went off the webbing of Mendes' glove, because she coasted back to the fence, rather than sprinting back to find the fence, and then finding the ball. In fairness it was a really windy day, and that makes flight judgement a challenge.

She is hitting .500 the last two weeks plus a couple of days, but that's been fattened up considerably against the weakest teams we play. She hasn't proved it yet, against the best pitching we face. I get that nobody else went five for five against the people that she did, but the whole offense is a problem. We'd barely have scored last night against Mississippi State, if they hadn't committed four errors, mostly on routine plays.

LaTech isn't horrible, and they made a couple of plays. But they brought in a junk thrower in the fourth at bat of the game, and we got only one run against her in five innings plus, and that came because the umps missed a call in OUr favor.

Parker keeps giving up homers to girls that don't hit many. 17 now for the season I think, and we haven't even started playing conference teams yet. The good news for her, is I think she was on three times today. Twice for sure. The bad news is that when she's on base, she is really slow and clogs up the bases. Mendes took care of that in game two today, when Paige got on with two outs and Mendes hit it out.

UAB is 11-19 with a schedule that includes only three Power 5 teams with a winning record. They did play Bama tight. We'll make that four Sunday. Beating somebody like that is good for player development, but it doesn't show much of anything good.

I heard one interesting tidbit today. Apparently UDub who beat us early in the season, no - hit Arizona yesterday. Arizona also beat us. Both are ranked ahead of us. Saturday, Arizona run ruled Washington after 14 batter hit in the first. I guess the Huskies changed pitchers.

We've been talking about how important it is to be in the top eight, which is more and more likely as the season progresses. Right now, being in the top 16 isn't a given.

Oh, BTW, Saturday, OSU beat Texas 2-1 in Stillwater, on a two run homer, which was their only hit. It hit the top of the fence and bounced over. If the Cowgirls win Sunday, it will be the first time they've swept Texas in a weekend series, ever.

And Baylor split a double header in Lawrence, losing game two 6-4 in ten innings after winning game one 6-1. So the SOS points we were hoping to get in games against Baylor and UT took a little hit so far this weekend.
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At this point, Paige has allowed 15 home runs. In each of the two previous seasons, she had allowed 21 for the entire year. So, she is up on home runs allowed. Yet, her ERA isn't much different: 1.65, 1.64, 1.77. To be on track with previous years, she should have allowed only 8.21 rather than 15. So, why isn't this reflected in the ERA? Well, according to control, she should have walked 25..6 people this year instead of only 17. She should have hit 3.91 batters instead of only one. Thus, her control has been better. She should also have allowed 68.04 hits instead of 66. She should have allowed 11.73 doubles instead of five. Last year, she had allowed 273 total bases. This year, 116. Should be 106. There just isn't that much difference. A part of it is that Paige was only "super-Paige" during the 31-game streak that included the playoffs. This year, she is getting the start in the tough games, for the most part. There just isn't much difference in Paige.

The rpi is really strange. I don't think it is likely to remain anywhere near what it is. Washington is #1!! They just lost two straight to Arizona. Alabama #2---really? I would have believed Oregon, Florida, or Florida State. But, Bama lost two of three to Louisiana-Lafayette, the only ranked team they have played, and was run-ruled in one of them. They just lost to Mississippi State. I can't see them in the top twenty right now. A&M just lost to Missouri. Florida beat Auburn. Auburn is good. Minnesota has had three games against a ranked team, and lost two (to Washington). Oregon may be very good. But, their schedule is probably the softest of anyone in the top twenty, including James Madison. We have to see what they'll do against teams like Washington and Arizona.

I don't know that I think we are in the top eight right now. But, we have played a schedule. Some haven't. Given the records of some of these, I wouldn't fret playing them at their house in the regionals, unless the name begins with Florida.
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There is a tendency to look past certain opponents as though they were weaklings. Generally, it becomes interesting to see just how good some of these minor teams are.

Omaha isn't a winning team. Their road schedule doesn't help. But, they went to Stanford and Utah and came away with ins on their respective home fields, this being right after Utah had shut out Tennessee.

Tulsa may not be a world beater. But, they have beaten LSU, Arkansas, and California, all of whom are ranked. They also swept two from Kansas.

Beating Houston twice on their field may not seem like much. But, just when A&M thought they were the best in the nation, Houston beat them 1-0 in College Station.

Louisiana Tech is 20-11 against a mild schedule. But, they did beat a ranked South Carolina team in Austin.

I was concerned about Cal Poly (24-8) and they have moved into the top 25 after two wins over OU and one over Stanford. They have been in close games with UCLA, Oregon, and Minnesota. Nobody seems to score more than three runs against them.

Santa Barbara has a win over Missouri. Western Kentucky won at Mississippi State. Louisville took out Ohio State which is in the top 25 and swept Pitt who was in the top 25 at the time.

The worst team that we have played? How about the most overranked---Nebraska.
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Your defense of OU is noble, and might be even accurate, but there are few games left on the schedule that give much opportunity to move up. And I have no idea where that "should have allowed" stat comes from. So far this team has played closer to the out of the top 16, than in the top eight.

The defense is still excellent, but it doesn't help if the other team is drawing walks or hitting it over the fence. And the offense does almost nothing unless the other gals are kicking the ball around on defense.

We don't manufacture much against good pitching backed by good defense. At least so far. It would be great if Shay becomes Shay again. She shows signs when we play against the UAB's of the world, but not many of them will be in the NCAA tournament.

Generally speaking, when we face a good pitcher right now, more than a third of the batting order are routine outs every time through the lineup. The Cal Poly double losses are more telling than just the fact that we couldn't get anything going against a good pitcher. The whole lineup put the ball in the air or struck out in 80 to 90% of their at bats.

I believe this group has some smart ladies, and once the games start that include decent scouting reports, maybe we'll get it going a little better. I believe that the conference record last season was 17-1. I'll be shocked if that happens this year. Pleasantly, but .... I'm not sure 18-0 would get the Sooners back into the top eight.

Pretty sure you're the only person who doesn't think Paige P is struggling to be as good as she's been.
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I thought I was just citing facts, not making a case. I find that memories of past title teams are often clouded in an aura of mystic perfection rather than the reality of what really happened.
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OU 15 UAB 0
Lopez with the win. Olmos gets the save. UAB needs pitchers who can throw strikes. I think we had only nine hits. Walks, hit batsmen, bad decisions on where to throw ground balls-----gift-wrapped.
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OU 15 UAB 0
Lopez with the win. Olmos gets the save. UAB needs pitchers who can throw strikes. I think we had only nine hits. Walks, hit batsmen, bad decisions on where to throw ground balls-----gift-wrapped.

A couple of questions..

How does a reliever get a credited save when the score was so lopsided?

Does college softball have a ten run rule?

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A couple of questions..

How does a reliever get a credited save when the score was so lopsided?


They don't usually. In baseball, they can give you a save if you pitch the last three innings. I don't know if maybe it's two in softball, but they get pretty generous in awarding softball stats.

The run rule is eight runs after five innings, or 4 1/2 if the home team is up eight or more. But today, there was this tightness to her getting that last out. Most games take less than two hours, but with OU scoring so much, they started the top of the fourth with three half inning left to play and less than 15 minutes to do it. UAB had some flight scheduled and it was agreed in advance that the game would end no later than 1:00, which was why they started so early on a Sunday morning, 11 a.m.

The final out came with under 60 seconds left. If they'd gone over, and UAB had left at exactly 1 p.m. then the win wouldn't have counted and I suspect, neither would the stats. OU quit throwing the ball around the infield after outs by the third, trying to get in under the time limit.

BTW, OSU swept Texas in a three game conference series for the first time ever with a major comeback Sunday. They were down 8-3 into the seventh, cut it to 8-6 with two outs and one on, and their confused PBP man saying they had the winning run a the plate. Their freshman pinch hitter went yard to tie it 8-8.

Then after the Horns went up 9-8 in T8, OSU scored two in B8 to win it on a bases loaded single with one out after they'd already tied the game at nine. This is the best OSU team I've seen. They're solid on defense with the exception of one outfielder, who still made the plays I saw, she just looked a little shaky doing it.

Texas just looks like a very poorly coached team. Breaks my heart.
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OU to the shock of everybody wins a National Championship last season with unknown youth after losing to graduation the greatest of all time Lauren Chamberlain and Pendley & others. Not a single person could have predicted National Championship results for this team with so many freshmen and the so many superstars we lost to graduation.
Shaye Knighten...Who? Sydney Romero ...Who?

This season we have had the bullseye on our chest and WE SNEAKED UP ON NOBODY LIKE LAST SEASON

The 2017 team has more talent & depth than last season's OU softball team and we still have Patti Gasso and I am certain as the season progresses we will AGAIN be in the National Championship hunt.

We are a very dangerous team with huge talent and our drive and dominence will reappear as will our great talent and confidence. .
Bull, I think that last year's team did a little overachieving. There were so many times last season, when clutch things happened. And of course, it takes great players to do that. But that bases loaded, inning-ending double play could also have been a two run single if it were a foot farther away. The home runs in the clutch by Romero and especially by Knighten, overshadowed more than once an overall inability against quality pitching.

The great thing about great defense is that it is close to a constant. And no matter how the regular season goes this year, OU will be a tough out in any level of the post season. But Paige number one has shown an annoying proclivity to surrender bad timing gopher balls. And Paige number two walks too many, and leaves her defense on their heals waiting for her to throw the damn ball in the strike zone.

There is no great defense for balls over the fence, or bases on balls.

This year may be slightly on the under-a side. Might even be a slight bit of complacency that will cost them seeding in the post season. And the home cooking that is part of the deal in softball, can cause a severe penalty if you play on the road attempting to get to the WCWS. And the committee in the past has seemed to want to penalize OU in the games leading up to OKC, because of a perceived advantage once you get there. The performance this season, has frustrated Coach Gasso more than a little.

This team has put itself into a position of needing to pretty much win out, just to have a chance at a top eight seeding. They did just that a year ago, but the odds aren't great of that being repeated. And even if they do, they'll need help from elsewhere.

I'll be very surprised if this group even makes it to OKC, much less repeats. The good news is, there are still a lot of games left to be played. But this group hasn't shown much ability to beat a quality team. They have a lot of improving to do, to make that happen.
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OU 3 Washington 10
OU 9 Michigan 16
OU 10 Minnesota 12
OU 5 Cal Fullerton 7

OU got beat up sometimes last year. We have been, at times, impotent. But, we are in games---one and two-run losses against good teams.

I agree that we were fortunate last year which provided an aura that we were better than we were. On the other hand, other teams didn't step up either.

I don't know what to expect. We may get Romero and Knighten back and healthy. Shay and Sydney were the two that weren't intimidated by good pitching. They did their job. This year, Shay just has no power and pops up a lot. Sydney is beginning to come around. If we get both back, and Mendes is the real deal, I could see another sprint to the title---or near it. I still remember the Giants sweeping the Indians who set a record.

At least, if we were to make it to the series, we would be so concerned if we had a seven-run lead. I think we could hold it and avoid a final game.
Paige Parker is just as good this season vs. last season. Her ERA shows this. Paige has gotten all of the starts vs. the good teams in 2017.
All of the pressure was on Paige last season and she will start to show her dominence.
She is not struggling at all. She is feeling less pressure because of OU improved pitching depth.

When we hit Big 12 play OU will be starting the run to the top 8. .There are a lot of games left. We will roll in the Big 12,

We have a great defense and Romaro has started hitting the long ball again & Shay will be next. Shay is now batting over 300. Mendes our lead off batter is developing into a super star.

I see us in the WCWS and who knows we could be seeing our back to back Nat. Championships.

Don't short change this team. We are dangerous. Our improved pitching depth vs last season will really help Paige P. in this long season.

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OU football is #1 for me, but Softball is my #2 Sooner sport team by a looong way, so I'm all in with Bull and Sybarite's hopeful thinking. Boomer!
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Bull, she has left more games she's started this year, before the game was over, than she did last year in a whole season. And she hasn't faced more quality teams in terms of innings than she did last season. Not close. Paige number two has done some of that, including the season opener against Auburn.
OU 3 Washington 10
OU 9 Michigan 16
OU 10 Minnesota 12
OU 5 Cal Fullerton 7

OU got beat up sometimes last year. We have been, at times, impotent. But, we are in games---one and two-run losses against good teams.

I agree that we were fortunate last year which provided an aura that we were better than we were. On the other hand, other teams didn't step up either.

I don't know what to expect. We may get Romero and Knighten back and healthy. Shay and Sydney were the two that weren't intimidated by good pitching. They did their job. This year, Shay just has no power and pops up a lot. Sydney is beginning to come around. If we get both back, and Mendes is the real deal, I could see another sprint to the title---or near it. I still remember the Giants sweeping the Indians who set a record.

At least, if we were to make it to the series, we would be so concerned if we had a seven-run lead. I think we could hold it and avoid a final game.
OU 3 Washington 10
OU 9 Michigan 16
OU 10 Minnesota 12
OU 5 Cal Fullerton 7

OU got beat up sometimes last year. We have been, at times, impotent. But, we are in games---one and two-run losses against good teams.

I agree that we were fortunate last year which provided an aura that we were better than we were. On the other hand, other teams didn't step up either.

I don't know what to expect. We may get Romero and Knighten back and healthy. Shay and Sydney were the two that weren't intimidated by good pitching. They did their job. This year, Shay just has no power and pops up a lot. Sydney is beginning to come around. If we get both back, and Mendes is the real deal, I could see another sprint to the title---or near it. I still remember the Giants sweeping the Indians who set a record.

At least, if we were to make it to the series, we would be so concerned if we had a seven-run lead. I think we could hold it and avoid a final game.

I think the big difference this year is the lack of quality wins. If we get to the WCWS, we'll be as good as anybody. If Knighten and Romero get to full speed. If Paige 1 stops giving up so many homers. If Paige 2 starts throwong strikes.

If we find a left handed bat that can challenge good pitching. Pendley seems to hit .390 against fodder, and .093 against the best opponents. Still a quality CF. Mendes is hopeful, but really untested.

The Regionals and Supers are a totally different task on the road. Strike zones change from when you're pitching, to when you're hitting. It's hard enough to hit good pitchers with a fair strike zone.

Can this group move up high enough to make the top 8 is huge. And it will likely take top 6 or 7 to make an 8 seed or better. If they can, then the Sooners have a great chance. But they haven't played close to that well, yet.

Two years ago, we were ranked 6th or 7th but seeded 11th. The committee tends to do that, to offset the perception that OKC is home field for us.
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