Mendes k's swinging.
Clifton K's looking.
Knighten grounds to second. heading to B1, no score.
B1 Surprise. Lowary starts in the circle.
Their best hitter leads off. Grounds to 2nd. 1 out.
Soft 20 foot grounder to Lowary. 2 outs
Grounder to Arnold at short retires the side.
No score after 1.
Clifton K's looking.
Knighten grounds to second. heading to B1, no score.
B1 Surprise. Lowary starts in the circle.
Their best hitter leads off. Grounds to 2nd. 1 out.
Soft 20 foot grounder to Lowary. 2 outs
Grounder to Arnold at short retires the side.
No score after 1.
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